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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on February 22, 2010, 05:33:44 pm

Title: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: bsfins on February 22, 2010, 05:33:44 pm
What was the last movie you watched.that after yougot done watching it,left you feeling...It was way too over hyped....(It doesn't have to be critics hype,it could just be friends,coworkers,etc, talking about how good a movie is)

I kind of ran into this with the Movie Paranormal state,When it was at the theaters, half our office thought this movie was really, scary,creepy and saw it a few times...Maybe it's scarier at the theater, I thought it stunk,it wasn't scary..Maybe I hate the genre of reality docu-horror, I've not seen one I liked yet.... :D

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Thundergod on February 22, 2010, 05:46:08 pm
The Hangover. Everyone was like, "OMG that was hilarious, so funny, you have to see it"...  It was ok, nothing special, hilarious it wasn't.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 22, 2010, 07:07:38 pm

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: TonyB0D on February 22, 2010, 11:14:31 pm

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: janetmschulte on February 23, 2010, 01:30:24 am
I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but my vote is Avatar.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Guru-In-Vegas on February 23, 2010, 01:36:13 am

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 23, 2010, 02:14:05 am
Can I change my answer to The Hurt Locker?

Good film, but all of this Oscar talk is nonsense.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Defense54 on February 23, 2010, 08:01:03 am

I agree ......that movie SUCKED.   Tony.......Suberbad? Really? McLovin was hysterical ! I guess I'm bias though because those crooked cops were off the chain. :D

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Buddhagirl on February 23, 2010, 08:47:28 am

I HATED superbad. Seriously.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: TonyB0D on February 23, 2010, 11:12:19 am
mclovin' was great in a few scenes, but all those guys movies really suck.  that director, whatever his name is, seth rogan, all those guys.  i jsut don't like their shtick....way too cheezy and unrealistic.

superbad was also not original - it just ripped off 4 great movies and combined them into 1 unoriginal mediocre one.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Buddhagirl on February 23, 2010, 11:28:50 am
mclovin' was great in a few scenes, but all those guys movies really suck.  that director, whatever his name is, seth rogan, all those guys.  i jsut don't like their shtick....way too cheezy and unrealistic.

superbad was also not original - it just ripped off 4 great movies and combined them into 1 unoriginal mediocre one.

Agreed on all accounts. I loathe seth rogen and judd apatow (sp?).

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: jtex316 on February 23, 2010, 12:29:07 pm
Office Space.

This movie is not funny, period. I had people FOR YEARS tell me how awesome this movie was, how funny it was, and how it so closely paralleled their own office environment. I never believed any of it, nor did I care.

Well I had this one co-worker who just couldn't for the life of her believe that I had never seen Office Space. (Which reminds me - I want to do a thread about how I hate people who do the whole "You've NEVER SEEN [Movie X]?? OMG!! You HAVE to see it" bullshit).

Anyways she went out and bought me a used DVD for my birthday. I still have it. I watched it once, and it wasn't funny. It wasn't really all that great. None of the movie characters resembled anyone I'd ever worked with, ever. And to top it off, the movie spirals into some ridiculous scheme that would never ever happen, ever.

The Office (the TV Series, U.S. Version) is so far more in sync with an office environment that "Office Space", the Movie. It's also 1,000,000 funnier, clever-er. The worst "The Office" episode is at least 10,000 better than the entire "Office Space" movie.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Cathal on February 23, 2010, 12:37:53 pm
How could you list 300 and The Hangover? That's astounding...

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Tenshot13 on February 23, 2010, 12:41:49 pm
The Hangover. Everyone was like, "OMG that was hilarious, so funny, you have to see it"...  It was ok, nothing special, hilarious it wasn't.

Couldn't have said it better myself.  Everyone said it was the funniest movie they've ever seen.  When I saw it, I thought it was funny, but there are a ton of movies more funny.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Sunstroke on February 23, 2010, 12:51:09 pm

I'm with a couple of ya here... Hangover and Superbad were both way overrated.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Tepop84 on February 23, 2010, 01:22:21 pm
Sherlock Holmes.  I took like a 15 minute nap during the movie.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 23, 2010, 01:24:19 pm
I liked both Office Space, Superbad, and the Hangover quite a bit.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Buddhagirl on February 23, 2010, 01:41:29 pm
I liked both Office Space, Superbad, and the Hangover quite a bit.

This is why I hate Dave Gray. :)

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on February 23, 2010, 02:05:08 pm
I agree with you B....Paranormal Activity.

I had a ton of friends asking me if I had seen this movie it was the "scariest movie" they had ever seen. They insisted I watch it so much they actually rented it and brought it over to my house for them to watch again and my wife and I to watch for the first time. This movie sucked.....horribly. I was bored to death and it was one of the slowest movies I have ever watched. I kept thinking this movie was Blair Witch haunts a home in San Diego. They were all shocked that I found this movie so worthless and they tried to argue why it was so great. I threw them and the movie out of my house.....not really but I wanted to for wasting part of my life I will never get back. I would not recommend this crapfest to anyone!!!!!

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 23, 2010, 02:08:31 pm
^^ Horror is like that.  Knowledge of the product and expectations dull the fear effect.

