Title: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: Pats2006 on February 11, 2009, 04:33:38 pm Ex-Eagles wide receiver Freddie Mitchell is under investigation after accepting a package allegedly containing about 7 pounds of marijuana. According to a story in Florida's Lakeland Ledger, Mitchell was handcuffed, but not arrested, last Thursday after signing for the package at his restaurant, Brothers Bar-B-Q in Lakeland. Police said the package was first delivered to the home of Mitchell's 90-year-old grandmother, who Mitchell said "takes memory pills." She allegedly told the FedEx driver the package wasn't hers and that it was probably for Mitchell. The driver left a phone number for her to give to her grandson. Mitchell, who said he thought it might be supplies, called and had the package forwarded to his restaurant. Lakeland police haven't said what was in the package. But other law enforcement officials told the Ledger that it contained pot, which had been sniffed out by a trained narcotics dog. Police also have not revealed whose name was on the package. But Mitchell's lawyer, John Liguori, said logic dictates that it wasn't addressed to his client. "If Freddie's name were on it," Liguori said, "he'd be sitting in jail." -- Philadelphia Daily News
What they dont say is that the FedEx package was from Ricky Williams! ;D Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 11, 2009, 06:22:37 pm I'm withholding my opinion on this one. If not him, then someone he knows is obviously involved in something very shady.
Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: bsmooth on February 11, 2009, 08:10:31 pm I'm withholding my opinion on this one. If not him, then someone he knows is obviously involved in something very shady. So you are convienently forgetting the current trend of drug dealers to ship packages to innocent peoples addressess hoping to intercept the package before the wrong people get it? Did you miss the whole thread about the SWAT team assaulting a home that this very thing happened too and killed the family dogs? Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: StL FinFan on February 11, 2009, 08:42:28 pm Let he who has never smoked weed...
Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: Fau Teixeira on February 11, 2009, 09:02:37 pm Let he who has never smoked weed... me for example but i think that if someone wants to have 7 lbs of weed .. then more power to them .. smoke it if you got it Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: StL FinFan on February 11, 2009, 09:05:35 pm me for example but i think that if someone wants to have 7 lbs of weed .. then more power to them .. smoke it if you got it same here Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 11, 2009, 09:58:40 pm So you are convienently forgetting the current trend of drug dealers to ship packages to innocent peoples addressess hoping to intercept the package before the wrong people get it? Did you miss the whole thread about the SWAT team assaulting a home that this very thing happened too and killed the family dogs? We don't know for sure. Like I said, I'm withholding my opinion on this one. And like the article said, the fact that he was handcuffed and questioned on the spot, but then let go speaks volumes. Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: Sunstroke on February 11, 2009, 10:08:26 pm What? Not a single mention of Mitchell's chosen nickname? ... "Fred-Ex" Shame on all of you... ;) Title: Re: Freddie Mitchell caught with 7 pounds of marijuana Post by: NADS on February 13, 2009, 02:39:03 am Guilty or not--doesn't matter. If his name wasn't on the package, he'll walk.