Title: Fins: Face of the team Post by: DolFan619 on July 27, 2008, 01:04:51 am http://blogs.sun-sentinel.com/sports_seasonticket/2008/07/fins-face-of-th.html?cid=123987134#comment-123987134
Fins: Face of the team Just returned from the afternoon practice. Check the Dolphins blog for highlights. Just don't worry too much about Joey Porter; he seemed to be planting and pushing off his ankle without too much trouble while running short sprints. The new media guides are out. Tony Sparano and Jeff Ireland are on the cover. (But no Bill Parcells. No doubt that was intentional.) Again, teams generally promote their coaches and GMs when they don't have players to promote. And this team doesn't.... yet. So here's the question: Which player do you predict will be on the cover of the 2009 media guide? > Posted by Ethan J. Skolnick at 7:22:14 PM |