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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: Sunstroke on February 23, 2010, 03:53:10 pm

Title: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on February 23, 2010, 03:53:10 pm

The old league page isn't letting me send out any emails to the entire league, so I'm posting up here.

I have set up the 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball league on ESPN. If you were in last year's league, you have first shot, but I encourage all baseball junkies to join in the fantasy festivities. Draft will be the last week of March, in the evening on a weeknight.

To receive an invitation to the TDMMC FLB, simply PM me with your email address and full name, or send an email to me at, and I will set you up with a team in this year's league.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Pats2006 on February 23, 2010, 07:44:44 pm
ESPN? What happened to yahoo ? I checked my CERabideau that I use (yahoo) and I didn't have a any messages. My ESPN name is NEPats1982. Can you PM me the league info? Thanks Sun.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on February 24, 2010, 11:08:43 pm day later and 9 of the 12 slots have been claimed. If you haven't gotten an invitation yet and want in on the fantasy baseball action, step lively and get me your info.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on March 24, 2010, 10:45:44 am

We need those last slots filled... Invitations were sent out to the owners still missing. Draft is "this Friday," and we are in danger of having to fold the league.

Here's a little hint/heads-up: If you requested an invitation to the TDMMC fantasy baseball league, then never accept the invitation, and this causes us to be short and to fold the league...there is "zero chance" that you will get an invitation for this year's TDMMC Fantasy Football league.

To anyone else...if you want in, this is definitely a good time to step on up and grab a spot.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on March 24, 2010, 02:22:38 pm
i accepted my invite weeks ago, Team thompson all the way. I'll probably change it, it sounds gay.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: SportsChick on March 24, 2010, 02:32:51 pm
I accepted mine and I'm good to go

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on March 24, 2010, 03:10:47 pm

Lil_B just emailed me, asking for an invitation (taking one for the that Lil_B!), but we still need one of the others to get in there so I can adjust it back to 10 teams (currently set up for 12) prior to the draft on Friday.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on March 24, 2010, 08:29:20 pm
( (
Was it a requirement to put bestiality in each division? or were we afraid of fights over goats? :D

Maybe I'll do better than normal,considering, I've not prepared at all,being I wasn't going to play Fantasy baseball this year...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on March 24, 2010, 08:33:37 pm
LOL I did not see the other "Goat Fuckers"......who is the other name?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Tenshot13 on March 24, 2010, 11:00:26 pm
I thought I had already joined, but I guess I didn't.  I'm all set now.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on March 25, 2010, 02:57:28 pm
I was just hoping perhaps we could share the love to other farm animals.... :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on March 25, 2010, 03:03:38 pm

NEPats2006 is now the only one missing. We either need to get him in there or get a replacement.

So close...let's not fall short by one person now!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on March 26, 2010, 02:42:39 pm

I went ahead and filled the last spot with a good friend who isn't a normal TDMMC member, George Burdick. I compete against George in the ESPN TOP 50 group, and he's about as social and easy to get along with as anyone.

See everyone at the draft tonight. It starts at 9:00 ET, but the draft room opens up an hour earlier, should you want to check out what slot you're drafting from...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on March 26, 2010, 03:31:46 pm
Was hoping to make the draft but I will not be home from work yet when it starts as you folks are a few hours in front of me. I hope you all have a good draft.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on March 26, 2010, 10:11:53 pm
Fun draft everyone, thanks to all who showed up,and sorry to those who missed it! good luck everyone!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Tenshot13 on March 28, 2010, 11:39:48 pm
I'm looking at my y'all want to give me the winner's trophy now, or wait until the end of the year?  :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Pats2006 on March 29, 2010, 07:55:51 pm
Whoops thought it was this Friday. Just logged into espn did I get booted from the league?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Pats2006 on March 29, 2010, 09:59:15 pm
NEPats2006 is now the only one missing. We either need to get him in there or get a replacement.

So close...let's not fall short by one person now!

WOW, dont know what happened I am fucking pissed! I was signed up and now I vanished?  WTF

No PM's nothing?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on March 30, 2010, 10:28:18 am

Are you high, Patsie? Read the posts above and check your emails, because I sent "at least" 6 or 7 invitations, but you didn't bother joining.

Read that again... You never joined. You may have clicked on the invitation link and gone to the "join league" page, but you didn't follow it through and actually join. Everyone else didn't. I didn't boot you from the league...I just put an owner in the empty slot.

