Title: vp debate preview Post by: Fau Teixeira on October 01, 2008, 04:08:45 pm from dailykos.com .. a site i read on occasion .. just like i read redstate.com on occasion .. i found this article to be pretty insightful:
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/10/1/13102/9139/493/612776 Quote What to Expect from Palin in the VP Debate by Kagro X Wed Oct 01, 2008 at 10:10:10 AM PDT By now most of us are familiar with the pre-debate expectations game. We've become familiar with the idea of campaign operatives sowing seeds of doubt about their candidate's debating skills, lowering the bar in such a way that it virtually guarantees that anyone who doesn't actually vomit or fall off the stage has an arguable claim to having "won," by virtue of having exceeded "expectations." Sarah Palin, of course, presents a curious case. We've never seen anything quite like her, in that she's crashed and burned so spectacularly in the few nationally televised interviews we've seen that it's hard to believe either of the normal expectations for her debate performance could possibly be true. It's just as difficult to believe that that she's really that outrageously awful when not working from a script as it is that there's any possibility that she'll break out somehow and prove us all wrong. Well, perhaps you can't rule anything out entirely. But, seriously. The thing is, Palin's not completely empty-headed. She's actually a trained GOPAC protégé. Back in the heyday of GOPAC, when it was Newt Gingrich's operation, one of the chief functions of the organization was to equip the Republican "farm team" with the kind of rhetoric Newt was well-known for. Attention grabbing, bombastic, and most importantly, focus-group tested for resonance. Right down to the molecular level. They actually used to distribute a list of words they wanted you to use to describe Republicans and Republican policies, and those they wanted used to describe Democrats and Democratic policies. For most Republicans, that rudimentary training is usually enough to get you through most situations. They rarely, if ever, face the national press corps for a full and wide-ranging examination of the breadth of their policy positions, instead perhaps occasionally doing national interviews on specific topics of expertise. Only the top leaders from each party tend to find themselves in a position like Palin will be facing on Thursday, and even then only for perhaps ten minutes at a time. It's highly unusual for such an untested politician to find themselves in this bright a spotlight, and it's only due to the fact that a vice presidential nominee can literally be picked out of the blue and thrust into the spotlight with no special prerequisites that this can even happen. Ordinarily, people choose their running mates with, you know, a little care and forethought. And that usually produces a selection who's actually ready for the job. Not this time. This time, we're being given a chance to watch one of the GOPAC spawn in the larval stage, not yet fully developed, and we'll have a chance to see the limitations of trying to teach someone to talk and argue like Newt Gingrich before they're ready. So perhaps that's the reason the media has been able to really key in on what she's doing. Doubtless there was already some sense that they'd be able to see cracks in the armor just because she was being tested nationally for the first time. But the cracks turned out to be bigger than expected, given her sterling performance at her RNC debut. And what is she doing? Nothing different than most GOPAC-trained Republicans do. At least not on paper. She's rhetorically shifting the ground underneath so that the discussion ends up being about the talking points she's been trained to deliver, rather than what the question was actually about. Gingrich himself could do it so seamlessly that most people never noticed, unless or until they went back and read a transcript, and noticed that the question he answered bore hardly any relation to the one asked. Whether it's nerves or just incomplete training, though, Palin isn't clicking on all cylinders. That may work with smaller audiences or local press who have some vested interest in not calling out hometown powerbrokers, but it doesn't seem to be cutting it for Palin on the national scene. She hasn't helped herself by executing her training poorly of late, but there's only so much you can do once your questioners realize that you have only one set play for when you get in trouble: 1) repeat back some of the words in the question to establish that you're "answering" it; 2) parry by steering the frame of your answer toward a talking point that bears some relation to the subect of the question; 3) spray some transitional buzzwords that help you segue from what you were asked to what you have prepared to say, and; 4) deliver the focus group-tested answer you originally planned, even if it's kind of a non-sequitur. By whatever stroke of luck, Palin's media questioners are seeing this for what it is this time. It may have something to do with the fact that so many of her ready answers have to do with attacking back at the media who are asking the questions (and, importantly, shaping the reporting of her answers). Or it may have something to do with the fact that her answers have, for the most part, been embarrassing, garbled