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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: jtex316 on April 12, 2008, 05:32:42 pm

Title: American Idol sucks
Post by: jtex316 on April 12, 2008, 05:32:42 pm
Unfortunately there isn't a "sucks" icon, so I had to use the "Thumbs Down" message icon for this post.

Seriously, American Idol blows. Any show or any contest that is decided by fan voting just sucks. The only person on that whole show who should be anywhere near a decision is Simon, who obviously knows his shit. The other two morons to his right are such idiots, and so is everyone with a cell-phone in America, apparently. YOU KNOW that the winner of this stupid contest is going to be the person who they can whore out the most, and not necessarily the most talented singer / musician. Video did really kill the radio star...but why do I give a F what someone looks like when I'm listening to my iPod? I don't care if it's Shrek and the Donkey themselves, if they make music that I like, then that's what I'm going to buy from the iTunes Store.

On a side note, that little 14-year old kid is a pussy. David Archuleta is his name I believe. What a nanny sissy-boy. And what the hell does a 14-year old know about making love and women and shit? He's FAR too young to have experienced anything other than playing spin-the-bottle, so he has no business singing about love and women. I mean, can you imagine if he rapped to a 50 cent song? What does that little punk know about getting shot and being in a gang? See what I mean?

Title: Re: American Idol sucks
Post by: Dave Gray on April 13, 2008, 04:09:21 am
It does kinda suck.  The vote-off shows are horrible.  There is a fruity dance number that makes my colon clench.

The show exists to create a recording star, who's going to sell records.  It's not terrible for doing that.  There are several people on there that can sell records.  Archuletta (who's 17, by the way) isn't going to be a musical genius, but he'll sell pop songs to girls that are his fanbase.

I think that David Cook could actually go somewhat mainstream, as well.

Title: Re: American Idol sucks
Post by: Brian Fein on April 13, 2008, 11:23:32 pm
i think its funny that more American Idol losers have made it big than winners.  Where the hell is that Fantasia chick?  And the grey-haired old man from last season? 

Title: Re: American Idol sucks
Post by: Dave Gray on April 14, 2008, 01:40:15 am
i think its funny that more American Idol losers have made it big than winners.

Statistically speaking, this is likely.  There is only 1 winner per year, but 23 losers.

Title: Re: American Idol sucks
Post by: Brian Fein on April 14, 2008, 08:36:39 am
Statistically speaking, this is likely.  There is only 1 winner per year, but 23 losers.
stop being such a nerd.  the point of having winners and losers is that the winners get a record deal and the losers don't.  This hasn't been the case, and its almost better to be a loser these days.

Title: Re: American Idol sucks
Post by: Dave Gray on April 14, 2008, 12:26:03 pm

That's not even true, though.

Every one of the winners has gotten a record deal.

The two most popular have been Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson.  I believe Jordan Sparks has also seen some success.

There are a few singers that didn't win that have seen success, but nothing like the two big winners.