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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: StL FinFan on September 03, 2008, 02:27:27 pm

Title: Your team being ranked high has it's downside.
Post by: StL FinFan on September 03, 2008, 02:27:27 pm
$30 ppv to watch Southeast Missouri State vs. Mizzou?  Are they kidding me?

Title: Re: Your team being ranked high has it's downside.
Post by: Phishfan on September 03, 2008, 02:40:37 pm
I went and ate lunch at a local establishment (not much different than the Ale House we went to) and had drinks to watch the West Virginia opener. I spent much more than $30.

Title: Re: Your team being ranked high has it's downside.
Post by: StL FinFan on September 03, 2008, 02:51:43 pm
We are going to our church picnic anyway.  What a rip off, though.