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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Defense54 on October 11, 2008, 01:51:19 pm

Title: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Defense54 on October 11, 2008, 01:51:19 pm
Not that anyone here really cares but..........I will be Voting for Barack Obama.  :|

I'm about 98% sure and off the fence anyways.

I didn't come to this conclusion from any of the arguments here on this site, from any personal attacks made on the personal lives of the candidates or any personal agendas like religion, abortion or who you choose to bang. McCains biggest challenge this election was GW Bush and his Ghost. I don't want to lay it all at GW's feet , Clinton and Al Gore Helped all the outsourcing along by signing that NAFTA agreement , but GW inherited it and basically did nothing to correct the direction we were headed. Did nothing to help slow down the boom of the early 2000's that blew up like a water balloon and popped in our faces.

But this weekend something amazing happened. Fuel Dropped from$3.60 a gallon to $3.19 yesterday to $3.09 today.  They say it will be back to $2.00 by Thanksgiving.  :|

Good news right!!?   Maybe. But it shows me that this government had the ability to do that all along. But instead let mega Fuel corporations post record years with 70-80 Billion in in profits. It took the worst week in the History of Wall street for them to say.......ok, you made your money. Now Give the American People a break. Lower that shit to $2.00 so we can get this economy going again.

Now I know that John McCain is not GW Bush. I love the man and admire him greatly. I wish He was nominated back in 96 instead of that Turd Dole or GW Bush in 2000, but he wasn't. Times have changed since then and people are hurting.

In my Job I meet lots of different people everyday. People passing through , Upper society and the common Folk. Everyone is in the same boat right now.

Let me share a story with you. This fight happened recently in a local dinner where everyone frequents :
 This was out of my local paper.......names and places are taken out to protect the innocent. (ME)   ;)

— If you think the back-and-forth between the candidates is getting ugly, presidential politics got downright physical here Thursday evening, according to a report released Friday by the  ***********Police Department.

The report states that about 7:20 p.m. Thursday two diners in back-to-back booths of a restaurant in the 2000 block of  ****** *******  were arguing about the upcoming presidential election when one turned away and said he “didn’t need to hear it anymore.”

At that point one of the arguers, Johnny  ******* , of the 1300 block of  ***** *****  got out of his seat, grabbed the other arguer by his head “and slammed it into the wall, causing a minor laceration with bleeding to the back of the victim’s head.”

 **** ****  was charged with simple battery. The report didn’t give the men’s political affiliations. 

I'll give the political affiliations, The guy that did the slamming is a Republican  and the guy that got his head slammed in is a known Democrat in the area.  The slammer is a hard working family man that grew up in the area. He's helped me and others many times during the hurricanes to help rebuild after the Storms 4 years ago. He recently had his home taken by the bank because construction is almost non existent.  The Person who got his Head slammed is a Local ex real estate investor/Banker (Democrat) He told my Friend that he shouldn't be eating out , that if he hadn't been so careless with his money he could afford the steak and eggs instead of the Bargain breakfast. He did this in front of his family.  He also told him He's not voting for Barack Obama (My buddy has a McSame bumper sticker on his truck) even though he is a Democrat. He would never vote for a N***er for President.  So My Buddy who served in operation Dessert Storm  and is a registered Republican Smashed his head against the Diner Booth.   

Now I had to come and pick up the pieces.   As big as an asshole as this guy is, you just can't go smashing someones skull in a Diner full of people. So I had to put my friend in handcuffs and take him to jail in front of his family.  His bail was posted in 2 hours by the owner of that same diner. People are seriously getting Fed up. I'm catching all the desperateness everytime I meet out with folks.

I know alot of people here don't like me because I speak my mind , but I have no agenda and I never meant to ever offend anyone. I do love to fool around a bit and my sense of humor can be a bit crass at times.........but I'm just not in the laughing mood this past week.   This economy is affecting every single American, every child, and the very future of this country.  As bad as 9/11 was, it was violent and just senseless and I don't mean to make light of the tragedy..........this is a far greater threat to our country and way of life then anything in this nations History.

While Barack Obama (I still want to slap his mother for naming him that ???) is not perfect , who is? But I think he may be the best choice for the success of this country and the future for my 2 sons.  Unless McCain can come up with a 4th Quarter miracle Doug Flutie Hail Mary..........The Future for this country lies with Barack Obama.   :|

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Dave Gray on October 11, 2008, 06:40:36 pm
I think you're making the correct choice.  I hope beyond all things that he can bring the positive change that this country needs.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on October 11, 2008, 07:19:42 pm
I believe this is the right choice too.  Gas had no business being this high, and Bush and his administration did nothing to stop it when they could have. 