Be pissed all you want, but be pissed at yourself for not showing up, rather than at the league manager for moving on without you after repeated attempts to get you in there.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on April 05, 2010, 09:41:30 am
2 questions about this league:

What is the Minimum IP requirement for each matchup?

What does the 15 GS max limit mean?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on April 05, 2010, 09:57:22 am

The minimum innings pitched requirement is 10 innings.

The maximum waiver acquisitions per weekly matchup is 10

The 15 GS limit means that you can't have more than 15 SP starts during an individual matchup.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on April 05, 2010, 10:21:25 am
The minimum innings pitched requirement is 10 innings.

The maximum waiver acquisitions per weekly matchup is 10

The 15 GS limit means that you can't have more than 15 SP starts during an individual matchup.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.  I thought the 15 GS limit was for the season, per player, so after a guy starts 15 games for your team he is ineligible.  I thought that was a bit overkill.  Glad I was wrong.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on April 06, 2010, 12:08:18 am
I have to admit, after spending like 15 minutes on the phone with ESPN customer relations because it wouldn't let me log in...(The were top notch to say the least,TWO Thumbs up!) Kind of a frustrating fantasy wise.... :-\

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on April 26, 2010, 04:21:20 am
3 weeks down and i am doing alright. Shouldn't have put colby Lewis in, would have won 6-3-1 this week, but oh well. and sucks the Atlanta-NYM game ended early, could have used another save.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on April 26, 2010, 04:47:31 am
My team blows.  I have no clue what I'me doing.  I have the worst by far batting stats in the league.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: SportsChick on April 26, 2010, 09:52:37 am
My team blows too

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 03, 2010, 05:43:35 pm
My team is dead-ass-last in every batting category.

Anyone want A-Rod?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 03, 2010, 06:59:46 pm
Sorry, I need OF's and a Starting pitcher,I'd like another closer... :-\

My team is all over the place, I can pitch and hit home runs one week, the next all my pitchers get lit up,and I'm hitting with no power....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 10, 2010, 10:24:12 am
Ouch,If you see me limping around,it's because of the ass kicking Sportschick put on me lastweek....It's not getting any better with having to play Stroke...

My going and having some fun this weekend cost my fantasy team....I left 2 HR's a few RBis,on the bench Saturday,which might have actually made it slightly better....ohh well....My Team tends to head to Cabo on the weekends! :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 13, 2010, 11:01:24 am
Hey, let's work out a deal, I can give you all three of those things....

My team actually TIED stroke last week.  Amazing.  I guess all my improvements have been helping.  Still have yet to win any one matchup all season.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on May 13, 2010, 12:18:28 pm
Brian, your team played really well last week...I told you that you were overstating your team's suckiness. Lil_B might beat me this week as well, as his team matches up pretty well against mine.

The first "overall" ESPN baseball leaderboards came out today, and I'm ranked #23 overall in the roto game (Sun's Golden Gavel) and #21 overall in the h2h game (Boca Cheese Merchants). It's always good to pop up on the leaderboard...just hope I can stay there (and move up a bit) between now and September. The guy in our league that I brought in from ESPN TOP 50, George Burdick, won the overall title in basketball this past season, so I have some catching up to do with him on that score. ;D (

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 13, 2010, 02:24:47 pm
Hey, let's work out a deal, I can give you all three of those things....

My team actually TIED stroke last week.  Amazing.  I guess all my improvements have been helping.  Still have yet to win any one matchup all season.

Your fiance,left me walking with a limp after last week.... :D

You have a lot of red (injuries on your team),You do have a couple of guy's I do like,one is a slight man crush....I just don't know,what I'd be willing to give up to get them.....(at this moment)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 15, 2010, 01:31:07 pm
ESPN is Slow as Dirt,at telling you who's playing,and not playing.... >:(

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on May 15, 2010, 04:30:53 pm
ESPN is Slow as Dirt,at telling you who's playing,and not playing.... >:( 

ESPN actually posts that info - either the blue "S" for in starting lineup, or the red "!" to show that the player isn't starting - as soon as both teams in that game post their rosters to the official scorekeeper. If you see "any" site that posts that info any sooner, I'd love to learn about it. ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 15, 2010, 05:13:22 pm
Yahoo had the lineups posted through the Game channel,all week almost an hour before ESPN had the Blue S' and the exclamation point.....I've caught the notes on the front page of the league,will tell me,and they still don't post the S,or the "!"...Or even yet...NEVER posted the S,or Exclamation mark before Kinsler today.... >:(

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 18, 2010, 04:03:15 pm
Stroke, you want Trevor Hoffman back?  He sucks.

