Title: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: TonyB0D on August 04, 2008, 02:49:41 pm ZT or JT?
for me, it's ZT by a NOSE (mods, can we get a poll?) Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: Frimp on August 04, 2008, 02:58:52 pm I agree. Zach. I want Taylor to get one too, but he has another year or two than Zach.
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: fyo on August 04, 2008, 03:20:48 pm The Sparano option is a bit odd... there doesn't seem to be much risk of any "competition" between that outcome and the others.
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: Thundergod on August 04, 2008, 03:26:32 pm ^^^ I know. And as a Dolphins fan how can I not choose Sparano?
BUT if I WERE to choose between Taylor and Thomas... Taylor. F the Cowboys forever. Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: Brian Fein on August 04, 2008, 03:50:50 pm Why the hell would you want either of them to win a ring, unless they did it in Aqua and orange? F the cowboys and the redskins.
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: Dave Gray on August 04, 2008, 07:21:19 pm I picked Zach, because we used what we needed from him, and then he was released and took the best deal. Good for him.
Taylor wanted out. I don't hold things against Taylor, but I appreciate Zach's loyalty and quiet departure. Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: jtex316 on August 04, 2008, 10:07:19 pm Zach Thomas by a million miles over that piece of crap, pansy-ass loud mouthed Taylor. Zach is someone that goes to work, doesn't bitch or moan, and goes and beats shit up. Taylor is a primadonna who looks for the spotlight who doesn't feel he should do any more work. Guess what bitch, you're in the cellar of the NFC East, because Washington is a fraud team. Good luck.
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: Sunstroke on August 05, 2008, 10:26:35 am My days of cheering for Zach to accomplish "anything" on the field ended the day he signed with the Cowgirls... Hell, I'm not cheering for either to win a ring, unless they come back to Miami to win it in a Dolphins uniform. Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: DolFan619 on August 05, 2008, 10:44:18 am Zach Thomas.
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: MaineDolFan on August 05, 2008, 11:51:07 am This question might as well read: "Which nut do you want to be kicked in, the left or right?"
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: DZA on August 10, 2008, 02:33:21 pm Zach Thomas
Title: Re: Who Do YOU Want To Win A Ring More? Post by: stinkfish on August 10, 2008, 06:13:11 pm Neither. They're no longer on my team.