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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Defense54 on February 01, 2009, 02:10:28 am

Title: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 01, 2009, 02:10:28 am
The Carnival was in Town for 3 days and I got the security details for 2 of them. I spent 10 hours today walking the fairgrounds (frigging Cold and my feet are KILLING me!) Anyhow I got to stop at a bunch of the booths and I talked to the Carnie Folk. Some really interesting characters, They just travel from city to city, State to State, tearing down and setting up these Carnivals. Most live in tiny Pop up Campers in the back of a Pick up truck or actual Tents they set up night after night. The get running water where ever they are at and have small private portable showers and eat almost anything.

There was this girl who was approximately 5 months Pregnant. Smoking like a chimney. She said that she is off her meds (Bi Polar and ADD) because she didn't want to harm the baby and she needs something to keep her calm. She plans on bringing the baby up as a Carnie as well. She will home school him and teach him the Life..........

This other guy was about 57. He did about 20 years in prison for armed Robbery. Said he will never go back. Likes this life, he's been to every state , does not have to worry about bills, taxes or anything. I asked him what he is gonna do in 5-10 years when he gets too old for this life........he said he will deal with that when it happens.

I asked these people where they were from and what was the best and worst Cities they have been to.  Unanimously they all stated the WORST city by far was , St Louis Missouri. They said the crime rate there was sickening. Everyone of them were Robbed at least once during the Carnival. They said Parts of Ohio and Detroit were pretty bad also , but they were like Kiddie Parks compared to St Louis. I had no Idea that city was that bad. Is that true?

I bet thats a great reality show waiting to happen or even a best seller if someone had the time to live with these people for a short time. You could just see in their faces they have done ALOT of living in a very short time.  :|

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: NADS on February 04, 2009, 03:53:37 am
Apparently they don't do carnivals in PG County, MD.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 04, 2009, 01:22:41 pm
Apparently they don't do carnivals in PG County, MD.

I did ask them about the Top 5 cities I thought were the worst;

South Central L.A
New Orleans
Ohio (pick a city)

Most agreed they were not places to vacation, but St. Louis was by far the worst. They lose money becuase they are either getting robbed or paying for way too much security to make sure it doesn't happen.

I had no clue........Can others here deny or confirm that?

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Dave Gray on February 04, 2009, 03:06:56 pm
The carnival freaks me out a little bit.  ...not sure why. 

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 04, 2009, 03:56:23 pm
The carnival freaks me out a little bit.  ...not sure why. 

I used to be a construction worker in NYC. I've hung off of Skyscrappers, bridges, I've worked in a prison and the county jail. Gone chest to chest with some of the worst people society has to offer..........I'm scared shitless of Clowns. Its a real Phobia and I don't know why. My Mom says I didn't like them when I was younger either. Wierd.   As far as carnivals go.......they have some strange fucking people working there. Garantee if I ran half of them they would come up with warrants from other states.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 04, 2009, 04:11:18 pm
Garantee if I ran half of them they would come up with warrants from other states.

If you find they have a warrant from another state, are you required to take them into custody immediately?

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Phishfan on February 04, 2009, 04:50:40 pm
Carnival workers are like any other group of people. You will find nice people and scum of the earth there both. I use to work for a venue that hosted a fair (our state fair was the only larger one in the state). I have to say the Carnie's treated us really cool; free food, rides, and simple conversation.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: USO-ORLANDO on February 04, 2009, 05:23:54 pm
They still talk in code?

IE:How are you??  .........Hizow iz yiz

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 04, 2009, 05:48:18 pm
If you find they have a warrant from another state, are you required to take them into custody immediately?

Depends. Local warrant , Yes.  If its out of county , or state it has to have a expedition order. Meaning.......the county that issued the Warrant has to be willing to Pay to come get you. If so then Yes.......we are required to hold you.  Usually has to be pretty serious for an Out of state court to grant expedition .  So most of these transients in Florida all have Battery, , forgery, things of that Nature. But as long as they don't go back to the issuing county , they really have nothing to worry about. They are catching up on things like not paying child support though. No State is allowed to issue you a DL if you haven't paid Child Support. Then its hard to get a job, and we eventually lock you up anyway for Driving W/O a DL. Computers are really making peoples lives miserable.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 04, 2009, 05:51:03 pm
Carnival workers are like any other group of people. You will find nice people and scum of the earth there both. I use to work for a venue that hosted a fair (our state fair was the only larger one in the state). I have to say the Carnie's treated us really cool; free food, rides, and simple conversation.