There's no way you could have predicted this guy's epic collapse.  And if you did, it was a cruel and ruthless move, my friend.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 19, 2010, 12:22:19 pm
Just as a curiosity, how many people are actively participating in this league anymore?

From the looks of it, probably about half...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 19, 2010, 01:14:52 pm
I'm here huckleberry..... :)  :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on May 19, 2010, 01:29:56 pm

Going by trans logs, I'd say 8 of 10 were active as recently as this past week...

Stroke, you want Trevor Hoffman back?  He sucks.

There's no way you could have predicted this guy's epic collapse.  And if you did, it was a cruel and ruthless move, my friend.

...and no sir, I didn't have any idea that Trev would fall off the table like this, but I can say that his age did play a part in my decision to deal him.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 19, 2010, 02:11:34 pm
^^^ the guy is 4 saves away from 600 and the brewers dedicated an enormous poster to him in left center field.  But, instead, he can't even get off the field without giving up 3 runs first.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 27, 2010, 02:11:53 pm
Mr George's Bigger Glove is Pissing in Theriots Cheerios this week..... :D

I'm getting another one of those, I'll walk for week with a good limp ass kickin's this week

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 27, 2010, 04:51:39 pm
I won my first matchup of the season last week.

About time.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on May 29, 2010, 12:09:59 pm
Anyone have an extra closer they would like to trade away to me?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on May 29, 2010, 10:26:36 pm
The past two days....I <3 Corey Hart..... :o

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 01, 2010, 10:44:54 pm

...and no sir, I didn't have any idea that Trev would fall off the table like this, but I can say that his age did play a part in my decision to deal him.

You are evil.

Trevor Hoffman sucks my nuts.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 02, 2010, 07:45:31 am

I swear, I almost sent a PM from your team page last night, saying "just popped in to see if Trevor was active tonight!"


Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 02, 2010, 11:28:42 am
^^ at this point, an empty space would be more productive than Trevor Hoffman

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 05, 2010, 01:19:06 am
I would like please like to tell my 8 guy's on my fantasy team hitting hitting below .200 the last 7 days,to PLEASE Wake the fuck up.....the other 4-6 guys, We thank you for doing didly squat.....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on June 05, 2010, 11:13:55 pm
This season has been a season of missed opportunities, i have had numerous times that i would bench players for going 0 for whatever in the week and they would reward me by hitting a homerun (Adam lind) when they are on the bench, easily i would have had a winning record and in first place.

Maybe i should get rid of all my bench players and just add pitchers. My team can pitch, just not hit, or hit while they are in my starting lineup.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 06, 2010, 03:19:49 pm
Question about the league...

Going into today the scoreboard read:
P: 16/15 games started
For Sandlot Freakfest.

Today, this team has three PP's starting.

What happens?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 06, 2010, 07:04:58 pm
I thought I saw it on the FAQ,something like the last pitcher's stats don't count....

So Can I still be the Theriot's,even though I'm Theriotless? ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 06, 2010, 07:54:56 pm
Well StatTracker shows he got a win today, so I'm kinda concerned about how this works...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 06, 2010, 08:05:24 pm

Sandlot Freakfest only had 13/15 GS going into today's games, and it shows 17/15 now, after my 4 GS today.  Not sure what you're looking at, but everything looks good to go from here.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 06, 2010, 08:15:41 pm
According to the note on the bottom of the scoreboard,it doesn't seem much like a limitation....

* - If a team exceeds a games played limit during the middle of a gameday, that team will continue to accumulate stats until the end of the day. Stats will not count for any position which the games played max has been exceeded before the gameday begins.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 06, 2010, 08:20:32 pm

^^^ Which is pretty much standard for any fantasy baseball league that has a set GS limit.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 06, 2010, 08:23:14 pm
^^ I just said I didn't think it was much of a limit....I really don't care either way....(This is the fare goodbye year of fantasy baseball,and probably football too)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 07, 2010, 07:02:50 am
^^ I just said I didn't think it was much of a limit....I really don't care either way....(This is the fare goodbye year of fantasy baseball,and probably football too)

Honestly not sure what to make of that last sentence...are you announcing your fantasy retirement with 4 months left in the baseball season?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 07, 2010, 10:16:16 am
Yeah I'm fine either way I just didn't understand how it worked...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 07, 2010, 12:22:16 pm
It's hard to announce retirement,when I quietly retired a few months ago.....I've regretted playing since week 2,of the season....Fantasy has become all work, no fun for quite awhile now....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 07, 2010, 12:42:42 pm

^^^ Then retirement should happen... When the games stop being fun, then they're no longer games.

