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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: Dave Gray on August 14, 2009, 12:51:29 pm

Title: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 14, 2009, 12:51:29 pm
I am very conflicted about this.

On one hand, I think that animal abuse is disgusting on a very basic level.  It's not like Vick made a mistake or had a momentary lapse in judgment.  I see him as having a core character flaw that goes way beyond just a criminal act.  These acts were done on purpose, not as a result of other bad choices.

I will never be able to pull for him, because of that. 

Although, I do believe in redemption.  If someone truly is remorseful and pays their debt to society through not only jail time, but ongoing community service, I think that they deserve a chance to attempt to right those wrongs.  For this reason, I think the NFL has made the correct decision to allow Vick to play.  I only hope that his volunteering and remorse comes from the realization that he's done terrible things, and not that he's been caught and it's his only way back to the top.

And though I'm conflicted, I hate the Eagles, their fans, and everything they stand for, so I hope he's a huge failure.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Sunstroke on August 14, 2009, 12:57:40 pm

I voted for the "hope he rots in hell" option, though my feelings really aren't that strong (and I don't actually believe in hell). If I were the commish, I would have banned him from the league for life for the crimes he committed.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Phishfan on August 14, 2009, 12:58:23 pm
I think he is more upset about being caught than over his actions being wrong. I could be wrong though.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: StL FinFan on August 14, 2009, 01:01:09 pm
I hate what he did but he paid his debt.  It remains to be seen if he is truly remorseful.  Although I have not done anything as heinous as him, I have been the beneficiary of a second chance.  I think we all have.  It's time to move on and give him his.  If you call yourself a Christian, that is the Christian thing to do.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Doc-phin on August 14, 2009, 01:11:23 pm
I never was a Vick fan and came to be really really disgusted at what he did.  Now that he has lost nearly everything and served his time, I think he has a chance to do the right thing and use his position as a NFL player to do some good.  I believe in forgiveness, but only for those who are truly repentant.  I can't say whether I believe he feels remorse or not.  I will have to wait and see how he presents himself.  I am hoping this becomes a situation where a huge negative becomes a positive.  I can see how more animals could actually be saved than suffered in relation to Vick if he does this right.

What it really comes down to is that if he is to have the privilege of playing in the NFL, he needs to be worthy.  In my eyes he has a lot of work to do to prove he is worthy.  He did a very very bad thing and needs to make up for it, not just serve his time.  I think he is best able to make up for his wrong doing as a player, not a scape goat.  If time starts going by and he doesn't make up for his deeds he will find himself on a whole lot of shit lists.


Just heard the press conference (after posting this) and it really makes my post look like a rip-off.  I did not copy any of their comments.  Glad to see/hear they are thinking like me though.  Now it comes down to action, not words.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: jtex316 on August 14, 2009, 01:41:43 pm
I don't believe in this whole "he paid his debt" thing. Let me ask you a question - if he wasn't ever caught, would he voluntarily stop, or would dozens of more animals be dead right now? If you're answer is anything but a 100% "yes", then he can rot in hell, hades, eternal damnation, and anything else you can think of.

Vick is a piece of crap who deserves to be shot in the face. He would have never stopped had he not been caught.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Brian Fein on August 14, 2009, 01:46:00 pm
the answer to this question depends on what you thought of Vick before the whole thing went down.  For instance, jtex hated Vick for like 5 years, therefore he still hates him.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 14, 2009, 02:05:59 pm
I'm not going to argue in favor of Vick, but I don't think that anyone doubts that he'd still be doing this if not caught.  Sometimes getting caught is the wake-up call to re-examine your life and what you've become.  Sometimes it's not.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: bsfins on August 14, 2009, 02:21:02 pm
I'm curious where's the....I really don't give a hoot,I'm just glad he's signed so I can quit hearing about it,Espn 24/7 vick watch option for the poll?

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Rick on August 14, 2009, 04:46:04 pm
I voted for the "I hope he rots in Hell" option.  I don't believe for one second that this "man" is remorseful for what he did.  Goodell should have never allowed this POS back into the NFL.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: Defense54 on August 15, 2009, 12:56:34 pm
Co$t the Man Millions. He was almost destitute. He spent some of the Prime years of his life in Prision.  I know of others who did worse things to animals who got less then a hand slap. Hell I know of a few that did worse to PEOPLE.  Time to let it go and see how he makes up for it.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: SCFinfan on August 15, 2009, 01:16:52 pm
He did something terrible. He was punished.

I hope the guilt that he carries (if he carries any) for what he did follows him around for a good while, so that he never again comes anywhere near dog-fighting.

But I don't think that he should be disqualified from making a living. I'm glad he's back, and hope he does well.

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 17, 2009, 11:07:13 am
I hope he sucks shit any time the Eagles play the Patriots and does well in every other game against an AFC opponent, during the 12 games the Eagles play NFC teams I don't give a two shits what he does.   

That opinion may change depending on the outcome of FF drafts. 

Title: Re: What are your thoughts on Vick's return to football?
Post by: BigDaddyFin on August 17, 2009, 01:28:32 pm
Have no use for the Eagles, have no use for Michael Vick other than pointing out how he's an example of what absolutely not to do with all that talent.