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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: MaineDolFan on May 01, 2008, 08:24:27 am

Title: Movie review: Reign over Me (2007)
Post by: MaineDolFan on May 01, 2008, 08:24:27 am
Title:  Reign over me.  Genre:  Drama. 

Staring: Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett Smith, Liv Tyler, Donald Sutherland, Saffron Burrows...

Setting: New York City, post 9/11.

Cheadle's character is a dentist and he happens upon Sandler, his college roommate (of which he had lost contact with).  Sandler's family had been on one of the planes that crashed into the Towers on 9/11:  Three daughters, wife and even the family dog.

The premise of the movie is Cheadle trying to help Sandler.  I'm a little weirded out by the film using 9/11 as a launching point for Sandler's meltdown, I'm not sure why they couldn't have used something like a car crash.  They didn't focus all that much on 9/11 anyway.  It just seemed forced.  That said the movie has some strengths and I enjoyed it.  It was nice to see Sandler outside his normal "Little Nicky" comfort zone.  Cheadle's performace was typical Cheadle, he's a very strong actor anyway.  Liv Tyler's performance was take it or leave it, anyone could have played her role.  She is, however, nice to look at.

The sound track for this movie is really great.

The movie certainly pulls on your heart strings.  It's not the next great American drama and didn't win any awards, but Maine gives it a B- to a B.  Not a bad rainy day movie.

Title: Re: Movie review: Reign over Me (2007)
Post by: Buddhagirl on May 01, 2008, 09:03:17 am
I added this to my Netflix queue.  I just really like Don Cheadle. I think he's underrated sometimes.

Title: Re: Movie review: Reign over Me (2007)
Post by: Phishfan on May 01, 2008, 10:45:43 am
I almost watched this the other day. I have to give it a shot now.

Title: Re: Movie review: Reign over Me (2007)
Post by: TonyB0D on May 01, 2008, 02:36:59 pm
cheadle's best work was the NFL playoff commercials