Sorry to hear it though, especially since you seem to do rather well in both FFL and FLB.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 22, 2010, 05:12:50 pm
Anyone want A-Rod?

I need to shake things up, I have other good 3B and I'm sick of him.  I'll package Granderson too.  Anyone interested?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on June 22, 2010, 08:34:22 pm
i might be

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 22, 2010, 08:47:55 pm
Anyone want A-Rod?

I need to shake things up, I have other good 3B and I'm sick of him.  I'll package Granderson too.  Anyone interested?

I'd be afraid to ask what he'd cost me, ;) but I **could*** be interested....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 22, 2010, 11:08:41 pm
Anyone want A-Rod?

I need to shake things up, I have other good 3B and I'm sick of him.  I'll package Granderson too.  Anyone interested?

I seem to remember dealing those guys to you...sorry to see they weren't performing to expectations.

I might be interested in long as it doesn't cost me Hanley. ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 23, 2010, 12:21:00 am

Never one to be passive about such matters... offer sent to ya for A-Rod, Brian.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 23, 2010, 09:36:43 am
Got your offer, considering but likely not much interest yet.  I'll let you know.

Now if we're talking A-Rod + Granderson for Hanley...  with Tulo out for 2 months I could use a better plug at short than Ryan Theriot

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 23, 2010, 09:41:33 am

I'm pretty sure that I've never been on the selling side of a Hanley trade since he came into the majors. I've been on the buying side many, many times, but I've never traded him away.

For a guy (A-Rod) who seems to be getting nicked up every other week, I thought a Brandon Phillips-Felix Hernandez offer was pretty solid. That said, value is definitely in the eye of the beholder, so if you see a tweak to that offer that makes it more palatable for you, just let me know.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 23, 2010, 10:07:20 am
I'm looking for a solid closer, and a good versatile infielder...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 23, 2010, 10:54:12 am

Brandon would cover the versatile infielder...he's a 20+/20+ lock every year.

I'll work a closer into the deal and see if I can entice you a bit more.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 23, 2010, 12:29:02 pm
Ohhh..What an likey :D Half my roster probably wouldn't produce that offer....

I started to make an offer.......

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 23, 2010, 12:30:07 pm

Lil_B is a scary judge of trade talent, might want to listen to the hillbilly there. ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 23, 2010, 01:16:28 pm
Lil_B is a scary judge of trade talent, might want to listen to the hillbilly there. ;)
Maybe I can package A-Rod, Marshall, and Theriot to Lil B for....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 23, 2010, 01:43:07 pm
^^^ Very Little,Theriot, Has no uses,I can get steals from up and down my lineup, and I had to dump him for 2 reasons...a.)He's been hanging around Soriano too long, swinging at bad pitches, and pitcher pitches in hitters counts....Watching him on a daily basis, I was afraid I would break my T.V. throwing something at it screaming mad. B.) Couldn't play him for those exact reasons...

I mean "I think" the trade proposal was Granderson,and A-rod for Philips and King Felix....I'd only have A-Rod Plus whatever I had to give up to get him....

Now if we're talking A Rod and "under pants" I mean Hunter Pence I might be listening....

(Stroke might remember that.... ;D)

Stink is Sitting on the Yankee that I'd like to have.....

(Please take the sexual undertones out of the next sentence......)

Now if we could work out some three way ...I'm listening....and willing to play ball...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 23, 2010, 02:05:07 pm
I'm always down for a three-way ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on June 23, 2010, 02:12:43 pm

Stink is Sitting on the Yankee that I'd like to have.....

Hope you're talking about Gardner, rather than Burnett. ;)

I have the best Yankee hitter on my squad already...2B Robinson Cano.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 23, 2010, 02:48:03 pm
^Yep  :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 24, 2010, 09:59:51 am
Stroke, your trade offer was very good.  I was looking at the deal and I clicked "counter offer" and somehow accidentally declined the offer.

