Title: Ex Giant / Dolphin , Mark Ingram has an arrest warrant issued on him: Post by: Defense54 on September 05, 2008, 09:47:33 pm What a kook!!
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/football/nfl/09/05/ingram.sentencing.ap/index.html Quote Although he pleaded guilty nearly three years ago, prosecutors say he has sought to revoke the plea and has fired three previous court-appointed attorneys, and personally made court filings claiming he should not be sent to prison. ::)Prosecutors referred to a court filing from Ingram this past May as "rambling, confusing, outlandish and largely incoherent." Among his contentions were that he is immune from prosecution because he has diplomatic status as a head of state. Title: Re: Ex Giant / Dolphin , Mark Ingram has an arrest warrant issued on him: Post by: jtex316 on September 05, 2008, 10:27:52 pm God Dammit.
Do you know how many touchdowns him and Stephen Baker could put up for me in Super Tecmo Bowl for NES? This sucks. Title: Re: Ex Giant / Dolphin , Mark Ingram has an arrest warrant issued on him: Post by: Frimp on September 05, 2008, 10:28:36 pm Well, look for Jets fans to start joining the board, and saying that the fake spike game didnt count because Ingram caught the TD passes, as well as the fake spike.
Title: Re: Ex Giant / Dolphin , Mark Ingram has an arrest warrant issued on him: Post by: Defense54 on September 06, 2008, 05:06:30 pm Well, look for Jets fans to start joining the board, and saying that the fake spike game didnt count because Ingram caught the TD passes, as well as the fake spike. That was Ingram? Maybe he is immune from prosecution for making that catch.......... ::);D |