Title: What a bunch of scrubs, JAGS and bums -- The All - UDFA Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 30, 2009, 04:10:26 pm QB - Kurt Warner
RB - Willie Parker RB - Ryan Grant FB - Leonard Weaver TE - Antonio Gates WR - Wes Welker WR - Lance Moore OT - Jason Peters OG - Brian Waters C - Jeff Saturday OG - Stephen Neal OT - Donald Penn DE - Adewale Ogunleye DT - Pat Williams DT - Tommy Kelly DE - Shaun Smith LB - Bart Scott LB - Antonio Pierce LB - London Fletcher LB - James Harrison CB - Jabari Greer CB - Leigh Bodden S - Ryan Clark S - Brian Russell K - Adam Vinatieri P - Brian Moorman KR - Joshua Cribbs http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/pgStory?contentId=9515844#sport=NFL%20Draft&photo=9507230 Actually that aint a bad team right there. Title: Re: What a bunch of scrubs, JAGS and bums -- The All - UDFA Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on April 30, 2009, 06:05:51 pm This team could win a Super Bowl.... thus proving that you can find a diamond in the rough out of the names that were not called on draft day.
I can see Davonne Bess and Dan Carpenter being on that team if they improve on their rookie performances. |