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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Thundergod on June 24, 2008, 02:35:31 am

Title: Imus in it again?
Post by: Thundergod on June 24, 2008, 02:35:31 am
NEW YORK -- Just months after returning to the airwaves with a pledge to mend the wounds caused by his racist and sexist comment about a women's basketball team, Don Imus is again drawing fire for injecting race into his radio show.

During an on-air conversation Monday about the arrests of suspended Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam Jones, Imus asked, "What color is he?"

Told by sports announcer Warner Wolf that Jones, who used to be nicknamed Pacman, is "African-American," Imus responded: "There you go. Now we know."

Later Monday, Imus responded to criticism of his comments, saying he had been misunderstood.

"I meant that he was being picked on because he's black," Imus said in a statement released by his spokesman.

Sooooo how does it sound to you?  Closet bigot with a problem keeping it in? Or was he misunderstood?  :'(    Sounds like dude has some underlying issues.  Dunno, maybe it's just me? 

This coming from a guy who semi-defended him a while back with the Rutgers thing. Ya, I think I may have been wrong.  My bad. Seriously, maybe it's old age, but after that fiasco, why wouldn't you be watching your... EVERY... WORD...?

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: CF DolFan on June 24, 2008, 07:53:35 am
I heard it.  It could be miscontrued to mean a couple of things.  The truth is, and many blacks are pointing this out, that black athletes are getting into way more trouble than white, latino, asin and whatever as a whole.  That's not a knock on all of the good black athletes but it is a reality and a concern. 

Imus may be a racist jerk but the people who will spend so much time attacking him really needs to focus on the issue ... which is far worse than some racist old white guy.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 24, 2008, 12:34:29 pm
Sooooo how does it sound to you?  Closet bigot with a problem keeping it in? Or was he misunderstood?  :'(    Sounds like dude has some underlying issues.  Dunno, maybe it's just me? 

This coming from a guy who semi-defended him a while back with the Rutgers thing. Ya, I think I may have been wrong.  My bad. Seriously, maybe it's old age, but after that fiasco, why wouldn't you be watching your... EVERY... WORD...?
He could have assumed that everyelse was a ignorant of Jone's troubled past as he is, but it does sound bad. 

I agree, he needs to be watching his words very carefully and regardless of in what context me meant it, the his statement can be easily misunderstood or misconstrued.

Too bad he's not running for President as those guys are "minsunderstood" all the time and about half the population forgives them each time.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: StL FinFan on June 24, 2008, 12:37:19 pm
He could have just come out and said he thought black athletes were being targeted, if that is what he meant.  No problem with being misinterpreted there.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 24, 2008, 12:44:48 pm
He could have just come out and said he thought black athletes were being targeted, if that is what he meant.  No problem with being misinterpreted there.
You mean actually say what he meant the first time?  Where's the fun in that?  We'd have nothing to talk about!  ;D

I just heard the clip.  It sounds pretty obvious to me ... bad old man!  Bad!  No nap for you!

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Phishfan on June 24, 2008, 06:14:40 pm
Imus has spent his whoe career getting a rise out of people. I doubt he was misinterpreted unless he purposely phrased his comment this way.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: TEKGOD on June 24, 2008, 06:41:33 pm
this is the only way he stays relevant to people under 60 & he has you guys hook, line, & sinker. Seriously who cares what an old man who still wears a cowboy hat has to say & quite frankly, why would you be surprised?

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 24, 2008, 09:31:13 pm
TEKGOD - he's too cool to talk about current events!

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Dave Gray on June 25, 2008, 03:06:07 am
I heard the clip.

Damn.  I don't know what he meant, and I'm not going to just assume the worst, but it sounded pretty bad.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Buddhagirl on June 25, 2008, 06:26:06 am
I listened to the clip yesterday. Dude is a racist. Just like a few people on this board.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 10:52:32 am
I listened to the clip yesterday. Dude is a racist. Just like a few people on this board.
So is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, but they get away with it.
My question is why did anyone hire this guy back ? He obviously has some mental issues he needs to overcome.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: bsmooth on June 25, 2008, 11:08:53 am
this is the only way he stays relevant to people under 60 & he has you guys hook, line, & sinker. Seriously who cares what an old man who still wears a cowboy hat has to say & quite frankly, why would you be surprised?


Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 25, 2008, 11:13:13 am
My question is why did anyone hire this guy back ?

He has a pretty substantial following.  There's no law against being bigoted and judgemental just as long as he doesn't cross over into hate speech and inciting violence.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Rick on June 25, 2008, 11:33:59 am
So is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, but they get away with it.
  You are right on about Sharpton and Jackson.  It is a double standard.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Buddhagirl on June 25, 2008, 11:43:32 am
So is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, but they get away with it.

That's neither here nor there. Why does everyone have to bring up Jackson and Sharpton? They have NOTHING to do with what is coming out of Imus' mouth. Is this just how people try to justify other racist ramblings? I don't get it.

Those 2 men are publicity whores. Nothing more. They do some good here and there but in no way represent the entire black community. Why is it that when ANYONE else says something racist people bring them up? They're racist?


Please someone explain this to me.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 25, 2008, 12:13:23 pm
Those 2 men are publicity whores. Nothing more. They do some good here and there but in no way represent the entire black community.
Now if you could just get they themselves AND the media to realize that they don't represent the entire black community.

Why is it that when ANYONE else says something racist people bring them up?
Now people are racist for bringing up Jackson and Sharpton?  You've gone off the deep end.

They're racist?
Most of what they do is based solely on skin color and not the merits of the situation.

