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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Guru-In-Vegas on June 20, 2008, 03:41:40 am

Title: The Incredible Hulk
Post by: Guru-In-Vegas on June 20, 2008, 03:41:40 am
I'm glad they re-did this movie.  Although it was a rather forgettable movie, it is WAAAAAY better than that shit they came out with back in '03. 

The Good:

How it starts:  BOOM.  Quick and I'm talking QUICK intro on how Bruce Banner got his power at the beginning of the movie.  I loved how they cut the bullshit and assume we know (which I'm sure most of us do) what that story entails. 

The villain, The Abomination: He's pretty bad ass!  Puts up an awesome fight I just wish it was ___________.  (don't wanna ruin it)

The Hulk:  Awesome CG, awesome action.  'Nuff said.

Comedy:  There are some pretty funny moments in this movie.  Edward Norton makes it more funny.

Edward Norton:  I like this guy. 

The Bad:

Liv Tyler:  She's an awful actress and she's not even cute.  Two thumbs waaay the hell down.

Chessiness:  Its not a comic book movie unless it has its healthy filling of cheese.  Its cheese level although existent is acceptable.

Ending:  What is it with Marvel movies and wierd "you know we're coming out with part 2!" endings?  I mean its already been done like EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Try something new!  Hell, maybe even a sad ending. 

General Ross:  I thought Sam Elliot from the first movie was a lot better fit.  I just kept thinking that everytime the new one was on screen.


I give it a B.  Good action and fun.  Even if you're not a fan of comics you may miss a little bit of the references but not many.  Hopefully, Liv Tyler won't annoy you as much.

Title: Re: The Incredible Hulk
Post by: Dave Gray on June 22, 2008, 01:07:03 am
I'll have to agree with some points and disagree on others.

Overall, I think I enjoyed the movie as much as you.  It was a solid B.  A good super-hero film.

I didn't have any problem with Liv Tyler at all.  I thought she was good, but she wasn't really called upon to stretch.  Had they shown her in the lab doing stuff that seemed unbelievable, I'd understand where you were coming from, but as was, she was fine.  ...and she's cute as hell, too.

The ending, I liked, as well.  They're making the Avengers movie.  That's why the ending of Iron Man and Hulk have these little tacked on scenes.  They're just teasing that they're putting it together.  It's not a Hulk sequel, though.

I thought Sam Elliot was the perfect General Ross, but I thought this guy was fine, too.  Norton was also good, although I liked Eric Bana as well.  Acting, all around was good.

- The scientist that helps Bruce Banner is really wacky.  I don't understand why they have cliche characters like this, that are so unbelievable, amongst other characters that have a lot of depth.  Scientists with that level of intelligence aren't loony-tunes.  This guy reminded me a lot of the weirdo scientist in Area 51 of Independence Day.  It's corny, for no reason.

- CG is not believable yet.  The beginning of the movie, Hulk looks great.  You only see him for a second here or there, usually in the shadows, or concealed by smoke, or as he's running by.  It's really cool.  Even later on, where he's in clear-view on screen, there are some very good shots of him from the back, or in the distance just a bit, so you can't see his face.  There are a few moments, when he's growing and stuff, that it close-ups on his face, and it just looks like a video game.  It's great CG, but it doesn't look real.  We're not to the point of being able to do photo-realistic faces in motion.   It's too bad, too, because this movie will look dated in 20 years....while a film like Jurassic Park will not.  CG is a great tool, but it has its limits at the moment. 

- The the monsters (Hulk and Abomination) trash talk each other while they fight.  It's pretty lame.  They should just shut the F up and fight.



- The biggest positive is that this was just a good movie.  The rest of these are just little things.

- Opening credits are great.  They tell the Hulk origin story in about 2 minutes, through quick flashes and it's really well done.

- I appreciate that they try to explain how the Hulk has pants.  It's still not convincing and doesn't really make sense, but they give you something to work with.

- There were a few funny jokes and homages to the old series or comics. 

Overall, I'm really happy with where super-hero movies are going.  They still have a little ways to go in terms of getting rid of cheesy.  They need to take themselves seriously for this stuff to work, and when they try to force wacky characters, it just doesn't.  So, solid B from me.

Title: Re: The Incredible Hulk
Post by: Guru-In-Vegas on June 22, 2008, 01:53:46 am
I agree with the scientist.  A bit over the top, but the reason why I didn't mention it is because its a comic book movie.  Criticizing a character for being over the top while a giant green monster fights an even bigger yellow one is weird.  Nevertheless, I am in total agreement with you.

You really like Liv Tyler?  I'm not saying she's ugly or un-boneable but she's no damn Scalett Johansen either. 

I thought the CG was good.  Especially during the fight.  Buy yea the mysterious shadowy Hulk at the beginning was awesome.  It reminded me of Signs and how creepy those aliens were when they were barely visible.

I haven't seen Iron Man yet so maybe thats why the cameo at this one's end wasn't as meaningful as it was corny to me.

Title: Re: The Incredible Hulk
Post by: Dave Gray on June 22, 2008, 02:02:35 am
When you see Iron Man, stay past the credits.  Marvel is making all of these movies exist in one universe.  In this movie, they make references to Stark Industries (from Iron Man) as well as Nick Fury (who ends up being in the Avengers comics) during the beginning credits sequence.

BTW, I think Liv Tyler is hotter than Scarlett Johansen.

Title: Re: The Incredible Hulk
Post by: cyan on June 22, 2008, 02:08:28 am

BTW, I think Liv Tyler is hotter than Scarlett Johansen.

Stone the blasphemer!

Anyway, I liked the movie when I left the theatre, but liked it a lot less when I thought about it later. It was brought to us by the same man who's awaiting trial for Transporter 2, but I think he directed Danny the Dog as well, which was pretty good.

This is probably my least favorite Norton film, but that's basically just by default. Worth a watch I guess, but only if you've already seen Iron Man.