messes. Whatever the reason, the narrative that Palin often answers questions -- even easy ones -- with a word spray that she hopes will function like squid ink is gelling with the media and the public. And it's not something they're having to pull out of their hats, either. This is something that's been dogging her for years, but the media themselves have only recently been willing to admit they see. Just as we're all coming to realize that Palin's preferred method of dealing with the press and the public rely chiefly ducking contact whenever possible, and evading questions when hiding entirely becomes impossible, so it turns out, has it always been. Palin's record of cartoonish, barely coherent answers is longer than we thought: Is Sarah Palin ready to be governor? The former Wasilla mayor says yes. But with three weeks until the Nov. 7 election, her opponents are increasingly questioning how well she knows her stuff and how prepared she is for the job. A string of new commercials from Democrat Tony Knowles call Palin "the untested mayor of a small town." Knowles, a former two-term governor, says it's too chancy for her to lead negotiations to build the proposed natural gas pipeline. The Knowles campaign and independent candidate Andrew Halcro both criticized Palin in recent days for not appearing at some candidate forums. When she is there, they say, she's often vague on the issues. One of the sharper exchanges of the campaign happened last week in a debate on health care at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Halcro, a former state representative from Anchorage, told Palin her response to a question about the state budget was "gibberish." Gibberish. Well, a lot of people's debate answers really are gibberish, only the media doesn't usually admit it, which leads you to wonder whether they actually noticed or not. The debate format is different from the format of most interviews. It's the prospect of pointed follow-ups that seem to trip Palin up most, and in the format selected for the debate, we know Biden will be precluded from posing them. We can't be as certain about what prerogatives the moderator has, but in general, moderators have a vested interest in moving the program along in the interest of touching on as wide a range of issue areas as possible, rather than bringing the train to a halt to reexamine answers that seem less than satisfactory. Palin will have to count on the moderator's inclination to let her answers stand to survive the debate. And hope that she can toss out the right stream of buzzwords to give the impression that she was on topic -- something she's been unable to do so far in interviews, as she tries to anticipate the next question. In the debate format, the next question will be for her opponent, giving her time to collect herself in between. So in the end, it's not all that likely that we'll see the knockout punch delivered in the debate. Biden will be largely penned in. The moderator won't want to "bias" the proceedings by pointing out the blindingly obvious. And the media, usually persuadable that an answer that doesn't end in spontaneous combustion is a passable one, might still be willing to play the standard expectations game and give her a bye if she doesn't burst into flames. I'd encourage them, though, in watching and reviewing the debate, to hold her performance up to those we've seen in the past few weeks, and keep in mind that they've been quite right to notice -- as even prominent conservative opinion journalists like NRO's Kathleen Parker have, that: Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. To me, it's not about raising expectations. That's simply not plausible with Palin. It's about changing expectations. If she's merely expected to survive, well, she'll meet and exceed those expectations. But if she's expected to actually answer the questions posed and not simply respond to them verbally, well, that's a different story. And one the media is already comfortable telling. The word is out. The narrative is set. All the traditional media have to do is see the same thing they've been seeing. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Dave Gray on October 01, 2008, 04:39:53 pm Please don't just post links.
Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: SCFinfan on October 01, 2008, 04:41:59 pm It's gonna be a bloodbath!
Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Dave Gray on October 01, 2008, 04:45:22 pm I have a feeling that this is going to be like when they opened Al Capone's vault.
I'll watch, for sure, but I don't anticipate any big gaffes. Both candidates are going to be very well prepared. There are only probably about 50 questions they could ask, and variations of those questions. Both will be studied up on those. Biden is a blowhard, but will be on a time constraint. Palin is a ditz, but won't ever have to ad-lib, so she should be fine. I think that people are hoping to see a circus, and I think they're not going to get it. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Frimp on October 01, 2008, 09:03:37 pm I don't know what to expect when the moderator has a book about Obama scheduled to be released on Inaguration Day. Especially considering the fact that if Obama loses, her book won't sell. Think she'll be fair and balanced? I don't. But, I think Palin will do fine anyway.