If Don Imus were black what he said either time wouldn't be much of an issue.  It's his skin color that makes this an issue.

Anyone remember the huge outcry and contentuous TDMMC thread about Michael Irvin because he said that Tony Romo is such a good athlete that he much has some black in him?

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: MaineDolFan on June 25, 2008, 12:22:17 pm
^^This isn't a huge shock.  It's been going on for years.  "White Men Can't Jump."  Right?  It's the title of a movie.  If someone made a movie called "Black Men Can't Keep Jobs" people would freak out.  Are either two titles accurate?  Of course not, but it's fun to pick on whitey.  I seem to remember when that movie "Don't be a menace" came out - there were large protests about it - it poked fun at, and exaggerated, the black intercity culture.  I didn't see the same protests about a white stereotype.

Or the United Negro College Fund.  You know, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste."  If someone came out with Caucasian College Fund there would be Pickett lines up and down the street.

Racism of all kinds = equally ugly and ignorant.  Reverse racism is alive and well and has been for a long time.

By the way, and for the record, I am a proud Alumni of UNCF.  I wouldn't have made it through college without their help.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Phishfan on June 25, 2008, 12:23:47 pm

Now people are racist for bringing up Jackson and Sharpton?  You've gone off the deep end.

Just cause Buddha has been on the defensive side of a lot of posts lately, I have to take her back on this one. She never said nor implied what you have inferred. She didn't say anyone brining up Sharpton & Jackson are racists. She basically was asking why everytime a white person says something racist, another white person brings up Jackson & Sharpton as justification.

I agree they really don't have any part of a discussion about Don Imus.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 25, 2008, 12:34:27 pm
In retrospect, you could be right.

"Why is it that when ANYONE else says something, racist people bring them up?"


"Why is it that when ANYONE else says something racist, people bring them up?"

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 12:37:24 pm
That's neither here nor there. Why does everyone have to bring up Jackson and Sharpton? They have NOTHING to do with what is coming out of Imus' mouth. Is this just how people try to justify other racist ramblings? I don't get it.

Those 2 men are publicity whores. Nothing more. They do some good here and there but in no way represent the entire black community. Why is it that when ANYONE else says something racist people bring them up? They're racist?


Please someone explain this to me.
The point is when someone like Don Imus opens his stupid mouth and say's something he gets bbq alived, but when people like Sharpton and Jackson open their stupid mouths it's ok, all I am saying is there is a double standard. Racism is racism no matter how you look at it, if people really want to overcome it they need to reconize it and point it out. I hope Imus loses his job again, he is a moron. But let's be honest too, he isn't the only one who should lose their job, but nothing is ever done and those men divide and never unite.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Dave Gray on June 25, 2008, 12:40:03 pm
In retrospect, you could be right.

"Why is it that when ANYONE else says something, racist people bring them up?"


"Why is it that when ANYONE else says something racist, people bring them up?"

Yeah, I didn't understand what you were saying, Run.  I get it now.  I took it as the 2nd one.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Buddhagirl on June 25, 2008, 12:54:05 pm
I wasn't calling anyone racist. I just forgot to throw in a comma due to all of the red I was seeing.

And no one has explained to me what the hell Sharpton and Jackson have to do with anything.  It is Imus' skin color that makes it an issue. But once again, my question:


It makes no sense that when anyone says anything racial other bring up these 2. They didn't hold a gun to his head and make him say things that are inappropriate. What they do has nothing to do with what Imus does. Is this the new cop out for racial things?

For instance, white guy drops the N word or something else inappropriate and the defense for it is that Sharpton and Jackson are racist, too? You gotta be kidding me.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: MaineDolFan on June 25, 2008, 01:01:44 pm
I think the reason why people bring up those two whenever something like this happens is because those two are (usually) plastered all over TV for weeks after.  White guy does something dumb (see Imus).  Sharpton and Jackson lead the "he needs to be fired" charge.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 01:03:16 pm
I don't know if Imus made up something to cover his tracks, but it is true that many black athletes get their problems published in papers and on the news, I don't think for a second whites aren't doing this either. But for some reason the papers love to sensationalize their stories over white athletes. Without a doubt racism is very much alive in America. Everyone should unite for one cause, I hope Imus is fired and we don't hear from him again.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 01:47:24 pm
I wanted to include something that Imus co host had to say, this is from a report.

Co-host Karith Foster, who is black, came to Imus’ defense during Tuesday’s broadcast, saying, “People who interpret what you said as racist clearly didn’t hear the whole thing, and they don’t know who you are and what the program is about—and they obviously haven’t been listening.”

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: run_to_win on June 25, 2008, 01:49:01 pm
Could she be saying that because she knows if Imus is fired then she's out of a job?

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: Dave Gray on June 25, 2008, 01:57:56 pm
^ Perhaps.

That's why I'm not so quick to jump on this.  I say things that if you took a 10 second clip, would be considered the most racist crap you've ever heard.

I even mock racist rhetoric by saying racist things.  To people who know me, in context, that stuff makes sense.  Just said in passing, you'd think I was in the Klan.

I am one of those who will openly admit that it's different when a white or a black says "n*****". ...the tone of it means a lot, too.  ....because of context, not just of the situation, but of history.  I think that in cases like this, with Imus, we need to understand that there may be context of which we're not aware.

Title: Re: Imus in it again?
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 02:15:03 pm
Could she be saying that because she knows if Imus is fired then she's out of a job?
Could be, or she could be telling the whole truth, I am not sure I only know what she said.