Title: I hate "I'm not feeling well" Post by: jtex316 on April 12, 2008, 05:25:43 pm I hate the type of person who is ALWAYS sick. No matter what, they are always sick, not "feeling well", has a headache, or is always "tired". How in the hell are you still alive if you're always sick, feeling ill, or tired? What do you do, lay in bed all day?
Stop making excuses for being a fat lazy ass. If you got some exercise, you wouldn't be sick, tired, or feeling bad probably ever again, as exercise basically cures all that bullshit. Women are the worst at this shit - it's almost too convinient that every time someone has plans, they drive a steak right through the middle of them with their "I don't feel well" bullshit. What, bitch, WHAT? What about you doesn't "feel well"? Does your head hurt? Does your stomach hurt? Do you need to take a shit? WHAT? Lesson of the day: Stop bitching and go out and run. Title: Re: I hate "I'm not feeling well" Post by: StL FinFan on April 12, 2008, 05:36:20 pm Did someone piss in your Cheerios this morning? Just wondering. :o
Title: Re: I hate "I'm not feeling well" Post by: run_to_win on April 12, 2008, 07:05:38 pm Did someone piss in your Cheerios this morning? Just wondering. :o Is he acting differently than normal? >:DTitle: Re: I hate "I'm not feeling well" Post by: SportsChick on April 12, 2008, 10:26:44 pm Sometimes there's something going on that you just can't see Joe. Last week, I had next to no sleep because my ankle was bothering me so much. Took 3 days to get back into the docs office to get some painkillers and schedule surgery. I'm still not sleeping great, but at least it's better. So yeah, I'm tired