Title: Has anyone watched HBO's Hard knocks with the Dallas Cowboys............? Post by: Defense54 on August 16, 2008, 12:48:11 pm Damn Zack looks as good as ever. I can't believe we didn't even get a draft pick for the guy. Wade stated that Zack still has the uncanny ability to go to the ball as its snapped.......he always knows where its going and is a step ahead of everyone else. As much as I love the Tuna and what he's acomplished so far........Why would such a high value guy like him just release a player like Zack ? I think him and JJ and Zack (a native Texan who wants a ring) had it worked out for all those coaches we stole. Title: Re: Has anyone watched HBO's Hard knocks with the Dallas Cowboys............? Post by: BingeBag on August 23, 2008, 02:34:13 pm Marcellues Bennet is a punk. I really have come out of the last couple episodes hating him.
Title: Re: Has anyone watched HBO's Hard knocks with the Dallas Cowboys............? Post by: Defense54 on August 23, 2008, 04:21:37 pm Marcellues Bennet is a punk. I really have come out of the last couple episodes hating him. No doubt. He has Thug written all over his face. But thats on every Team now adays. :P |