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=76645 And before you tell me that I'm just trying to cover for a bad performance by Palin, just ask yourself this: If the moderator were Glenn Beck, what would you think about that? Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: run_to_win on October 01, 2008, 11:23:27 pm If the moderator were Glenn Beck, what would you think about that? A sure sign that the apocalypse is upon us.Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Jim Gray on October 01, 2008, 11:24:13 pm M
I don't know what to expect when the moderator has a book about Obama scheduled to be released on Inaguration Day. Especially considering the fact that if Obama loses, her book won't sell. Think she'll be fair and balanced? I don't. But, I think Palin will do fine anyway. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=76645 And before you tell me that I'm just trying to cover for a bad performance by Palin, just ask yourself this: If the moderator were Glenn Beck, what would you think about that? The book was widely announced in June. Why the beef now? If it's true that McCain's camp didn't know........shame on them. Let's be honest - this is nothing more than the latest Republican Go watch the Palin interview with Couric and come back and tell me you think she's ready to be president. If you can honestly do that, then there's really nothing more for us to talk about. I don't believe you can watch the Palin interview with Couric and not be embarrassed and shocked. Her answers, if you can call them that, are a rambling, nonsensical collection of talking points. President Palin? Given the challenges this country faces, I just don't know how anyone can be comfortable with that. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Frimp on October 01, 2008, 11:34:03 pm If you aren't going to READ the post that you quoted, I'm not going to bother answering you. But since you only like to scan messages, I'll put it right in its own line.
I said: I THINK SHE'LL DO FINE ANYWAY!!! And, if you want to focus on a bad interview (which I still haven't seen) and bash her based on that, I could return the favor and post a whole bunch of gaffes by the Messiah and Joe Biden. You also love to overlook the fact that probably more people are less convinced that Obama is qualified than Palin. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: jtex316 on October 01, 2008, 11:50:57 pm If you aren't going to READ the post that you quoted, I'm not going to bother answering you. But since you only like to scan messages, I'll put it right in its own line. I said: I THINK SHE'LL DO FINE ANYWAY!!! And, if you want to focus on a bad interview (which I still haven't seen) and bash her based on that, I could return the favor and post a whole bunch of gaffes by the Messiah and Joe Biden. You also love to overlook the fact that probably more people are less convinced that Obama is qualified than Palin. The "fact" that "probably"? I'm going to start calling you Mr. Palin from now on. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Frimp on October 01, 2008, 11:55:02 pm The "fact" that "probably"? I'm going to start calling you Mr. Palin from now on. Ok. She's better looking than any woman you've ever had without having to wear beer goggles. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Jim Gray on October 02, 2008, 12:34:35 am If you aren't going to READ the post that you quoted, I'm not going to bother answering you. But since you only like to scan messages, I'll put it right in its own line. I said: I THINK SHE'LL DO FINE ANYWAY!!! And, if you want to focus on a bad interview (which I still haven't seen) and bash her based on that, I could return the favor and post a whole bunch of gaffes by the Messiah and Joe Biden. You don't need to answer me. Either you are interested enough in your own candidate to watch the interview or not; but don't expect me to take anything you say seriously if you stick your head in the sand and keep spouting the talking points you are fed. Can you defend Palin in any way other than attacking Obama/Biden? I would love to see someone actually address the issue of Palin's competence directly. Quote You also love to overlook the fact that probably more people are less convinced that Obama is qualified than Palin. Fact? Bullshit. B U L L S H I T. Current polls give Obama an average favorable rating of 55.2% (even Fox has him at 57). The latest Palin approval rating is 32%. What are you basing your statement on? Wanting something to be true doesn't make it a fact. God damnit you people frustrate the absolute fuck out of me sometimes. I don't know why I even bother. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Sunstroke on October 02, 2008, 12:41:46 am God damnit you people frustrate the absolute fuck out of me sometimes. I don't know why I even bother. Amen... This is why I usually limit my involvement in political threads to sitting on the edges and shooting spitwads at the candidates. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: run_to_win on October 02, 2008, 02:58:04 am God damnit you people frustrate the absolute fuck out of me sometimes. I don't know why I even bother. (http://www.seksueelgeweld.nl/prikbord/images/smiles/rofl.gif)Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: fyo on October 02, 2008, 08:08:04 am http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/10/02/ec.cbs.interview.cnn