Your right. And they treated me really well and let my kids ride for free and stuff as well. But then again I was the one protecting their ass so ................... ::)
Intresting people though.  They really see alot of different people every day.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 04, 2009, 07:10:32 pm
Depends. Local warrant , Yes.  If its out of county , or state it has to have a expedition order. Meaning.......the county that issued the Warrant has to be willing to Pay to come get you. If so then Yes.......we are required to hold you.  Usually has to be pretty serious for an Out of state court to grant expedition .  So most of these transients in Florida all have Battery, , forgery, things of that Nature. But as long as they don't go back to the issuing county , they really have nothing to worry about. They are catching up on things like not paying child support though. No State is allowed to issue you a DL if you haven't paid Child Support. Then its hard to get a job, and we eventually lock you up anyway for Driving W/O a DL. Computers are really making peoples lives miserable.

So based on what you're saying, I could punch someone in the face, get arrested for it, pay my bail, move out of state before my trial, and have nothing to worry about?  ;D

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: bsmooth on February 04, 2009, 07:34:32 pm
That is funny about the worst areas. At the county fair my senior year of high school a group of kids plotted to rip the carnies off.
First they staged themselves strategically around the booths, then someone tripped the power on the main generator, and as all the power went off plunging the fairway into darkness, they stripped the booths of prizes and money. It was brilliantly executed.
This from a town of less than 5000 pepole.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 05, 2009, 02:00:32 am
So based on what you're saying, I could punch someone in the face, get arrested for it, pay my bail, move out of state before my trial, and have nothing to worry about?  ;D

Yep.  Most have nowhere to go though. And it will come up and be a hassle for a while to come. Get used to cops pulling you over when ever your Tag is run becuase all the computer says is BEEP! Warrant............

We had a Ton of people during the storms in 2004-5 who ripped people off , took their money and didn't complete the work. They left and went up North. All have warrants in the State of Florida.....guess its one way to be rid of them.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: CF DolFan on February 05, 2009, 08:27:04 am
We have a carnival that bases out of here for the winter. Actually we have two now that I think about it.  My sister hooked up with one of the guys many years ago. It lasted for about 4 or 5 years if I remember but he quit the carnie after they hooked up. He did work with them while they were in town doing set ups and break down etc.  He had this disc jockey voice that worked well while running the Himalaya and stuff.   

He was a fairly normal guy.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 05, 2009, 11:03:08 am
We had a Ton of people during the storms in 2004-5 who ripped people off , took their money and didn't complete the work. They left and went up North. All have warrants in the State of Florida.....guess its one way to be rid of them.

So if those people sneak into Florida, they better not get pulled over?  Or would the cops come after them if they used their credit cards anywhere?

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 05, 2009, 11:41:08 am
So if those people sneak into Florida, they better not get pulled over?  Or would the cops come after them if they used their credit cards anywhere?

Yeah......they gotta get run. Lots of times a family member or someone with a grudge will Tip us off.  Credit cards are only for Bolo's and seriously wanted folks.   

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 05, 2009, 01:08:51 pm
Yeah......they gotta get run. Lots of times a family member or someone with a grudge will Tip us off.  Credit cards are only for Bolo's and seriously wanted folks.   

OK let me rephrase that.  Let's say I have a warrant for...... say battery, in the State of Florida.  I've fled somewhere up north, but I come back to Florida for vacation.  Assuming, I don't get pulled over in Florida, could I make it out without getting arrested?

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Defense54 on February 05, 2009, 02:09:31 pm
OK let me rephrase that.  Let's say I have a warrant for...... say battery, in the State of Florida.  I've fled somewhere up north, but I come back to Florida for vacation.  Assuming, I don't get pulled over in Florida, could I make it out without getting arrested?

Absolutely.....something we need to know about Tommy?  ::)

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: Phishfan on February 05, 2009, 02:53:18 pm
He sure is interested in the subject.

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 05, 2009, 03:44:49 pm
Absolutely.....something we need to know about Tommy?  ::)

Yep.  I've lived in Orlando for two years now, and been pulled over once for speeding, but the cop let me go when he saw my honorary badge.  That's all you need to know.   ;)

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: bsmooth on February 05, 2009, 09:15:00 pm
WTF is an honorary badge?

Title: Re: I spent an interesting day with a bunch of Carnie Folk.............
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 05, 2009, 10:19:49 pm
WTF is an honorary badge?

Means you have a relative who is a police officer, or it was awarded to you for some voluntary work you did for the police.