Title: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: MaineDolFan on September 11, 2008, 11:37:04 am Big Schill is at it again. I debated whether to put this in the Other Sports or Around the NFL - but this latest interview by Motormouth Curt was based upon New York fan's reaction to Tom Brady being hurt...so I'll post it here.
Stroke - if you feel it's inappropriate here move it my way... As usual, Curt pulls no punches. From a story I stole from Cnnsi.com. Original link here: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/baseball/mlb/09/10/schilling.newyork.ap/index.html (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/baseball/mlb/09/10/schilling.newyork.ap/index.html) BOSTON (AP) -- A shoulder injury has kept Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling sidelined all season, but his mouth is in good enough shape to take on New York. Schilling blasted New York sports fans, calling them "bitter and mad and miserable" for their apparent glee over New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's season-ending knee injury. Schilling talked about Brady's injury Tuesday during his weekly appearance on WEEI radio. "The euphoria in New York is palpable," he said. "I mean, the Yankees suck this year. And they're bitter and mad and they're making excuses over that. And now, you know, now they got Tom going down, so, you know, New York's excited." He later added: "They want us to be as bitter and mad and miserable and they are. And, unfortunately, it's not going to happen. The sad part is going to be when [the Patriots] beat the Jets next week." Schilling has taken shots at New York in the past, and Tuesday acknowledged he's not a favorite there. But he said that's fine with him, recalling Boston's rally from three games back to beat New York in the 2004 AL championship series. Schilling famously forced a seventh game, pitching as blood seeped through his sock from a suture on his ankle. "I was front row and center when their quote/unquote dynasty ended, so I'm OK with that," Schilling said. Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: Tepop84 on September 11, 2008, 11:39:14 am He is such a tool. I hope he gets a line drive to the head.
Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: SportsChick on September 11, 2008, 11:57:22 am Curt, Curt, Curt.... Thank you for '04 now STFU
Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: Brian Fein on September 11, 2008, 12:10:24 pm "I mean, the Yankees suck this year. I like this line - nothing like getting a rival all riled up...Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: StL FinFan on September 11, 2008, 06:08:57 pm Curt, Curt, Curt.... Thank you for '04 now STFU Seriously. (the STFU part) :) Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: simeon on September 11, 2008, 06:43:31 pm Well I see nothing wrong with what Curt said. The guy has a weekly call in show on the radio, is he not allowed to share his thoughts on the air? I would say allot of New York fans are excited Brady is done, they believe the Old Grey Mare will bring them to the promise land, and there's only one thing that will stop it, and that is when reality sinks in. Come on folks if it wasn't for a fluke pass Miami would have beaten the jets. Yes New York fans are bitter but so aren't the Patriots fans.
Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on September 11, 2008, 06:54:45 pm New York - Boston rivalry runs deep. Both Jets - Patriots and Yankees - Red Sox.
But in Boston's defense and in contrast to NYC. The Yankees were greeting to signs of I heart NY and applause in their first trip to Fenway after 9/11. The Saints were booed when coming out onto the field during their "home game" at Giants stadium after Katrina. Also when Joe Torre returned to baseball after his bout with cancer the Red Sox fans gave the Yankees manager a standing ovation. Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: Dave Gray on September 12, 2008, 02:01:30 am This might make good bulletin board material, and for that, you'd want him to pipe down -- but is there an untrue word in the whole thing?
It sounds to me like he's saying the same things everyone else is. Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: fyo on September 12, 2008, 07:41:47 am Come on, what's the matter with a little trash talk? This league's boring enough as is... thank God for people like Curt and Ocho ;)
Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: CF DolFan on September 12, 2008, 07:45:32 am People complain about canned responses and then get upset every time someone speaks their mind. I would always welcome the real response regardless of whether I agree or not.
From an outsider looking in ... I thought his response was real and refreshing. Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: jtex316 on September 12, 2008, 08:55:36 am Sour grapes after a team from NY stopped the little undefeated streak, and the Patriots franchise is about to be in shambles, thanks to NYG.
Go to hell Shilling, you fat idiot. Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: MaineDolFan on September 12, 2008, 09:03:15 am The Yankees were greeting to signs of I heart NY and applause in their first trip to Fenway after 9/11. The Saints were booed when coming out onto the field during their "home game" at Giants stadium after Katrina. A couple things. 1: EVERYONE greeted teams from NY with open arms and standing ovations after 9/11. One of the most moving things in my life was when the Jets took the field at KC after and the KC fans, all 100,000 of them, did a J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS! tribute after the national anthem. The players were crying. So let's not give Boston fans too much credit for doing what everyone did. 2: Are you REALLY going to compare 9/11 and Katrina? Apples and oranges. Schilling has a right to say what he wants to, yes. But I take offense when one person tells me how a group of people feel. Every Jets fan is excited about Brady getting hurt, Curt? Really? Title: Re: Schilling, on Brady & NY York fans: "They're miserable." Post by: Dave Gray on September 12, 2008, 01:18:17 pm 2: Are you REALLY going to compare 9/11 and Katrina? Apples and oranges. I think that from a sports perspective, Katrina and 9/11 returns from the Giants/Saints were pretty similar, actually. I think it's a good and fair comparison, given the context of this discussion. |