This is the "Supreme Court" part of the Couric interview... the part where it's painfully clear that Palin cannot name a single Supreme Court Decision (that she disagrees with, anyway) aside from Roe v Wade. I actually couldn't watch it all the way through, so if Palin suddenly made some brilliant points in the second half, I wouldn't know. As was stated elsewhere, why on Earth did she agree to an unscripted interview? Seriously. And why are people claiming she's being OVERhandled, when the opposite clearly seems to be the case. She couldn't possibly have been any LESS handled in this situation if they'd tried. Anyway, personally, I think too much is being made of these gaffes. Sure, they make for nice, cringe-worthy sound-bytes, but some of them (like the "Putin flies over Alaska, so I have foreign policy experience") are grossly exaggerated by the media and repeatedly played out of context, making them sound a lot worse than they were in the flow of the conversation. That would also include the question on Afghanistan she was thrown by a random student at a burger joint where she apparently said the US should conduct unilateral strikes within Pakistan (a position which would agree with Obama, but not McCain). What does strike me as concerning is the look of panic she has on when interviewed. I'm going to assume she's not actually stupid. You don't get to be governor (even of Alaska) on good looks alone. You need some combination of smarts, connections and money as well. If you have the right family name, you can skimp on the smarts, but I really do think Palin is a lot smarter than she's showing right now. If she gets comfortable, the VP debate should be quite interesting. If she gets that look of panic on her face, Biden could kill her. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Frimp on October 02, 2008, 08:35:07 am You don't need to answer me. Either you are interested enough in your own candidate to watch the interview or not; but don't expect me to take anything you say seriously if you stick your head in the sand and keep spouting the talking points you are fed. Can you defend Palin in any way other than attacking Obama/Biden? I would love to see someone actually address the issue of Palin's competence directly. Fact? Bullshit. B U L L S H I T. Current polls give Obama an average favorable rating of 55.2% (even Fox has him at 57). The latest Palin approval rating is 32%. What are you basing your statement on? Wanting something to be true doesn't make it a fact. God damnit you people frustrate the absolute fuck out of me sometimes. I don't know why I even bother. All I'm saying is that I didn't see the Couric interview. Neither did ALOT of people. Couric's ratings prove that. So, your point about me 'not caring enough' is null and void. Also, my wireless internet has been on the fritz over the past week. I can't watch videos right now, which is why I still havent seen it despite the links that have been provided. I have repeatedly said things like 'We'll see on Thursday' and I think she'll do fine, yet I'm constantly blasted by "you people" for not saying that Palin is pond scum. And, I think it is very interesting that "you people" keep trashing Palin for a bad interview, and no experience, when your guy sounds like a scratched record, and who is incapable of forming his own thoughts unless he's reading off a teleprompter, and who's policies change as fast as the date will. He has as much foreign policy experience as Palin, yet "you people" forget that. McCain is runing for president. Not Palin. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: CF DolFan on October 02, 2008, 08:36:40 am All attacking aside I think Frimp asked a legitimate question. How would you feel as a Democrat if the moderator was someone who could profit from a Republican win, made disparaging remarks about the Democratic VP candidate, or just plain wrote a book on the postives of the election based on the Republican candidate?
So far the only answers I have seen or heard, even from Keith Oberman, are you should have known they were biased before. It's not like anyone is even disputing it. This seems ludicrous to me but then again so do many things about politics and media. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Phishfan on October 02, 2008, 09:39:28 am We will see after the debate, but the format should be set up so both candidates answer the same questions. I don't see how that could be biased unless asking too tough a question for one candidate is somehow biased.
Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Dave Gray on October 02, 2008, 09:47:40 am McCain's campaign should ask for a different moderator. These things are all agreed to way ahead of time. If he's unhappy, speak up now, if there's a conflict of interest.
Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: ethurst2 on October 02, 2008, 11:19:38 am McCain's campaign should ask for a different moderator. These things are all agreed to way ahead of time. If he's unhappy, speak up now, if there's a conflict of interest. Why do I get the feeling that McCain DOESN'T WANT to win this election? There were several times ghe could have drove the hammer into Obama's campaign and he misses it every time. You would think that the Palin pick would have him as the clear winner to the finish line but he keeps missing out on golden opportunities, such as what Dave said, asking for a different moderator. Maybe this whole thing is fixed (wouldn't surprise me). It's playing out like a cheap straight to video movie. Title: Re: vp debate preview Post by: Phishfan on October 02, 2008, 12:36:43 pm It's funny how two people can see things completely different. I think a lot of people see the Palin pick as a huge mistake for McCain rather than something to make him a clear winner. She comes across dummer than Dan Quale which is quite the accomplishment.