Title: Cutler emerging? Post by: Frimp on September 09, 2008, 12:15:15 am Could it be because they are playing the crappy Raiders, or is he emerging as an elite QB?
Cutler/Royal could wind up being another great tandem. I'm not going to call him elite just yet. They are playing the Raiders. What do you think? Title: Re: Cutler emerging? Post by: landlocked on September 09, 2008, 12:32:29 am I think that the Raiders suck.
Title: Re: Cutler emerging? Post by: TonyB0D on September 09, 2008, 12:42:23 am i always thought he would be great. not good, but great.
Title: Re: Cutler emerging? Post by: ethurst2 on September 09, 2008, 01:11:28 am The Raiders are horrible and I don't think that Cutler is a great QB yet.
Al Davis and Lane Kiffin are feuding so the team is just there to collect a paycheck. Don't be surprised if Kiffin is gone by Week 6. The Broncos play all the teams in the AFC East, including the Dolphins. I can't see them beating Buffalo or New England. The Jets...maybe. The Raiders could be the first team to go 0-16 Title: Re: Cutler emerging? Post by: Sunstroke on September 09, 2008, 01:12:40 am Count me as another who has always loved Cutler. Philly was another who was pretty high on Jay. Great arm + great head = great QB. Cutler will be an outstanding QB in the NFL for many, many years. The Raiders could be the first team to go 0-16 This wouldn't make me unhappy at all... |