So, its not to say that the offer is declined, but I am still considering it, despite the email you may have received.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 25, 2010, 10:20:57 pm
Nice trading with ya Az,Hopefully the trade will be fine with everyone....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on June 28, 2010, 04:58:34 pm
I'm prepared for my beating this week Mr. Fein....Let the beating now commence... :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on June 28, 2010, 05:43:04 pm
I'm prepared for my beating this week Mr. Fein....Let the beating now commence... :D
Ryan Theriot is prepared to dispense said beating.  He is very bitter about the team that bears his name jettisoned him like last week's leftovers.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on June 28, 2010, 10:06:26 pm
I'm looking to get revenge on the florida crackers for the last beating, 2-7-1.

I'm glad that i have been 15-3-2 last 2 games. It's got me back in the playoff hunt.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 01, 2010, 02:59:44 pm
I really ought to rename my team Curse of the Utley's....Every time I've had Chase Utley, He's had a bad year (I had him 2007),and missed a chunk of games....His thumb requires surgery.... :P

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 01, 2010, 03:11:18 pm
I really ought to rename my team Curse of the Utley's....Every time I've had Chase Utley, He's had a bad year (I had him 2007),and missed a chunk of games....His thumb requires surgery.... :P
I'll trade you Tulowistki for Utley.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 01, 2010, 06:32:36 pm
^^ :D Tulowitski screwed me in 08!  :D

 I thought Ok, Three years later, I'll take the chance on Utley, I didn't study for the draft like I normally would,I was using a draft strategy that Stroke I were talking about before a TDMMC Sat. Night (spring 09)...I was trying to go by what he told me that night....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 01, 2010, 06:53:19 pm

I am so confused by that post that my head hurts. We were talking about a fantasy baseball draft strategy on the TDMMC show? Or were we talking about Utley? Were you not happy with his performance? Or the strategy's effectiveness? What was it I told you that you were trying to go by? 

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 01, 2010, 10:26:01 pm
^^ Sorry, I was running out the door when I saw Brian's message...It made me laugh....
We were talking draft strategy,before the show.....It was general strategy,rules of thumb you like to look for.....

At one time we did talk about players that had burned us in the past in fantasy,on the air....Since I didn't study,I used your draft strategy that we talked about...I took Utley despite the lower than expected performance out him in 07....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on July 03, 2010, 07:49:43 pm
My pitching has been awesome the last 2 days  ::)

16 Innings pitched 26 Earned runs

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 04, 2010, 06:18:36 pm
I really wish my team would make up it's mind...Tank,or explode,hit, don't hit, pitch or not....
I only check the score on Friday, or Sunday to keep myself from over obsessing over who to start,and who to sit,who to drop, who to pick up...Lately I don't think it would matter either way...It seemed like on any given day half my roster got a day off because of minor injury,bad match up...(or they just sucked  :D)

I really hate this shit.....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 06, 2010, 11:33:05 am
At least your entire team isn't on the DL. 

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 06, 2010, 05:25:57 pm
I got mad today and dropped half of my team.  All the bums who just aren't good enough. 

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 06, 2010, 07:10:37 pm
At least your entire team isn't on the DL. 

That's actually not so bad....Then you have a bunch of guy's that you don't have any attachment (as in you like them,or drafted them high),and and in effect stream them like pitchers...You've gone 1 for 12... You're outta here! Play a hot bat,that came out of no where,or flash in the pan till your injured guy's come back....You have hope your team can bounce back when all those Star guy's come back from the DL.

Congrats on your all star cleaning  :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 06, 2010, 07:20:16 pm
^^ this is what George is doing, and it drives me crazy.  Limited to 10 acquisitions per week and this guy turns his team around like weekly.  I don't get it, how its possible. 

I try to keep my batters, for the most part, in the lineup, as long as they're hitting.  I get butt-hurt when a guy I'm scouting gets scooped up by someone else *cough*CarlosQuentin*cough*.  George does this to me ALL The time, to the point where I feel like I gotta grab him now and ask questions later.  I can't tell you how many guys on my "watch list" now have a "miss" next to them.

I use most of my weekly transactions on streaming at least one pitcher per day.  I don't have any closers worth a damn, so I give up saves and try to maximize innings with quality starts and good matchups.  I have a stable of starting arms (Gallardo, Johnson, Lester, Hudson, Pettite) that I won't get rid of, ever.  I pride myself on these 5 guys, and they are the only thing keeping me competitive at this point.

