Title: Brett Favre = Ignoramus Post by: SCFinfan on July 23, 2008, 01:34:32 pm http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Brett-Favre-might-want-to-invest-in-his-own-cell?urn=nfl,95401
Title: Re: Brett Favre = Ignoramus Post by: Sunstroke on July 23, 2008, 02:06:41 pm The best line in the whole article... "In fairness to Favre, it should be mentioned that any phone calls he made to the Vikings were made in a gunslinging fashion, and through the entire conversation, he looked like a kid out there, just having fun." Abso-fukkin-lutely classic!! Title: Re: Brett Favre = Ignoramus Post by: simeon on July 23, 2008, 03:06:22 pm Just another notch on Bretts belt.
Title: Re: Brett Favre = Ignoramus Post by: bsmooth on July 23, 2008, 05:13:22 pm The best line in the whole article... "In fairness to Favre, it should be mentioned that any phone calls he made to the Vikings were made in a gunslinging fashion, and through the entire conversation, he looked like a kid out there, just having fun." Abso-fukkin-lutely classic!! I read your post before reading the link and thought it was an Onion story for a second. |