Vote his entire party out of office. 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Frimp on October 11, 2008, 08:49:28 pm
I believe this is the right choice too.  Gas had no business being this high, and Bush and his administration did nothing to stop it when they could have. 

Vote his entire party out of office. 

So, Pelosi and the Democrats promising to lower gas prices was just an election ploy? You mean they lied to us? It was the democrats who refused to drill for a long time. But, sure. Lets blame it on Bush.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: jtex316 on October 11, 2008, 09:43:01 pm
So, Pelosi and the Democrats promising to lower gas prices was just an election ploy? You mean they lied to us? It was the democrats who refused to drill for a long time. But, sure. Lets blame it on Bush.

Dude, give it up. EVEN DEFENSE freaking 5499 is voting for Obama (No offense, defense). At this juncture, Stephen A. Smith would say "IT'S OVA! IT'S OOOOOOVA!!!"

Let's see:

CF Dolfan

1 down - 4 to go.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Frimp on October 11, 2008, 11:22:18 pm

Too late. I already voted absentee.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Dphins4me on October 11, 2008, 11:26:28 pm
I think you're making the correct choice.  I hope beyond all things that he can bring the positive change that this country needs.
 Lets hope its only for 4 Yrs.

Socialism kicks Capitalism to the curb if it happens.  

If my understanding is correct.  He wants to remove guns from US citizens.

He wants to raise taxes & say he will give tax cuts to people, but he said that when he ran for the Senate, but never did it.

Wants the hard working people of America to pay for health care for everyone.   This will take America under & watch & see if people will be bitching about how the Gov will not let them have an operation.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Frimp on October 11, 2008, 11:27:50 pm
 Lets hope its only for 4 Yrs.

Socialism kicks Capitalism to the curb if it happens.  

If my understanding is correct.  He wants to remove guns from US citizens.

He wants to raise taxes & say he will give tax cuts to people, but he said that when he ran for the Senate, but never did it.

Wants the hard working people of America to pay for health care for everyone.   This will take America under & watch & see if people will be bitching about how the Gov will not let them have an operation.

They'll find some way to blame it on Bush.  ;)

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Dphins4me on October 11, 2008, 11:31:09 pm
They'll find some way to blame it on Bush.  ;)
I hear they think he is the gunman behind the grassy knolls.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: run_to_win on October 12, 2008, 12:40:50 am
So Bush lowered gas prices right before the election?  That's interesting.

I still want to know who crashed the housing market, credit market, and stock market.

Did the Democrats purposely submarine the economy right before the election?  Or did the Republicans do it so they could attempt to use Obama's connections with ACORN to pull a rabbit out of the hat?

Didn't Osama Bin Laden claim that HE was going to destroy our economy?  Was it him, and if so, was he working alone or with one of the parties?  Which one?

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: AprFools_Phins on October 12, 2008, 01:15:29 am
Dude, give it up. EVEN DEFENSE freaking 5499 is voting for Obama (No offense, defense). At this juncture, Stephen A. Smith would say "IT'S OVA! IT'S OOOOOOVA!!!"

Let's see:

CF Dolfan

1 down - 4 to go.

you can add me to that list- but believe me- no one will ever convince me to vote for Obama

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 12, 2008, 02:05:31 am
So, Pelosi and the Democrats promising to lower gas prices was just an election ploy? You mean they lied to us? It was the democrats who refused to drill for a long time. But, sure. Lets blame it on Bush.
Yes, because more drilling will make such a real and noticeable impact on gas prices!

Don't listen to that pinko commie Obama and his claims about checking your tire pressure.  Checking your tire pressure is a waste of time.  Drill, baby, drill!

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: run_to_win on October 12, 2008, 02:18:53 am
Yes, because more drilling will make such a real and noticeable impact on gas prices!
I thought your side liked the higher gas prices because they force us to use less? 

What if it's not about gas prices but getting us more energy independent and keeping us out of the Middle East?

It would be helpful if more of the money spent on gas stayed in our economy instead of fueling others.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 12, 2008, 03:25:49 am
Um, gas prices are tied to supply and demand.  Even if one sets aside all potential environmental issues, I fail to see how increasing supply is somehow preferable to reducing demand, particularly when the reduction in demand is more significant (from an extra-fuel-saved-vs-extra-fuel-produced standpoint).

If the goal is to get us more energy independent, how is "drill, baby, drill!" a solution?  Gee, if we're still addicted to oil 30 years from now, this extra drilling will lower gas prices about a nickel?  Joy.

