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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: ethurst22 on January 01, 2010, 11:22:59 am

Title: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: ethurst22 on January 01, 2010, 11:22:59 am
This is totally unbelievable!

NEW YORK (AP)—Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas(notes) and Javaris Crittenton(notes) drew guns on each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling debt, according to The New York Post.

Citing an anonymous source, the newspaper reports in Friday’s edition that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make good on a gambling debt. That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security sources tell the Post.

Asked by the Post about the confrontation, Arenas denied pulling a gun on Crittenton.

“This is unprecedented in the history of sports,” Billy Hunter, executive director of the Player’s Association, tells the Post. “I’ve never heard of players pulling guns on each other in a locker room.”

The Wizards said on the night of Dec. 24 that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker at the arena and that the NBA was looking into the situation. On Tuesday, Washington, D.C. police said they were investigating a report that weapons were found inside a locker room at the Verizon Center.

Now, the federal government is also involved. Ben Friedman, a spokesman for the US Attorney’s Office in DC, tells the Post “we’re working with the Metropolitan Police Department on the investigation.”

To add insult to injury, Tracy McGrady, the guy who is annually in a body cast and Allen "The Long Way Home" Iverson are leading vote getters for the All-Star game.

The NBA is going to implode in a few more years. Vince McMahon David Stern is running a joke of a league.

Modified by Maine to change the name of the title.  Please be more specific with titles of threads.  Thanks!

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: Sunstroke on January 01, 2010, 12:50:25 pm

Hard to tell where "official report" ends and where your commentary begins... Giving benefit of the doubt and assuming that was accidental. Please provide a link when posting a news story from an outside source and you won't run into that issue.  Gracias!

Yes, Stern is a manipulative weasel of the first order...but that implosion you seek isn't coming any time soon, imo.

Gotta love the "Gunfight at the Not-OK Corral" angle for a headline though. ;)

Modified to add link to ESPN article: (

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: ethurst22 on January 01, 2010, 04:53:42 pm
Hard to tell where "official report" ends and where your commentary begins... Giving benefit of the doubt and assuming that was accidental. Please provide a link when posting a news story from an outside source and you won't run into that issue.  Gracias!

Yes, Stern is a manipulative weasel of the first order...but that implosion you seek isn't coming any time soon, imo.

Gotta love the "Gunfight at the Not-OK Corral" angle for a headline though. ;)

Modified to add link to ESPN article: (

Stroke, this is totally crazy. I'm through with the NBA.

What would these two clowns get if the state of Maryland decides to prosecute this case? Stern is too gutless to throw these clowns out of the league.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: Sunstroke on January 01, 2010, 09:10:49 pm

^^^ I think they should be forced to duel with pistols at 10 paces in the street. That'll teach them.

Well, one of them anyway.  ;)

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: stinkfish on January 01, 2010, 10:31:07 pm
They should go back to calling themselves the Washington Bullets. HA! Sorry

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on January 01, 2010, 11:34:08 pm
They should go back to calling themselves the Washington Bullets. HA! Sorry

I don't know why they got rid of that name anyway.  You do have a point there. 

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: stinkfish on January 01, 2010, 11:38:31 pm
^^If I remember, they changed the team's name because of the outrageously high crime rate in D.C.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum
Post by: Tenshot13 on January 04, 2010, 01:11:18 am
They should go back to calling themselves the Washington Bullets. HA! Sorry

"Agent 0" should change his name to "Agent 007".  YUK YUK YUK YUK!

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: Sunstroke on January 06, 2010, 04:55:11 pm

Gilbert Arenas' was pretty stupid...any pro athlete with half a brain in their head would realize that pulling a gun on someone in a locker room in Washington DC is going to cost you a helluva lot more money than the puny-ass gambling debt you're avoiding.

Possibly the stupidest U of Arizona alum I know...

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on January 06, 2010, 05:17:17 pm
Arenas is suspended indefinitely without pay by the NBA. I am assuming sometime rather quickly $tern will put a timetable on it. My guess is at least 20+ games but you never know with $tern. If Arenas played for the Spurs and this was the playoffs there would be no suspension!!!!! :)

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: Sunstroke on January 06, 2010, 05:41:15 pm

^^^ I'm laughing on the inside...  >:(

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: JVides on January 06, 2010, 05:42:49 pm
One Robert Horry body check and you Phoenix fans...

If he played for the Spurs he'd be suspended.  The Lakers, however...

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: David Fulcher on January 06, 2010, 10:47:59 pm
If Arenas played for the Spurs and this was the playoffs there would be no suspension!!!!! :)

One Robert Horry body check and you Phoenix fans...

Yeah, because David Stern really likes keeping that *big market* San Antonio Spurs organization around for the Finals...  :D

I will agree with you Suns' fans that Stern is a jackass, though.  (JVides, I know that you're a Spurs fan also, I was referring to AZ and 'Stroke with the Suns' fans reference, of course)

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on January 07, 2010, 11:55:03 am
Clearly there was a touch of sarcasm in that post.  ;)

One Robert Horry body check and you Phoenix fans...

Uh huh.....they got screwed.

If he played for the Spurs he'd be suspended.  The Lakers, however...

Surprisingly $tern has never seemed to have a problem putting Kobe on the shelf.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: bsmooth on January 07, 2010, 06:38:17 pm
What about the other guy who brought a gun too? At least from the reports Arenas's guns were unloaded where as the other player racked the slide and chambered a round. SHould he not be suspended also?
What of the other players who have been busted carrying a gun illegally and arrested? No accountability?

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on January 07, 2010, 07:30:49 pm
I was wondering the same thing. Why is Critenton not being suspended as well as he is just as guilty?

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on January 10, 2010, 08:32:51 am
Apparently the story is not true, and Arenas was suspended for publicly mocking it.  Stern is a complete scumbag.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 10, 2010, 09:08:01 am

  Stern is a complete scumbag. 

As much as I dislike Godell he is a thousand times better of a commish than Stern. 

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: Sunstroke on January 10, 2010, 10:40:26 am

"Stern...He's nothin' but a lowdown double-dealin' backstabbin' larcenous perverted worm..." (

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: bsmooth on January 10, 2010, 03:53:29 pm
"Stern...He's nothin' but a lowdown double-dealin' backstabbin' larcenous perverted worm..." (

I love that movie.
So it is okay to commit a crime as an NBA player, but you will be suspended for making a joke about it?

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on January 10, 2010, 04:03:43 pm
I love that movie.
So it is okay to commit a crime as an NBA player, but you will be suspended for making a joke about it?

According to LeBatard's article, there is no proof that a crime was comimtted.  No proof that guns were drawn.  They can't confirm that the original story is true.  All they know for sure is that both players keep guns in their lockers, and considering how two NBA players were recently robbed at gunpoint, that's understandable.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: JVides on January 12, 2010, 11:49:38 am
Clearly there was a touch of sarcasm in that post.  ;)

Oh, I got that.  There's a reason Bill Simmons calls that year's Spurs squad the San Antonio Donaghys.  I disagree, but I get it.

Title: Re: The inmates are running the asylum (NBA thread)
Post by: bsmooth on January 12, 2010, 06:04:44 pm
According to LeBatard's article, there is no proof that a crime was comimtted.  No proof that guns were drawn.  They can't confirm that the original story is true.  All they know for sure is that both players keep guns in their lockers, and considering how two NBA players were recently robbed at gunpoint, that's understandable.

Yet by the rules they should have both been suspended for having weapons on the grounds, yet only one is punished. Arenas was right to make fun about it as the whole policy is a joke with no enforcement.