Title: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Philly Fin Fan on August 27, 2008, 09:30:08 pm He's got a torn PCL and a torn LCL in his knee, but he's going to play?
Are you kidding me? The doctors are all saying he should have season ending surgery, instead he's going to jeopardize his career by playing. Unbelievable. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Denver_Bronco on August 27, 2008, 09:31:17 pm San Diego's front office will force him to sit out the season when it comes down to it.
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Philly Fin Fan on August 27, 2008, 09:37:35 pm San Diego's front office will force him to sit out the season when it comes down to it. No, they are all rah-rah about him playing. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on August 27, 2008, 10:02:45 pm He'll bust that knee up first game... watch.
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: fyo on August 28, 2008, 03:13:58 am San Diego's front office will force him to sit out the season when it comes down to it. They're the ones who practically forced him to play. They tried to pressure him to return to practice instead of getting a second opinion after seeing Dr. Andrews (who recommended season-ending surgery) - and that's just what happened via the media. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: MaineDolFan on August 28, 2008, 08:48:56 am He'll bust that knee up first game... watch. Huh? You can't damage the knee any more than it already is. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on August 28, 2008, 08:59:27 am Huh? You can't damage the knee any more than it already is. Sure you can. He's torn only two of the four ligaments that crisscross the knee. He'll tear his ACL in his first game and that'll shelf him for the year. Then hopefully he'll continue his NFL career the following season. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Phishfan on August 28, 2008, 09:03:49 am This roid head won't even realize the pain he is in until he comes off a cycle and can't walk anymore. What a dumbass.
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on August 28, 2008, 09:22:50 am This roid head won't even realize the pain he is in until he comes off a cycle and can't walk anymore. What a dumbass. I'd be willing to bet it's the roids that are keeping him going...... kinda like when Tony Montana (Scarface) took 20 bullets in his hide from the Colombians and kept going because of all the coke in his system. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Sunstroke on August 28, 2008, 10:10:14 am Huh? You can't damage the knee any more than it already is. The danger that I've heard a couple of doctors talking about for Merriman is that he could damage the surface area of the joint if he keeps playing on it. That would make any reconstructive surgery and subsequent rehabilitation more problematic. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: SportsChick on August 28, 2008, 10:18:54 am Here is the problem with an unstable knee is this: There is cartridge under the knee cap that helps the knee move properly. When the knee is unstable (ligament tears) that cushion of cartridge will wear away until you have bone on bone. At that point, you deal with serious pain or have a TKR (total knee replacement)
So there is serious damage he can do by playing with two missing stabilizing ligaments (not to mention, the others get stretched as they overwork for the two missing which can lead to the tearing of those.) Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Philly Fin Fan on August 28, 2008, 10:58:54 am Here is the problem with an unstable knee is this: There is cartridge under the knee cap that helps the knee move properly. When the knee is unstable (ligament tears) that cushion of cartridge will wear away until you have bone on bone. This is chondromalacia (also referred to as runner's knee). A lot of hockey goalies suffer from it (including this one!) Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on August 28, 2008, 11:14:48 am Here is the problem with an unstable knee is this: There is cartridge under the knee cap that helps the knee move properly. When the knee is unstable (ligament tears) that cushion of cartridge will wear away until you have bone on bone. At that point, you deal with serious pain or have a TKR (total knee replacement) Bone on bone. Isn't that also known as Arthritis? Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Philly Fin Fan on August 28, 2008, 11:23:27 am Bone on bone. Isn't that also known as Arthritis? Nope. See my post right above yours. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: SportsChick on August 28, 2008, 11:53:11 am This is chondromalacia (also referred to as runner's knee). A lot of hockey goalies suffer from it (including this one!) I have it too (10 years of an undiagnosed ACL tear) There are various stages of chrondromalacia, Stage IV being bone on bone (aka, time for a new knee) Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Philly Fin Fan on August 28, 2008, 11:55:32 am I have it too (10 years of an undiagnosed ACL tear) I think we discussed that in Disney! Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: SportsChick on August 28, 2008, 12:15:20 pm I believe we did :)
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: fyo on August 28, 2008, 05:50:17 pm The media has been PATHETIC in reporting the injury time line here.
Merriman tore his PCL in 2005! This is not some recent injury, although the LCL tear (December 9th last year) is. He played 5 games following that injury, although limited at times (and wearing a knee brace, which he will apparently do again). PCL tears are not usually surgically repaired. They're hard to get to and the success rate is WAY lower than for ACL tears. Tears of the LCL (even complete ones) are rarely surgically repaired unless other ligaments are involved. The main issue for Merriman will be general instability of the knee (LCL restricts side-to-side, PCL shinbone front-to-back). And, of course, longer term, damage to cartilage. That's not a significant risk factor for this season, however! As for how limited he will be - well, that depends on exactly how unstable his knee is. Given the difficulty experts have had with diagnosing the issue, the instability is likely not severe. The knee brace will help provide additional stability. I think the reason he hasn't opted for surgery is that the potential outlook it offers just isn't that good. Oh, and this being a contract year for him (and the Chargers reportedly not interesting in resigning him at his asking price) is probably forcing his hand (or knee) to some degree. Merriman has already played 5 games with the injury - and that was right after it happened. He's spent the past 8 months rehabbing the knee. I don't blame him for wanting to give the knee a try in games before deciding to have surgery. Surgery that's unlikely to help much, but very likely to kill his chance of a good contract. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Frimp on August 31, 2008, 07:58:30 pm I have a bad knee. Not sure what's wrong with it. All I know is that I can't run without it going out under me, and if I am walking, and stumble, it goes out too. The pain only lasts about 20 seconds, and its tender for a few minutes. It doesnt really bother me if I'm lifting something, but stairs and ladders are a bitch. Any theories?
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 31, 2008, 08:02:41 pm Any theories? No, but I have some advice. Talk to a doctor. Then again under the Bush health plan, asking for medical advice on football forum is the best you can hope for. :) Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Frimp on August 31, 2008, 08:05:56 pm No, but I have some advice. Talk to a doctor. Then again under the Bush health plan, asking for medical advice on football forum is the best you can hope for. I'm not going to turn this into a political discussion. Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: landlocked on September 02, 2008, 01:00:00 am Let's see,he saw FOUR doctors that all told him......"DON'T PLAY!"Dude is seriously jeopardizing his entire career.
Title: Re: Shawne Merriman to play with bum knee Post by: Rick on September 09, 2008, 07:53:56 pm ESPNs Chris Mortensen is reporting that Shawn Merriman is done for the season.... he is going to have knee surgery and hopes to be ready for training camp 2009....The San Diego Chargers will place the LB on Injured reserve any time now.
Smart move by the Chargers and Merriman. |