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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: VidKid on June 24, 2008, 11:57:39 pm

Title: New Show Reviews
Post by: VidKid on June 24, 2008, 11:57:39 pm
Two new shows were on tonight. 'Wipeout' and 'I Survived a Japanese gameshow'

This one wasn't too bad. It's like the MXC but in English. Everything revolves around water. A bunch of obstacles to eliminate people til there is only 4 left for the final obstacle course. Winner gets $50,000.

Pros: Its great to watch people just get wrecked
Cons: Hosts trying to be funny. The MXC guys are more funny since they can just make up stuff.

'I Survived a Japanese Game Show'
This one is a combo of Real World and a Japanese gameshow. winner gets $250,000.

Pros: the gameshows in Japan are waaaay better than our stuff
cons: the real world aspect and everybody being whiny babies just isn't for me. i dont need the drama.

If you have DVR (which everyone should, its the most awesome of that which is awesome) you can fastwords thru commercials, bad hosting, and retarded drama and just watch the obstacles in both shows.

The next new show to benefit from people being retarded on TV is on Friday, 'Dance Machine'. People basically 'dance' (and i use that term lightly) to win. It's the opposite of the show 'So You Think You Can Dance'.

Anyone else catch this stuff?

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2008, 12:02:10 am
I have Wipeout on my DVR but haven't watched it yet.  I couldn't get the Japanese show cause I had two other things recording at 9:00. 

Now what's this you say about "Dance Machine?"

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: simeon on June 25, 2008, 12:34:15 am
I watched both and got bored with them.

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: VidKid on June 27, 2008, 12:25:06 am
They were a little difficult to sit thru, but since they were recorded, I could zip thru the BS.

'Dance Machine' is a show that would best be described as Joe, Fau, and Dave having a dance off to see who can 'bust a move' the best.

Actually, I might watch that   :)

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: Thundergod on June 27, 2008, 06:30:07 am
Wipeout was good, not great, it had its moments. Like VidKid said, the hosts trying to be funny or at least as funny as Vic and Kenny on MXC, failed miserably. Looking at some of those obstacles though, you know there's no way they're supposed to be passed (eg: the big red balls). Still funny watching them land face first into the second ball though.

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: Rick on June 27, 2008, 09:27:36 am
  Wipeout is a pretty enjoyable show.  Ms. Rick and I got a bunch of laughs watching the people running the obstacle course.  It does help having DVR to cut through the bull-shit. 

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: CF DolFan on June 27, 2008, 01:11:23 pm
I watched both shows on the DVR. They weren't the best but certainly entertaining in that whole "I have to watch the train wreck" kind of a thing. Nothing better than seeing willing people get splatted!!  ;D

Title: Re: New Show Reviews
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on June 27, 2008, 04:34:37 pm
I watched both shows on the DVR. They weren't the best but certainly entertaining in that whole "I have to watch the train wreck" kind of a thing. Nothing better than seeing willing people get splatted!!  ;D

LOL I did the same. I recorded both on the DVR just to see some of the nasty spills these people took. Watching these people get worked by the punching wall was pretty entertaining!!!!!