Title: What's really important here? Post by: bsfins on March 07, 2008, 01:17:26 pm I have to admit, it kind of bothers me that there are so many people bothered by "My Post count",Yeah it kind of sucks we can't go back and say.."Well you said in this thread..." I don't look at someone's post and say..Well they don't know shit because they only have 5 posts....or 5,000 posts....
Yeah I feel sorry for some people that did have to reregister,but Fau did a great job recovering as much data as he did... Personally, I wouldn't care if we got rid of post counts..after you've got 5 stars that's it.... I mean Other than Tommy trying to be a postwhore..does your Post count really mean that much to you? If it does this is really a sad day..... Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: StL FinFan on March 07, 2008, 01:18:39 pm No, but I didn't like that "newbie" by my name.
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: SportsChick on March 07, 2008, 03:29:50 pm I thought the same thing STL! I was annoyed that it said newbie!
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Sunstroke on March 07, 2008, 03:34:37 pm Post counts are meaningless to me...my vote would be to do away with them entirely. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: stinkfish on March 07, 2008, 03:35:43 pm I know what you mean, B. But I'm kinda looking forward to my own 1000th post/half naked girls milestone thread. :)
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: JVides on March 07, 2008, 04:56:36 pm Nah, I don't care for the number. I'm bummed that some intelligent threads went bye bye!
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: MaineDolFan on March 07, 2008, 05:17:34 pm I'm fucking appalled that my post count has been lowered. I think that Dave, Fau, et el should be ASHAMED of themselves for allowing this to happen.
ASHAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually -- I'm with 'Stroke. Who gives a rat's ass? Toss "1" and newbie by my name, doesn't matter a shred to me. Thank you for Dave, Fau and everyone else for their hard work getting the site back and runnng. The one feature I do miss is the view last post icon, hoping that's coming back. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Fau Teixeira on March 07, 2008, 05:31:12 pm view last post icon ? .. i don't remember that .. is that the <new> picture ?
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: fyo on March 07, 2008, 06:17:12 pm view last post icon ? .. i don't remember that .. is that the <new> picture ? I'm guessing it is... sent you a pm on it earlier today... and I see it works again now. Great! Very useful. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Phishfan on March 07, 2008, 06:31:00 pm I personally enjoy anytime someone wants to have a milestone post with pictures of half naked women as well. As a matter of fact I propose we have a new thread every day just for looking at women.
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: StL FinFan on March 07, 2008, 07:10:30 pm ^ Aren't there already approximately 5,395,987 sites for that? ;)
Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: run_to_win on March 07, 2008, 10:35:00 pm ^ Aren't there already approximately 5,395,987 sites for that? ;) That's a shamefully low number for a nation of approximately 150,000,000 males. The 144,604,013 guys who haven't created a site honoring the beauty of the female form need to stop slacking!Regarding post count... A low post count only means that someone just found the site. It's zero reflection of his/her knowledge, experience, wisdom or position in life. On the other hand, a large post count in a short amount of time tends to indicate that someone is an administrator or needs to move out of his/her parents basement and get a life. Some might even surmise that people who spend the majority of their free time on one website simply may not be smart enough to do anything else. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: DZA on March 08, 2008, 12:53:36 am I have to admit, it kind of bothers me that there are so many people bothered by "My Post count",Yeah it kind of sucks we can't go back and say.."Well you said in this thread..." I don't look at someone's post and say..Well they don't know shit because they only have 5 posts....or 5,000 posts.... Yeah I feel sorry for some people that did have to reregister,but Fau did a great job recovering as much data as he did... Personally, I wouldn't care if we got rid of post counts..after you've got 5 stars that's it.... I mean Other than Tommy trying to be a postwhore..does your Post count really mean that much to you? Well yeah Post count mean something !! Thats why you have many Bitching about it. I know I am ;D Many people spent quite the time putting up Useful Information and also Useless crap. Sure its easy to say " Duhhhh move on " but look at all the fun some of us enjoyed in bashing Cameron, the cheating Patriots, and Giving praise to the NY Giants & Craig Camarillo for giving Miami a win. STuff like that most people like to go to and say hey " I posted that " ;D But you knew MANY, MANY, MANY people were going to bitch about their post count. ::) Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Philly Fin Fan on March 08, 2008, 01:16:02 am Apparently it means thw world to a lot of people. Case in point- I only put up like 3 posts today (due to travel), and one was commenting on someone's post count. Suddenly I now have negatives on the Karma meter thing. Looks like people get pissed for being called out on post counts.
For all I care, my post count could say zero and newbie, and it wouldn't matter to me. In fact, maybe I'll go ahead and retire this name, and start a new account. Dave- I'll PM you my new name, so you can add the mod duties to it. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Thundergod on March 08, 2008, 08:59:23 am The one feature I do miss is the view last post icon, hoping that's coming back. Me too. FAU, it was a little icon on the far right of the thread after the last person posted, when you clicked on it, it would go directly to the last post (newest) in the thread. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on March 08, 2008, 09:24:14 am I mean Other than Tommy trying to be a postwhore..does your Post count really mean that much to you? Honestly, it doesn't mean much to me. I just love fucking with Brian. Case in point- I only put up like 3 posts today (due to travel), and one was commenting on someone's post count. Suddenly I now have negatives on the Karma meter thing. Looks like people get pissed for being called out on post counts. Apparently they got rid of the karma meter. Thank heaven for that. Title: Re: What's really important here? Post by: Brian Fein on March 08, 2008, 12:51:41 pm I really don't care about post count. I just so happened to build up huge numbers because I surf the site 8-10 times a day during the course of having my ass parked in front of the computer all day at work. That said, I often read EVERY thread and about 30-40% of them compel me to reply to someone, and therefore building my count.
So, point being, the only value I see to post counts is the occasional "let's post a buncha half-naked chicks" thread. Other than that - banish away. For all I care, my post count could say zero and newbie, and it wouldn't matter to me. In fact, maybe I'll go ahead and retire this name, and start a new account. Dave- I'll PM you my new name, so you can add the mod duties to it. I understand you want to prove a point, and that's noble, but let's not get carried away. All Fau has to do is click a few buttons to take post counts away completely. |