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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: BigDaddyFin on October 18, 2009, 10:55:05 pm

Title: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 18, 2009, 10:55:05 pm
I went to the corner store to get a can of Skoal.

I try to be nice.  I really do.  I understand that someone who doesn't use chewing tobacco isn't always going to know what each can is so I try to make it as easy for them as I can. 

The Hess station here has a new village idiot.  Bad dye job, lip ring and it evidently takes an hour to count the drawer while we're all standing in line waiting.  Now I don't mind too much the wait because I'm not really in a hurry. 

I asked for the same thing I always do.  Skoal Wintergreen.  I get "Which one is that sir?"  I replied "green can, gold rim."  There's only one kind of Skoal that has a green can and a gold ring around the lid.  After staring at said display for about 30 seconds during which I swear I played the entire Jeopardy theme in my head, the clerk looks at me again and goes "which one is that, sir." 

Now I'm staring at the lip ring.  The only thing that crosses my mind is gee, I'd like to grab that thing and pull really hard.  Same thing with nose studs.  I'm already worried that one day a girl will sneeze and the thing will fly out and take someone's eye.  But if you're going to give me shit mostly because you don't understand the concept of the color green, I think I should have the right to grab your exposed piercing and yank on it.  I especially hate being called sir, because when people call you that here, they're usually dripping with condescention.  I'm also not in military dress and I don't have OBE or MBE after my name. 

Is it just me, or when someone who has an eyebrow/lip/nose ring gives you shit do you sometimes fantasize about ripping it off?

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Tenshot13 on October 19, 2009, 12:35:09 am
No, it's not just you my man.  It's definitely not just you.

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Buddhagirl on October 19, 2009, 06:07:22 am
No. Since I used to be pierced head to toe and still have many friends that are. I'm also not an asshole.

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 20, 2009, 04:31:42 pm
and therein lies the operative phrase, Bhuddagirl, not an asshole, and Crapchester is loaded with them.

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: bsmooth on October 20, 2009, 04:51:56 pm
It seems like everyone has piercings. There used to be a time when having a tattoo or a piercing was making a statement and being non conformist, but now the non conformists are the people who have never had either of these things.

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Lee on October 21, 2009, 12:31:40 pm
I'm also not an asshole.

You mean, "You're not an asshole... for you" :-) 

Ah, the memories of working with Buddhagirl!

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Buddhagirl on October 21, 2009, 12:34:06 pm
You mean, "You're not an asshole... for you" :-) 

Ah, the memories of working with Buddhagirl!

You know you miss it!

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Fau Teixeira on October 21, 2009, 01:34:38 pm
i agree with lee .. you're not an asshole "for you" .. but others could consider you one

Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: Buddhagirl on October 21, 2009, 01:44:25 pm
i agree with lee .. you're not an asshole "for you" .. but others could consider you one


Title: Re: Stupid piercings (Rant time)
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 22, 2009, 06:53:13 pm
It would have been alright if they had stopped with the belly button but JFC!!! now it's out of control.  I miss the days when having a tattoo used to mean something.