I remember I saw The Blair Witch Project really, really early -- I don't even think it was in wide release, yet.  Not many people knew what it was and they'd only done some internet campaign to advertise it, but played it off like it was real.

It scared the shit out of me.

Then, once the curtain was pulled back and you knew everything about the film, how much it cost, the director's vision, their marketing campaign, and it was the biggest story in movies, it lost that mystery that made it scary.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: bsmooth on February 23, 2010, 03:48:45 pm
I nominate Clerks. I had heard people ranting about this movie for years, so I finally watched it. It was not a bad movie, but I did not find it to be "all that". I enjoyed Clerks 2 more.
I did not think Observe and Report was near as good as people made it out to be.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: bsfins on February 23, 2010, 05:54:51 pm
I don't think there is a right or wrong answer....

^^ Horror is like that.  Knowledge of the product and expectations dull the fear effect.

I remember I saw The Blair Witch Project really, really early -- I don't even think it was in wide release, yet.  Not many people knew what it was and they'd only done some internet campaign to advertise it, but played it off like it was real.

It scared the shit out of me.

Then, once the curtain was pulled back and you knew everything about the film, how much it cost, the director's vision, their marketing campaign, and it was the biggest story in movies, it lost that mystery that made it scary.

I agree accept,I don't think it's horror movies,as much as the documentary style ones...a lot of Stupid people thought Blair Witch, Deep Water,Paranormal Activity (I'm not so sure about Paranormal Activity,but probably) thought it Was real, it was a Marching with Penguins...Most horror movies don't portray them as,(or go out of their way to make them look like) " this really happened"

While were sort of expanding it past A movie...Will Ferrell Movies...If you tell me some Movie is great and I ask who's in it,and you say Will Ferrell...It's gonna Suck..Will Ferrell = not funny...

The other area, That I really struggle with alot,are OLD movies...They Won the Academy Awards in the 1940's,1950's,1960's etc,etc...They're the greatest movies ever made...I feel alot of them don't pass the Dave Gray test, of test of time...IMO...

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: fyo on February 23, 2010, 06:31:00 pm
I nominate Clerks. I had heard people ranting about this movie for years, so I finally watched it. It was not a bad movie, but I did not find it to be "all that". I enjoyed Clerks 2 more.

Clerks is, overall, an underrated movie. Quirky, small budget, bunch of unknowns. Not sure how you found a group of people ranting about it for years. I quite liked it, but I hardly know anyone who's seen it.

I really like this kind of flick. Not something I'd see on the big screen, but great for chilling late (when you really should have turned in) in front of the TV.

Kinda the same style as SubUrbia, which (apart from the lame caps) is also quite good.

The most recent I saw in this style was a Canadian movie with the guy playing "Rodney McKay" in Stargate Atlantis. Treed Murray, was the name of the movie. Basically had the guy sitting in a tree for an hour and a half.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Phishfan on February 23, 2010, 07:06:38 pm
Not sure how you found a group of people ranting about it for years. I quite liked it, but I hardly know anyone who's seen it.

Really? I'm not sure if this says more about the people you know or the people I know?

I really don't buy into other people's opinions for movies. I have been wondering if Avatar would be this movie for me.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 23, 2010, 07:38:40 pm
Clerks is another one.  It's not a great film by traditional standards, but it was made for $10,000 dollars.  That's CRAZY inexpensive, even for a movie of that quality.  On top of that, it pioneered that type of shock comedy that has been copied so many times.

If you were in on the cutting edge, the mediocre quality was part of the charm.  If you're just watching it for the first time, it's probably just a shitty indie flick.

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Defense54 on February 24, 2010, 08:18:34 am
I liked both Office Space, Superbad, and the Hangover quite a bit.

Gotta agree. Guess thats what makes the world go round..........

Seth Rogans's mall cop flick (name escapes me ) also made me laugh . I found the cop stereotypes hysterical .

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: bsmooth on February 24, 2010, 03:19:45 pm
Gotta agree. Guess thats what makes the world go round..........

Seth Rogans's mall cop flick (name escapes me ) also made me laugh . I found the cop stereotypes hysterical .

That was Observe and Report

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Guru-In-Vegas on February 24, 2010, 06:32:42 pm
I didn't say I didn't enjoy 300.  I enjoyed it for what it was - a dumb action flick with unique visuals.  It's overhyped because of the drones who claimed it to be a masterpiece.  It was far from it.  In fact, it really was stupid.  "EAT WELL.  FOR TONIGHT WE DINE...IN HELL!!!"  Yaaaaawn.   :|

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Defense54 on February 24, 2010, 06:50:10 pm
That was Observe and Report

Thats it. Laughed my ass off when he got dropped in that bad neighborhood. Funny shit.  ;D :D

Title: Re: The Last Overhyped movie you've seen recently?
Post by: Frimp on February 25, 2010, 11:53:57 am
Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. I liked the first one, so I guess I was expecting more like that. It was just a ripoff of Friday the 13th and a couple other horror films. Not sure if this was overhyped or not, but I was excited to see it so I guess I overhyped it myself. It SUCKED.