That, and my 3 all-star third-basemen.

But today, I finally rid myself of 2 cancers that have been haunting me for some time.  Trevor Hoffman and Jorge Posada.  Both are over-rated crap, and neither are productive at all.  I had to do the same with Ty Wigginton last week too.  He was so hot in May, and went 0-for-June.  Somehow he still made the all-star team, though.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 06, 2010, 11:17:12 pm

George actually streams most of his weekly matchup acquisitions on starting pitchers, but he definitely likes to flush the bottom of his bats pretty regularly. I try to do the same thing

For what it's worth though, I'll reiterate what I said during the draft... George is definitely a top shelf fantasy gamer, and not just a bit of fluff brought in to fill out the ranks. He just finished winning ESPN's fantasy basketball overall title, and he's currently sitting at #1 on the overall leaderboard for h2h baseball as well. If/when you beat George in a weekly h2h matchup, it's like a good fighter slipping a lucky shot in and knocking out a young Mike Tyson, because in fantasy sports, George is Tyson. His style is impetuous, his defense is impregnable and he's just ferocious. He wants your points...he wants to eat your players. Praise be to Allah! ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 07, 2010, 01:07:22 am
Next time you wanna fill a slot, maybe you could try for #10 or #15 in the world, rather than #1.  Just sayin'

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 07, 2010, 05:02:58 pm

He's #1 "in that particular fantasy game" the moment.

His overall fantasy ranking for last year was actually #27 overall, two slots behind me. The top gamer on ESPN is actually an ESPN TOP 50 member as well, Andrew Lee. He's finished top-5 overall on ESPN for 5 straight years. I'll see what I can do to use him as filler material next season. ;D


Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 07, 2010, 05:26:54 pm
Brian Hates me.... :'(
I imagine I'll take more guy's off the waiver wire,that you're watching...It's happened to me plenty this year....I over analyze every move,and talk myself out of making the move, then get pissed when the guy get's picked up by someone else....I watched Cliff Pennington get picked up ,while himmed,and hawed over who do I drop? Then talk myself out of the move....

I'm the anti-midas...Everything I touch lately...turns to shit....They're hot, on fire,I pick them up..they get shelled,hurt,benched or something else.... :D

I have no problems with Mr. George playing....I'll take 5 Georges vs people that don't tend their teams.....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 07, 2010, 05:43:26 pm
I have no problem with George either, except that he's too good at this and its almost un-fun to see who's going to have the opportunity to lose to him in the world series.

And, yes, B, I'm the EXACT same way.  It was hard for me to make those moves yesterday, because Posada and Hoffman are better than free agents, but they're just not cutting the mustard.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 07, 2010, 05:57:04 pm

(The following post is proof-positive that my ego can sometimes say "move the fuck over, Humility...I got the keyboard on this one.")

I have no problem with George either, except that he's too good at this and its almost un-fun to see who's going to have the opportunity to lose to him in the world series.

I wish I could share your cynicism...ok, no I don't, but I have a h2h baseball history against George that's "way too good" for me to concede anything like that. He has a slight lead in this year's season series, but I'm certain he'd be the first to tell you that I fairly owned him in baseball last year.

And...for the record, I AM the defending TDMMC FLB champ, so if you feel you must mentally picture someone else wearing my damned crown, please keep those misguided musings to yourself. ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 07, 2010, 05:59:49 pm
^^ haha! nice! :)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 09, 2010, 09:25:16 pm
Dear Mr. Adam Dunn,
Fuck you , you piece of shit over grown gorilla....You can stop going yard..You fuck'n ass wipe.....
Thank you...Lil B.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 14, 2010, 10:53:24 am
Lil B - still want Hunter Pence?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 14, 2010, 12:43:20 pm
First off,My appoligies to Ms Sportchick for my Adam Dunn rant,I watch 8 games at a time. Everytime I got a HR from someone on my roster,the next Adam Dunn at Bat e'd launch one......He went through a stretch 5 HR's in 3 games....Wow...(I also have a little pent up rage against him, from when he was with the Reds  :D )

Yes and No...

Yes I'm always interested in Hunter Pence....

