Title: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: bsfins on May 18, 2009, 12:19:58 pm http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=txfbnmondaynightfootba&prov=st&type=lgns (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=txfbnmondaynightfootba&prov=st&type=lgns)
Tony has a fear of flying......Hmm intresting, I didn't mind hearing Gruden's take during the draft coverage,on NFL network... Title: Re: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: Brian Fein on May 18, 2009, 12:21:14 pm How will I be able to survive each week without knowing who's on Tony Kornholer's fantasy football team? Oh no!!
Title: Re: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: jtex316 on May 18, 2009, 12:44:55 pm Why does it HAVE to be a 3-man booth? Can't it just be Trico and Jaworski?
Title: Re: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on May 18, 2009, 12:55:19 pm Or better yet, Tirico and Chucky. Looks like no team wanted him.
Title: Re: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: Dave Gray on May 18, 2009, 02:20:52 pm I like Tony K. Too bad.
I don't know about Chucky at all. Title: Re: Chucky,John Gruden to replace Kornheiser on MNF Post by: BigDaddyFin on May 20, 2009, 01:10:53 pm Hopefully, Chucky will make it fun. The thing about Jaworski is he's a serious football guy, but he replaced El Retardo Joe Theismann. Thus we went from 0 I.Q. points in the booth to extreme football I.Q. points in the booth. Kornheiser would be up there, and he would just go on about random shit. The thing I don't like is they bring these celebrity guest commentators up during the game. Leave that shit for halftime. Then so many of us wouldn't click over to another channel once the action in the first half is over. If they did it right they wouldn't even have to lose a commercial spot. Instead we have some B-list celebrity blathering on about things which only 12 people care about in the middle of a game that 12 million people are trying to watch.
I love Tony K on PTI or when he's reporting. He's usually really good, but he's not exactly Howard Cosell. |