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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: BeefStewert on October 09, 2008, 04:26:44 pm

Title: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: BeefStewert on October 09, 2008, 04:26:44 pm
I've never talked about this before, but I really need the boards advice on what could be a crucial decision. I've suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me.

The usual signs… Phone rings but if I answer, the caller hangs up.
My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently although when I ask their names she always says, “Just some friends from work, you don't know them.”

I always stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she always walks down the drive. Although I can hear a car driving off, as if she has gotten out of the car round the corner. Why? Maybe she wasn't in a taxi?

I once picked her cell phone up just to see what time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.

Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my wife I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her.

I decided I was going to sit behind the boat which is next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the whole street when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my boat , that I noticed that the cover on my engine seemed to be cracked a little and some oil was leaking out .

Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it over to the shop?

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 09, 2008, 04:29:13 pm
thats good. 

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: simeon on October 09, 2008, 04:31:05 pm
Go over to the nearest Lowes and go to the paint department and ask for an adhesive they is used on blockheads, I can't remember the name of the product but it works.. ::)
The name of the product JB Weld.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Tepop84 on October 09, 2008, 04:31:55 pm
Don't fix it and at your divorce let her have the boat.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Defense54 on October 09, 2008, 04:34:57 pm

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: jtex316 on October 09, 2008, 04:42:10 pm
I think you know what you gotta do. The question is whether or not you can handle doing what you know you gotta do. Doesn't sound like you are. Until then, you're "That Guy", and you'll be "That Guy" until you start handling your business.

...unless of course this post is a joke and "your wife" really = "you car"...which if that's the case, your wife should really leave you for being such a loser that names their car and pretends their car is their second woman.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on October 09, 2008, 04:44:08 pm
Call Lil B.  I'm sure he'd give a discount to a fellow TDMMCer.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: jtex316 on October 09, 2008, 04:46:40 pm
hey Defense1234 - why did you delete your post? It had a good chunk of advice in there that I could have used for the next time I got married and suspected cheating on my I'll have to find out the hard way....thanks.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Brian Fein on October 09, 2008, 04:47:17 pm
Dude this is an easy problem to fix.

All you have to do is remove the cover from the engine and find where the leak is coming from.  it could be something as easy as a loose hose clamp or a cracked reservoir.  No need to pay hefty marina repair service prices to fix something that simple.  Without any further investigation, its tough to say whether or not you can fix it yourself.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Defense54 on October 09, 2008, 04:50:57 pm
hey Defense1234 - why did you delete your post? It had a good chunk of advice in there that I could have used for the next time I got married and suspected cheating on my I'll have to find out the hard way....thanks.

Next time you think of getting married PM me first bud............... ;) ;D

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Thundergod on October 09, 2008, 04:51:18 pm

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Phishfan on October 09, 2008, 05:18:21 pm
Fish on. I was really into it.

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: CF DolFan on October 09, 2008, 05:19:26 pm
You suck dude ... I was so feeling for you though I'm glad to see you are OK!!

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: bsfins on October 09, 2008, 05:36:39 pm
Is it a fiberglass,motor cover? you might be able to use some Epoxy,then Bondo Fiberglas filler...

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: StL FinFan on October 09, 2008, 08:10:03 pm
Dude, are you even married?  :D

Title: Re: Need Advice - I think my wife is cheating on me
Post by: Frimp on October 09, 2008, 09:25:18 pm
That was really good.  ;D