No...1.) I'm not willing to give up a Closer right now,the Cubs are barely winning once a week,and Broxton and Marmol keep getting brought in in those dreaded "Non save situations" and giving up runs....

2.) I'm not actively seeking any outfielders right now,and I'm actually fairly happy with my outfielders at the moment...(Wait 2 days and that whole theory could be in the toilet)

I'm waiting to see how the trade deadline effects my team,Corey Hart will come down out of the clouds with a massive thud (even though he tends to have better second halves,than first halves...) He's rumored to be traded to Giants,Padres,or the Rays...(two of the three bad for him IMO)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 14, 2010, 02:55:08 pm
I have like 34 outfielders on my team, and I need to move some, so if you want Hunter, I may be willing to take "anyone" you'd be willing to throw at me.  Not necessarily a closer, perhaps a 2B or something.  If you need a 3B, I have 3 good ones, maybe I can package Hunter with one of them for someone.  I have a particular interest in two particular players on your team...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 14, 2010, 05:42:06 pm
You might want to email me, who you're thinking,I'm not real sure who the "two" would be...I've got a good idea about one,and Pence ain't enough. :D.......3rd baseman unless it's A-Rod,don't interest me.... :-\

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 14, 2010, 06:11:12 pm
it COULD be A-Rod....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 14, 2010, 07:06:33 pm
<--Ears are perked,with curiosity.... ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 19, 2010, 11:02:20 am
Great another whole week for Stroke to kick my ass... :D

I quit checking the scoreboard,and noticed it didn't post my results this morning,then noticed this battle continues through the 25th....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 19, 2010, 12:46:15 pm
Great another whole week for Stroke to kick my ass... :D

It's 4-4-2 at the moment...what ass-kickage are you referring to? ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 19, 2010, 05:28:36 pm
^^^ The one you have a whole week to do.... ;D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 31, 2010, 02:12:49 pm
With Theriot being traded to the Dodgers, I don't feel comfortable being Theriots....So at this time, I'm Anti-Hendry Anonymous...

I thought about Anti-Hendry Heroes Anonymous But it was a little too long...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on July 31, 2010, 02:19:55 pm
You should be the Honey Nut DeWitt's ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on July 31, 2010, 02:21:15 pm

^^^ Or the Hendry Nut Cubbios...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on July 31, 2010, 02:21:55 pm
I prefer No Danks Mr. Hendry.... :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 02, 2010, 09:57:16 am
I have no problem with George either, except that he's too good at this and its almost un-fun to see who's going to have the opportunity to lose to him in the world series.

Just wanted to follow up to say...

"Thanks, George, for keeping my rightful place on top of the standings warm for me while I got everything on my roster tweaked to taste. I'll go ahead and take that spot now..."


Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on August 02, 2010, 11:33:38 am
Just get the season over with....Bored...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 02, 2010, 11:56:24 am
Just get the season over with....Bored...
kind of agree with this.

My team is coming into its own right now, but severely underperforming.  I have cut probably 85% of the buffoons I drafted by now, but I don't feel like at 20 games back I have any hope of doing anything.

So I will set my lineup each day, but I can't say I'm not waiting for the season to be over.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 02, 2010, 01:29:32 pm

I wouldn't mind the season being over as well...just as long as I am sitting on top at that point.

I just went through a long discussion with ESPN and the guys in ESPN TOP 50 regarding what defined "collusion" in fantasy sports. I have a team sitting at #3 overall in baseball, and the only thing holding me down is the league rating, currently at .7540.  The two teams ahead of me on the board have lower team scores, but significantly higher league ratings (.9500 or better). I sent an email to my league-mates, letting them know that I would be incentivizing the stretch run, and if the league got it's rating over .8200, and I ended up winning the overall prize, I would randomly choose two owners in that league who had kept up with their teams until the very end, and I would award them two prizes from the ESPN prize catalog, either an iPod touch, a Flip video camera or something along those lines.  A couple of friends thought that would constitute collusion, and could land me in a bit of trouble. ESPN determined that I was well within my rights to offer that sort of incentive and that no collusion was present.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on August 02, 2010, 02:18:27 pm
The trade deadline actually,kept me into it longer ....The threat that parts of my team would be traded, or how trades would effect my players.....Adam Dunn to the White Sox, probably could have hurt Quentin more,Corey Hart to San Fran, could have been a nightmare...

