Title: Simms and Rattay a no go Post by: Frimp on September 09, 2008, 12:57:12 am http://blogs.nfl.com/category/adam-schefter/
Quote The mysterious Patriots keep getting more mysterious. They brought in quarterbacks Chris Simms and Tim Rattay on Monday. Once they arrived, they were told the situation had changed and they no longer were needed. So Simms and Rattay left Foxborough, Mass., without a workout or a contract. The Patriots have to have something in the works — a trade, eyes on another quarterback, something. But the mystery surrounding the Patriots only intensifies. I still think they are talking with Culpepper.. Title: Re: Simms and Rattay a no go Post by: TonyB0D on September 09, 2008, 01:07:50 am too bad everyone went home for today and tomorrow's my day off otherwise i'd be able to let you guys now what's up