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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: fyo on November 16, 2009, 09:38:45 am

Title: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: fyo on November 16, 2009, 09:38:45 am

Although I'm sure people will get their panties in a bunch about this, I'm having a real problem getting upset. I think it's kinda funny.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on November 16, 2009, 11:21:58 am
Uh oh, here comes a fine from the commish. 

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: StL FinFan on November 16, 2009, 12:26:12 pm
when are grown ups going to start acting like grown ups

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 16, 2009, 01:03:30 pm

That is pretty damned funny...

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: bsfins on November 16, 2009, 01:08:31 pm
^^ I thought so too...I thought he did it with a little gusto!...He didn't just flip a quick bird,it was left,right,left,both.... :D

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: NADS on November 16, 2009, 03:09:21 pm
Awesome.  I can't wait to be old or a multi-millionaire, whichever comes first.  This remind anyone else of being a little kid and hearing grandpa cuss?

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 16, 2009, 03:53:52 pm
^^ I thought so too...I thought he did it with a little gusto!...He didn't just flip a quick bird,it was left,right,left,both.... :D 

Yeah, the old fart had a little flair with his bird-flipping, no doubt about it. I also like the lady sitting in the box with him, trying hard not to bust out laughing.

Awesome.  I can't wait to be old or a multi-millionaire, whichever comes first.  This remind anyone else of being a little kid and hearing grandpa cuss?

Spent a decent amount of time with my grandparents as a kid, and swearing is one thing I never heard them do. "Shoot" and "darn it" was about as harsh as their profanity got. Very religious couple...elders in their church and all. I am fairly sure that my Grandfather never once flipped someone the bird...  Fortunately both my parents swore like sailors, so I wasn't lacking any education in that area. ;D

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: fyo on November 16, 2009, 06:39:57 pm
Uh oh, here comes a fine from the commish. 




I wonder if owners can appeal their fines like players can...

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: ethurst22 on November 16, 2009, 07:14:21 pm
Maybe he was really throwing those gestures at Jeff Fisher.

So far, Vince Young has made Adams look like a genius. The more games VY builds, it's gonna make it tough for Fisher to keep his job.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on November 16, 2009, 09:16:56 pm



I wonder if owners can appeal their fines like players can...

Now THAT'S outfuckingrageous!!!!  If I'm that 86 year old owner, I walk into Goodell's office, reach back to when I was 36, and give him a haymaker he'll never forget.  Then tell him to use the quarter mil to fix his face. 

Goodell can't make him get rid of his team.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Dave Gray on November 17, 2009, 10:43:02 am
1) It was funny.  Something about an old man giving the finger strikes me with the same mischievous feeling as it would if it were a 3 year old kid.
2) The NFL can't tolerate this.  They wouldn't tolerate it with their players, either.  Because these guys are bazillionaires, big fines are the only things that work.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 17, 2009, 11:52:12 am
$250k is absurd.  That's entirely beyond the pale.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Dave Gray on November 17, 2009, 12:52:01 pm
$250k is absurd.  That's entirely beyond the pale.

The real question is whether or not the fine should be the same regardless of the person who committed the act.  If I were to get a $1000 fine, it would break me, whereas this guy wouldn't blink an eyelash and his behavior would continue.

I agree that $250K is crazy...just making a point.  What's acceptable....20K?

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 17, 2009, 01:13:13 pm
I agree that $250K is crazy...just making a point.  What's acceptable....20K?

"Acceptable" would be a society that wasn't so ridiculously sensitive about every little thing that it required monetary fines for harmless hand gestures.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: MaineDolFan on November 17, 2009, 01:58:02 pm
I think the fine should have been more.  This man isn't a paying customer.  He isn't a fan.  He is an OWNER.

The problem is that the people he was flipping off paid his salary that day.  Home or away, Adams receives his "take" each time the Titans take the field. 

If you walked into Best Buy and asked a question and the response was to be flipped off - you wouldn't be happy about it.  There isn't much difference.  The people in the stadium that day paid good money to see a football game, not to be taunted by an 86 year old multimillionaire.

It showed zero respect for the game or the people that support the game.

I don't find myself to be too tightly wound...but I also don't find what he did funny in any shape or form.  I found it to be in poor taste and insulting to the people that paid money to see their team play that day. 

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Phishfan on November 17, 2009, 02:18:48 pm
^^^ My understanding was he was flipping off the Bills, not people in the stands.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: MaineDolFan on November 17, 2009, 03:47:41 pm
As far as the fans are concerned, wouldn't that be the same thing?  Fans pay to see their team, their guys.  Owner flips off those guys.  That is just as non-excusable, in my opinion.

I know people that still think Pete Carrol should have been fined / suspended for making the choke signal at the Dolphins bench when he was coaching the Jets. 

Some things, as a professional, you just don't do. 

You and I couldn't get away with that in the real world.  We would be fired or punched.  He shouldn't get away with it either.

Bravo to the NFL for not taking that laying down.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 17, 2009, 04:59:10 pm

Can I get a little clarification here? The subject title makes part of my brain ache every time I look at it<g>. Does anyone "throw" a bird? I know you can flip the bird, and I know you can give someone the bird...but "throwing the bird?"

With my humble apologies for the breakout of OCD (Obsessive Cliche' Disorder)

You and I couldn't get away with that in the real world.  We would be fired or punched.  He shouldn't get away with it either.

