Title: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: MaineDolFan on June 24, 2008, 02:03:33 pm I drink enough coffee to keep the industry alive, frankly, and I feel a personal responsibility to ensure this part of the economy continues. Dunkin Donuts would fold without my support.
In all seriousness, how much coffee do you drink in any given day? How much coffee is too much coffee? I generally have two very large cups a day. You? Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Dave Gray on June 24, 2008, 02:04:28 pm I drink none.
I like coffee and I'll have it from time to time, if my girlfriend makes a pot on the weekends, but I drink none during the week. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: StL FinFan on June 24, 2008, 02:06:08 pm Zero. I don't do caffeine. Giving it up was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Every once in a great while, I will have decaf after eating out, but that is it. It's up to the rest of you to keep the industry alive, so drink on.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: MaineDolFan on June 24, 2008, 02:09:03 pm Man, I don't know how you did it. I don't get the caffeine headaches like people do if I don't have coffee, but I certainly have that "I need my joe" thing that comes on. I'm sure my GI track would love if I stopped. But I looooove me some coffee.
And Dave, there is nothing cooler than sitting around on a weekend in your jammies in the morning having a nice chat with your person over a cup of home roasted beans. That's good stuff. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: fyo on June 24, 2008, 02:14:30 pm 2-3 large, strong cups.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: pintofguinness14 on June 24, 2008, 02:17:11 pm About 20 oz per day in the morning. I try to avoid any caffeine after lunch since it tends to keep me up at night.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: BoSoxGrl on June 24, 2008, 02:19:06 pm It really depends on how I feel when I get up. If I get up and go to the gym, I am usually "awake" before i need to head out to work so I don't "need" to stop. I will also stop if I am running early....some days 2 or 3 times if I have to do stuff for the office. "Too much" I think varies from person to person and also with how you take your coffee. I think one blackeye (Shot of espresso in black coffee) is enough to keep me awake for a month or 4.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Buddhagirl on June 24, 2008, 02:21:29 pm I do 2 cups (it's actually one large panda cup) in the morning and that's it. Anymore than that and I go insane. If I run that morning, I don't usually finish it. Coffee after a run is kind of gross.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Dave Gray on June 24, 2008, 02:24:11 pm I'm actually surprised that so many people drink coffee in the mornings. I just shows me how different everyone's body is. Coffee JACKS ME UP, like I did an 8-ball. I wouldn't be able to work.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: TonyB0D on June 24, 2008, 02:24:47 pm maine, i probably smoke ur ass int he cawfee dept. i make a large pot in the AM, will probably score some more in the afternoon, then maybe even have an after-dinner cup.
more than 1 or 2 small cups a day is to much. it's just not good for your body and mind. however, like you, i don't get the withdrawal symptoms. i also don't really feel "picked up" from the cawfee, i just love the flavor. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: MaineDolFan on June 24, 2008, 02:31:08 pm Coffee JACKS ME UP, like I did an 8-ball. Do a lot of 8-balls do you? ;) Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Dolphin-UK on June 24, 2008, 02:32:20 pm 3 or 4 fairly large cups a day, I try and limit myself....
I feel the withdrawal love though, you need to slow down gradually or you get the headaches. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Sunstroke on June 24, 2008, 02:39:11 pm Man, I don't know how you did it. I don't get the caffeine headaches like people do if I don't have coffee, but I certainly have that "I need my joe" thing that comes on. I'm sure my GI track would love if I stopped. But I looooove me some coffee. I hear ya there...quitting caffeine is as difficult for me as quitting nicotine. I am about 4-5 cups per day currently. One first thing in the morning, accompanied by a cigarette and bongload(s). After I get out of the shower, I pound the second cup. I go cold caffeine at the office (pepsi, tea), then after dinner, I brew another pot and have 2-3 more cups before I crash for the evening. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: MaineDolFan on June 24, 2008, 02:40:59 pm That is a lot of caffeine!
