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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Brian Fein on October 06, 2008, 09:38:05 am

Title: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 06, 2008, 09:38:05 am
First off, thanks and CONGRATULATIONS to all the participants for this week's entries.  I thought this subject was the hardest and most abstract yet, but some of you were up for the challenge.

Please note, voting will STILL be completely anonymous, for a voting period of three days.

We have only 3 entries in the fourth edition - kinda disappointing.  Please review the photos below, and vote for your overall favorite, based on creativity, interpretation of the subject, and photographic quality.  The category for this episode is:


So, without further adieu, in no particular order, I give you...the entrants:

Entry 1:

Entry 2:

Entry 3:

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Dave Gray on October 06, 2008, 11:11:17 am
All good, and appropriate entries this time.

I chose 2, because I think the time lapse really added to the category.

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: bsfins on October 06, 2008, 11:16:06 am
I voted..but wont dicuss the vote till I wont be a party pooper....

I actually thought about entering this one..but Thought....umm People might not be too happy if they knew it was me...I had an Idea (would have been better as a repetition entry) but going to my local hardware store and shooting a picture of the Bigger Bulk Nuts bin....Also one of the religious schools had a 10' Wire Bronze Globe,I thought about shooting it also....Then thought the better of it....

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Sunstroke on October 06, 2008, 11:23:30 am

I like these photos...and literally flipped a coin between two entries. I agree with Dave on the time-lapse of #2...very cool, but I liked the poignancy in #3 of using the circular walkway at Dolphins Stadium in a Dolphins site sponsored contest.

#1 made me think of my first acid trip...and made me want to eat salt water taffy.

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 06, 2008, 11:36:41 am
Lil B - please don't be afraid to enter.  You had a coupla good ideas there.  No one would be mad if you entered.  I'll tell you one of the "Comfort" photos was from a person who's not even a member of these forums.

Please - in the future don't be afraid to enter.  We need more entries!!

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 07, 2008, 04:19:35 pm
Biggity Bump.  If you haven't voted yet, please do so.

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 12, 2008, 12:58:31 pm
Congratulations to Frimp for submitting the winning entry this time.

Please head over to the "How'd ya do that" thread and tell us about your winning shot.

(By the way, I wanted to take that exact same picture for my entry, but I couldn't find a carnival nearby.  I even rtied to fool around with star trails but couldn't get a good one in time.)

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Philly Fin Fan on October 12, 2008, 10:52:18 pm
Frimp- That is an incredible shot!

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Frimp on October 12, 2008, 11:05:56 pm

Thanks, Philly. I like yours alot (the tracks) too. That is a great one. Have you gotten any fall shots yet? Here in SC, the leaves on the trees really havent turned color yet. Have they in your neck of the woods?

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: bsfins on October 13, 2008, 12:27:19 pm
Congrats Frimp,It's a really nice pic....Great effect...

Yeah Frimp, I've got the same problem..It's gonna bee atleast another 2 weeks before the fall leaves start turning colors here....I've got a couple of great ideas...But ...Unless I make it fall,it won't mean alot....

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 14, 2008, 10:49:46 am
I might consider postponing the "Fall" category, maybe I busted it out too early.

Leaves don't change in Florida at all, so I have no idea when that's appropriate.  Maybe better for November?

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Frimp on October 14, 2008, 11:46:21 am
In South and North Carolina and Tennessee, the first to second week of November is prime time for fall. Not sure about north of me.

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: SportsChick on October 14, 2008, 11:52:11 am
MA/New England this is getting to be about prime time for leaves changing

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brian Fein on October 14, 2008, 11:59:43 am
Maybe I'll just extend the deadline a few weeks?  I have a good fluff category to do in the mean time.

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: Brians Stalker on October 14, 2008, 12:00:50 pm
They are all changing here right now, but I'll just hang onto my pics until it is time.  

Title: Re: TDMMC Photo Contest: Chapter 4 - VOTING!
Post by: bsfins on October 14, 2008, 04:41:40 pm
Either or...I know here the Oak trees tops are just starting to turn yellow....