If you owned your own company (keeping apples with apples here...Bud Adams isn't the towel boy) and you walked into the break room or out onto the factory floor and flipped the bird at some of your employees, you don't think you would get away with it? Seriously?

I've seen business owners do a HELL of a lot worse without any repercussions whatsoever...and think the NFL is ridiculously overpenalizing this situation.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on November 17, 2009, 05:24:45 pm
I've seen business owners do a HELL of a lot worse without any repercussions whatsoever...and think the NFL is ridiculously overpenalizing this situation.

What was the name of that guy you worked for that ran into some trouble with some Native American tribes and threw a champagne bottle across the conference room?

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: fyo on November 17, 2009, 06:05:34 pm
Can I get a little clarification here? The subject title makes part of my brain ache every time I look at it<g>. Does anyone "throw" a bird? I know you can flip the bird, and I know you can give someone the bird...but "throwing the bird?"

"throwing the bird" returns 1,090,000 hits on google.
"flipping the bird" returns 658,000.

Not saying that's definitive proof of anything -- and there could be a million throwers of actual-real-birds out there for all I know.

There does seem to be a preponderance of "real" birds involved in the first 10 hits... except...

Funny thing, the top hit on "throwing the bird" is a message board discussion of THIS EXACT event (and the same exact youtube vid), but not this message board. The message is dated yesterday (i.e. AFTER mine), so maybe my phrasing was stolen... ;)

(or, more likely, a lot of people use "throwing the bird").

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Phishfan on November 17, 2009, 07:46:53 pm
I also have never heard of "throwing the bird". I have flashed the bird, given the bird, & flipped the bird though.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Dave Gray on November 17, 2009, 09:40:09 pm
If you owned your own company (keeping apples with apples here...Bud Adams isn't the towel boy) and you walked into the break room or out onto the factory floor and flipped the bird at some of your employees, you don't think you would get away with it? Seriously

Not exactly apples to apples, either.  Bud Adams is an owner of a franchise, within the umbrella of the NFL.  If you owned a McDonalds and publicly flipped off or otherwise improperly treated employees of another store, I think you could expect some kind of review from the corporate office.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: MaineDolFan on November 18, 2009, 12:18:54 pm
If you owned your own company (keeping apples with apples here...Bud Adams isn't the towel boy) and you walked into the break room or out onto the factory floor and flipped the bird at some of your employees, you don't think you would get away with it? Seriously?

I've seen business owners do a HELL of a lot worse without any repercussions whatsoever...and think the NFL is ridiculously overpenalizing this situation.

1:  Bills players are not Adam's employees.
2:  The fans are not Adam's employees.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 18, 2009, 12:36:12 pm
What was the name of that guy you worked for that ran into some trouble with some Native American tribes and threw a champagne bottle across the conference room?

That would be former Rams and Redskins D-lineman Bruce Anderson, and technically, he threw the bottle of chapagne "through" the break room wall while CEO of Paramount Plastics. ;)

"throwing the bird" returns 1,090,000 hits on google.
"flipping the bird" returns 658,000.

Not saying that's definitive proof of anything -- and there could be a million throwers of actual-real-birds out there for all I know.

Good visual was a coffee-snorter.  ;D

I guess having lived in so many different places in the USA, and dealt with US soldiers from all different areas of the country for 6 years that made me think that. I just had never heard the term "throwing a bird" used before. It just threw/flipped me for a loop.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: JVides on November 18, 2009, 01:14:40 pm
I gotta say, an 86 year old man flipping the bird with such vigor and gusto is just plain funny.  Fining him a penny more that what the league fined Bryan Cox back in 199-whenever-that-was (adjusted for inflaction) is obscene, especially because, as I remember it, he flipped off Bills fans, too.

Come to think of it, wouldn't this repeat flipping by two different guys make the flippers the variable and the Bills fans the constant?  Maybe Bills fans are the problem!

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: Sunstroke on November 18, 2009, 01:59:47 pm
1:  Bills players are not Adam's employees.
2:  The fans are not Adam's employees.

In all fairness, it was you who used the term "be fired," so my clarification on employee vs owner seems reasonable. As far as flipping off random strangers, which seems to be the most viable comparison to the direction you just spun things, I could walk out in front of a group of strangers any day of the week, step up on a podium, flip off the entire crowd, and I wouldn't get fired OR punched. After all, it wasn't like Adams leaned out the window, picked out a fan and said "hey you in the Bills ski cap with the cheesy moustache...fuck you very much!" and then flipped him the bird. It was a general "this is what I think of your reaction to my team" flippage of the birds.

And to reiterate my point...I still feel that the fine was both excessive and ridiculous, given the nature of Bud Adams' offense.

Come to think of it, wouldn't this repeat flipping by two different guys make the flippers the variable and the Bills fans the constant?  Maybe Bills fans are the problem!

Sold!!  Split the fine between Bud Adams, for flipping the birds, and the Bills, for being bird magnets.

Title: Re: Titans owner throwing the Bird
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on November 18, 2009, 03:39:06 pm
That would be former Rams and Redskins D-lineman Bruce Anderson, and technically, he threw the bottle of chapagne "through" the break room wall while CEO of Paramount Plastics. ;)

Yeah, I remember you telling us about him.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he have the bottle of champagne in his hand, called all of you in the break room and said, "I bought this bottle of champange to celebrate this contract with <forgot the name of the company>  But..... WE...... DIDN'T..... GET........ THE........ FUCKING.......... CONTRACT!!!!!!!"

And the champagne bottle went flying.