I can't have any caffeine after 4pm-5pm. If I violate that I have trouble sleeping. It's water, caffeine-free pop, etc from late afternoon on. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Dave Gray on June 24, 2008, 02:42:07 pm Do a lot of 8-balls do you? ;) Nah, coffee is cheaper. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Phishfan on June 24, 2008, 03:40:12 pm Add me to the list of non-drinkers. It does nothing noticeable for me. My ex and I use to have a cappuccino machine and I could drink a cup then take a nap. Stimulants have to be pretty strong to affect me.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Brian Fein on June 24, 2008, 03:52:08 pm i guess i'm a casual coffee drinker. 3-5 cups per week, but its usually a 16-oz cup. I can easily do without it, but sometimes I have it if I am (a) really tired or (b) there's nothing else to drink.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: bsmooth on June 24, 2008, 04:46:49 pm I have never had a cup of coffee or any of its derivatives.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: fyo on June 24, 2008, 05:25:06 pm Caffeine really doesn't do much for me. If I'm tired, I'm tired. Even if I haven't had any caffeine for weeks, I can still drink a large cup an hour or two before I go to sleep and it won't affect me. Maybe that's just because I'm chronically sleep deprived, I dunno :/
I do get withdrawal symptoms, though. Not with coffee, but used to drink about half a gallon of Coke a day and when I didn't get my caffeine, oh man, that was bad. Really bad headache right behind and above the ears. I get them now, even if I drink stuff like Coke in much lower daily doses for a while (say 16oz a day for a week). At times when I've been insanely busy, I've tried caffeine pills, tons of coffee, Red Bull, etc. Nothing's worked. When I get tired, I'm tired. Period. I remember falling asleep in school during class, despite trying my damnedest to stay awake. Even during fairly entertaining classes I sometimes dozed off, especially if the lights were turned down for a presentation or something. I would try to pinch myself and all sorts of other crap. Nothing doing, when my body says it's tired, it's going to sleep. (No, I don't have narcolepsy). Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on June 24, 2008, 06:06:16 pm One large cup of black coffee is good enough for me. Preferably the Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds brand.
No sugar or cream, as that's what kills you faster. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: cyan on June 25, 2008, 01:41:45 am I drink the equivalent of about two 6-cup pots a day. Sometimes, as on days when I'm working in town, I actually brew two pots myself. Other days, such as when I'm out of town for work, it's storebought (Sheetz, Wawa, Dunkin Donuts, or Starbucks). I drink it black.
Caffeine itself doesn't do much for me, I just like the taste of coffee. I started drinking it when I was 18 months old, with my great-grandfather, who lived until I was about 9 years old. Although at the time, it was probably more sugar and cream than coffee. Due to my body's non-reactiveness to caffeine, I can (and do) drink it at all hours of the day, often as late as 1 or 2 am. (I just finished a 16oz from Sheetz while watching Conan). Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: TEKGOD on June 25, 2008, 05:13:51 pm I once took an energy drink called Spike Shooter at 7am & was wide awake up to 3am trembling like a heroin addict. 300mg of caffeine in a small can. Bad stuff man avoid it if possible unless you need to cram.
Another thing concentration has alot to do with it. For example 200mg of caffeine in a small can is alot worse than a large can with the same amount Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Dave Gray on June 25, 2008, 05:16:36 pm I never understood why people took caffeine to help them study. It keeps me awake, sure. ...but I get amped up. It's not really the kind of brain built for studying.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Phishfan on June 25, 2008, 05:49:16 pm I took caffeine pills to study late once and went to sleep. The stuff just does nothing for me.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: stinkfish on June 25, 2008, 06:55:23 pm I don't like coffee, and ingest a minimal amount of caffeine. For instance, when I do drink a coke, it's diet caffeine free.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: raptorsfan29 on June 25, 2008, 07:06:50 pm i don't drink coffee, i limit myself to non caffeine drinks for the most part. i drink some soda, but maybe a glass a day at the most. sometimes none at all.
But how much is too much coffee? When your friends start to say "whats with that twitch" Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: fyo on June 26, 2008, 03:43:26 am I don't like coffee, and ingest a minimal amount of caffeine. For instance, when I do drink a coke, it's diet caffeine free. You mean brown water? Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: AprFools_Phins on June 26, 2008, 10:24:04 am No coffee for me either- at least not on a daily basis. I will occasionally stop at Port City and get some kind of drink (the really fattening frap. drinks)- but with my kidney disease I'm not allowed any caffeine- and when I drink pop it's usually sprite which is caffeine free too.
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Sunstroke on June 26, 2008, 12:58:18 pm I never understood why people took caffeine to help them study. It keeps me awake, sure. ...but I get amped up. It's not really the kind of brain built for studying. The combination of sugar and St John's wort work better than caffeine for me when it comes to late night research marathons, but I'm usually washing it down with caffeine anyway. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: SportsChick on June 26, 2008, 01:57:45 pm No coffee at all for me, I don't really like it.... diet coke on the other hand.... I have the market on that
Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: BoSoxGrl on June 26, 2008, 01:58:20 pm You know I have been thinking about this for a few days....and I have come up with this:
If you have to ask "how much coffee is too much coffee?" You're probably drinking "too much" coffee. Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: cyan on June 26, 2008, 03:14:22 pm I took caffeine pills to study late once and went to sleep. The stuff just does nothing for me. My friend Jesse took some of those one time, but wasn't so lucky. They really fucked her up. I think I've got a video lying around somewhere of it. Oh, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bflYjF90t7c Title: Re: How much coffee in one day is TOO much coffee? Post by: Sunstroke on June 26, 2008, 05:51:33 pm Gotta love a good saved by the bell reference. ;D |