Title: UFC 107 Post by: Dave Gray on December 14, 2009, 11:32:52 pm I missed the Clay Guida fight, unfortunately, because I like his style.
However, I did catch Diego Sanchez getting his ass whooped by BJ Penn. I called this, and don't like Sanchez. Anyone else see this? Title: Re: UFC 107 Post by: Tenshot13 on December 15, 2009, 12:08:08 am Yeah, I saw it. Great PPV. I too hate Sanchez, and even though I don't really like BJ Penn much, it was good to see Diego get his ass beat. (I have a conspiracy theory on Penn...he lives in Hawaii, which has a large Meth drug problem there, and on the event that had the Ultimate Fighter final round fights they did an interview with Penn and Sanchez, and Penn looked really Methed out...his eyes were darting around, and he didn't seem to have very clear answers to the questions being asked to him. Kind of funny because usually he is one of the most charismatic fighters in interviews).
Anyway, as bad as the Penn Sanchez beatdown was, the Guida/Florean fight was just as bad. I was rooting for Guida, but he was just outclassed. Guida has a ton of heart though, and is still one of my favorites. Title: Re: UFC 107 Post by: Dave Gray on December 15, 2009, 12:13:10 am I saw somewhere that UFC's drug testing policy is pretty good -- better than the major sports leagues.
The Mir fight was good, as well. Title: Re: UFC 107 Post by: Tenshot13 on December 15, 2009, 12:21:15 am I saw somewhere that UFC's drug testing policy is pretty good -- better than the major sports leagues. The Mir fight was good, as well. I agree that UFC's drug testing policy is very good. They've busted a ton of guys for using steroids, but meth only stays in your system for a couple of days, and there are masking agents that work within an hour. Like I said though, it's only a conspiracy theory so I could be wrong about Penn. I forgot about the Mir fight, that one was pretty good too. Title: Re: UFC 107 Post by: DZA on December 15, 2009, 12:48:13 am Guida got owned. Kenny kicked his ass.. the best part of the Night was the BJ PeNN vd Diego Sanchez fight.... OMG Hands down to BJ, he humiliated Sanchez.