I have no problem with long-term solutions, but if we're expected to undertake a project with that kind of timetable for realized benefits, it had better be something that helps us use LESS oil, not something that provides more oil to use.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Defense54 on October 12, 2008, 11:10:47 am
I'm not blaming Bush for it all...........But jeez, you gotta admit he didn't do much to correct it did he? What got me was as soon as the economy took a shit, not just the upcoming election, but it took the worst 1 week in the history of wall street for them to say OK, here ya go..........Lets bring the Fuel Prices down.  They had the power all along and they didn't do it. Why? Because it served them and people they are in bed with rather then US.  That's why I vote for people, to serve for US. What got me on the Fence was I know McCain is a good man with his own mind.........but even he has been swayed by others (example: The Palin fiasco)  to make bad decisions already. 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: run_to_win on October 12, 2008, 05:34:13 pm
Um, gas prices are tied to supply and demand.  Even if one sets aside all potential environmental issues, I fail to see how increasing supply is somehow preferable to reducing demand, particularly when the reduction in demand is more significant (from an extra-fuel-saved-vs-extra-fuel-produced standpoint).

If the goal is to get us more energy independent, how is "drill, baby, drill!" a solution?  Gee, if we're still addicted to oil 30 years from now, this extra drilling will lower gas prices about a nickel?  Joy.

I have no problem with long-term solutions, but if we're expected to undertake a project with that kind of timetable for realized benefits, it had better be something that helps us use LESS oil, not something that provides more oil to use.
Again, what if it's not about gas prices but getting us more energy independent and keeping us out of the Middle East?

It would be helpful if more of the money spent on gas stayed in our economy instead of fueling economies in other countries.  That money, if it stayed in our economy, could be spent on researching alternatives.

Prices are down about 25%.  That should free up a bunch of money for environmentalists to invest in alternatives.  Dan, how much have you invested in alternatives? 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Dave Gray on October 12, 2008, 05:42:51 pm
Dan, how much have you invested in alternatives? 

I see you make this argument quite often, and I feel that it has absolutely no value.

You don't have to personally invest in something financially in order to support it.  I believe in supporting things through government.  I support the war, education, etc....not personally, but through paying my taxes.  And I'd like to see things like energy independence and alternative fuel sources be part of those things we collectively pay for.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: simeon on October 12, 2008, 05:57:32 pm
First I want to say how much I respect defense, sir I admire you and respect you for your service. I am glad you have made up your mind as to who you vote for, it appears you put personal feelings aside and made a decision you believe to be best for you family. I have also felt the brunt of personal attacks to the point I see no more reason to voice my opinion on the board. Today will be last time I post on the board for awhile if not for good. I want to thank those who I have become friends with, it was my pleasure to help you out, if you know what I mean.. ;). I will be helping my friend frimp out tonight and that will be it from me for awhile. I wish you all the best and much success in your endeavors.
For one good last hollar....GO DOLPHINS!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 09:08:41 am
I have also felt the brunt of personal attacks to the point I see no more reason to voice my opinion on the board. Today will be last time I post on the board for awhile if not for good.

Waaah.  Need a binkie?  See ya.  "Personal attacks" or people that disagree with you and you aren't able to differentiate the two?

Memo to people that want to leave an on line message board:  Like Mikey used to say...

Just do it. 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: run_to_win on October 13, 2008, 09:24:24 am
^^^ Just in case not everyone is aware of what an unnecessary derisive or condescending remark is, Maine has kindly provided this example. 

Thank you Maine.   ;)

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 09:39:11 am
Do YOU need your diaper changed as well?

Words on a computer screen.  In order for someone to personally attack another person there needs to be a level of personal knowledge.  I don't think anyone on this board has spent time with simeon.  He's words on a computer screen, as are you.  Simeon was never attacked personally.  If you allow someone's difference in opinion to make you feel personally attacked...that's on you.  No one else.

You, Run, spend the majority of your time dancing around people's opinions and stirring the pot.  You understand this better than anyone else here.

Again - people that want to leave an on line community - just go.  You don't need to give a two week notice.  You're not required to be here.

Want to stay, stay.  Want to leave, leave. 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Dphins4me on October 13, 2008, 09:56:20 am
I support the war, education, etc....not personally, but through paying my taxes. 

We need to get the Gov out of the education business.  Gov. should not be educating the people.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 10:12:25 am
Slippery slope.  Educational rights and laws are all tied in together.  If you take out government intervention with education it leaves you with...what?  How do you fund school systems?  How do you mandate that educate is not optional?

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: run_to_win on October 13, 2008, 11:35:28 am
Do YOU need your diaper changed as well?

Words on a computer screen.  In order for someone to personally attack another person there needs to be a level of personal knowledge.  I don't think anyone on this board has spent time with simeon.  He's words on a computer screen, as are you.  Simeon was never attacked personally.  If you allow someone's difference in opinion to make you feel personally attacked...that's on you.  No one else. 
From this reply, I'm not convinced that you know the difference between opinions and unnecessary condescending/negative remarks.

You, Run, spend the majority of your time dancing around people's opinions and stirring the pot.  You understand this better than anyone else here.
Hello pot, a Mr. Kettle is on the phone. 

Wait, maybe you're demonstrating absurdity by being absurd?  Demonstrating immaturity by being immature?  Either way, bravo!

The main problem is that liberals and moderators don't recognize it when they're the guilty party - but they sure do get pissy when people respond "in kind". 

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 12:08:56 pm

The main problem is that liberals...

Simeon leaving the board has what to do with liberals?  Not that anyone needs further evidence about who you are and what you are all about, but I would like to present exhibit 876,987,780 to further that cause.

I could care less what your personal opinion of me is or your personal little "Maine's maturity" shit-o-meter.  The fact of the matter is that things that come off some people's finger tips around here is utterly ridiculous.  To feel personally attacked when someone calls you out on those statements is equally utterly ridiculous.  Have an opinion and defend it.  Someone not agreeing with your opinion does not equal a "personal attack."

I'll ask again - do you need your diaper changed as well?  Maybe a nice glass of milk and cookie to soothe those nerves?

By the way - for a man that can't communicate his point without .gif images of slamming a head into a wall, rolling on the floor, whatever to call anyone else said something about the pot and kettle?  Here's a mirror, pal. 

One more thing.  If you have such issue with the liberals and moderators on this site, feel free to pack up and follow simeon out the door.  No one forces you to log on day after day.  I didn't realize you and simeon were so close.  It all makes a little more sense now, however.

Edited for typo

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Rick on October 13, 2008, 12:17:32 pm
Waaah.  Need a binkie?  See ya.  "Personal attacks" or people that disagree with you and you aren't able to differentiate the two?

Memo to people that want to leave an on line message board:  Like Mikey used to say...

Just do it. 
  Not cool dude. ;)

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 13, 2008, 12:18:50 pm
Again, what if it's not about gas prices but getting us more energy independent and keeping us out of the Middle East?

It would be helpful if more of the money spent on gas stayed in our economy instead of fueling economies in other countries.  That money, if it stayed in our economy, could be spent on researching alternatives.
By reducing demand, that money IS staying in our economy, and is able to be used on things other than gas.  In contrast, your solution has the money staying in the economy, but going to entities that have, at the very minimum, a conflict of interest in promoting alternative energy.

Dan, how much have you invested in alternatives?
More than you've spent on providing additional sources of domestic oil?

I mean, since we're getting personal...

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 12:27:10 pm
  Not cool dude. ;)

You like it.  Admit it.  Yankee fan.

Fact of the matter is that simeon seems like a nice enough man, he really does.

I just have issue with people that feel the need to announce leaving a website.  No one cares, just go.  If you're going to pick stances that he picked on an internet message board you'll need a little thicker skin to go along with those stances.

At the end of the day the man is an 360 playing, Harley riding,  Dolphin fan.  He's alright with me.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: Defense54 on October 13, 2008, 12:40:11 pm
One more thing.  If you have such issue with the liberals and moderators on this site, feel free to pack up and follow simeon out the door.  No one forces you to log on day after day.  I didn't realize you and simeon were so close.  It all makes a little more sense now, however.

That would make it easier for ya all wouldn't it? Just go so you don't have the answers put before you. Your remarks were rude, crass and NOT APPROPIATE. Several here are telling you that. God forbid you just man up and apoligize.  ::)

Mods side with certain clicks here , people gang up  and unless you want thread after thread getting locked up ground rules need to be set and FOLLOWED by everyone.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: MaineDolFan on October 13, 2008, 12:48:26 pm
Man up and apologize for WHAT?  Having a different opinion?  "Several people" have told me that?  Run has.  And now you.  Imagine that, two guys that pretty much sided with each of simeon's OPINIONS are telling me that MINE are "crass and rude."

And yet you sit there and say everyone on the board must follow the lead of a few of us?  Really?  Weird.

Of course YOU have rushed to simeon's aid against the big, bad Maine.  I told him to "just leave!"  YIKES!  What has the world come to?  "Hey, simeon, don't say it."  OH MY GOD!  No!  The sky is falling!  Cars are crashing.  What a horrifically immature and crass thing to say!

Gee whiz.

The guy put his personal opinions out there and then felt attacked when people disagreed with those opinions.  Those attacks made him feel compelled to leave.  I call bullshit and say that is a first grade reaction, hence the binkie statement. 

I stand by my "crass" and "rude" comments.

Title: Re: I'm off the Fence............
Post by: bsfins on October 13, 2008, 12:51:16 pm
And Send your Whining that the threads are being locked P.M.'s to Defense5499...Thank you....