Otherwise,I could care less about the standings,wins,and losses.... I've not looked at the scoreboard in probably over a about a week to 10 days, I'll be Baseball? Baseball...They're still playing.... :D

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 02, 2010, 03:42:54 pm
^^ that's just because the Cubs suck.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on August 02, 2010, 03:53:39 pm
Yeah..Not Suck, more like comedy of errors,a Bad B movie Straight to the Video Friday the 13th part 20 movie...and it's just going to get worse next year....God forbid they Give the managers Job to Sandberg...Big Mistake, and not fair to him....Setting him up to fail miserably....A lot like Alan Trammell in Detroit...

I'm not enjoying watching Baseball,I'm watching the MLB Directv sports channel with 8 games on the screen at once,EVERYNIGHT,or MLB tonight....Trying to keep up with my guys on my fantasy team, reading different websites, who's hurt,who's cold, who's hot,Who's available on the waiver wire..... While trying to put up with the stress of work,My homework every night from work....When I really didn't want to play (I hate the scoring, ESPN).....and in a a few weeks I can exhale and not care....The Dolphins pre-season is coming up,and I'm used to tuning out Baseball (Yeah because the Cubs suck)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 02, 2010, 04:15:50 pm
I hear ya, dude.  I've actually enjoyed baseball more this season than in season's past.  I have been taking interest in Baseball Tonight as well as watching non-Marlins games for the first time ever this season.  I enjoy a good baseball game. 

That said, every year about this time the NFL excitement builds and I lose interest in MLB.  Its happenning again - only 3 days into Training Camp and I can't get enough.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on August 02, 2010, 07:41:53 pm
Well, I agree with all of what you're saying till you mention Baseball Tonight..I'd rather Gouge my eyes and ears out with a Very large Dull Wooden Spoons than listen or watch ESPN stuff....(Batting Practice starts @ 4:30 C) MLB tonight on MLB network...Starts 5PM C till Midnight, and covers ALL of MLB..Not just Who's hot,Yankees Sox....

I got MLB extra innings package, and I get to watch Dodgers games called by Vin Scully...IT's just a trip....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 02, 2010, 09:08:56 pm
When I really didn't want to play (I hate the scoring, ESPN)...

The ESPN 5x5 scoring is the standard scoring for fantasy baseball pretty much everywhere. TDMMC just used that freakish 18 category system for a few years to be different.

I am sorry I pushed you to participate though... No one should ever play a game if they get so little enjoyment out of it.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 03, 2010, 12:15:51 am
The sad part is that as disillusioned as Lil B is, he's still one of the league's better owners... ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on August 03, 2010, 01:33:11 pm
Stroke, it's ok, No biggie...I had to atleast had to give it a try ...You thought I'd prefer a more standard league better...Nope it's worse... :D

Brian thank you, but you're confusing Obsessive compulsive disorder,with good ownership...There is no way I could abandon my team....That would eat at me,having to abandon my team before the draft a couple years ago riddled me with guilt....

***Hijack - confessional booth****
The first camping trip I went on tis year,I layed in my tent tossing and turning...Worried, Did I play him? Should have I play him...How far would I have to drive to find some 3g to check....***end hijack - confessional booth ***

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 03, 2010, 02:32:53 pm
It requires someone obsessive compulsive to enjoy fantasy sports, especially a daily-changes baseball league

I always liked the "set your lineup on Sunday and its locked for the week" type of league, but that's just me.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 05, 2010, 10:49:45 am
I always liked the "set your lineup on Sunday and its locked for the week" type of league, but that's just me.

That tells me you'd probably enjoy the roto version of the game more than ya do the head to head version.

Speaking of the roto version of the game<g>, I start the day sitting at #1 overall on ESPN's fantasy baseball roto rankings: ( George for challenging for the overall title in the h2h game as well. (#2 overall)


Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 05, 2010, 12:05:40 pm
I've tried roto before, don't like it at all.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 05, 2010, 12:19:38 pm
I've tried roto before, don't like it at all. 

Roto is a precision game... h2h is blunt trauma. In h2h, you get a fresh start each week and simply need to take 6 of 10 points to get the win over your opponent, while roto is a season-long string of slight stat manipulations and corrections to achieve the right mix to get the highest overall point total.

This is year four of roto baseball for me... Prior to that, I was just an h2h guy. The more I play roto and get used to the small little "nudge corrections" and having to pay extra attention to your three ratio categories, the more I like roto. The fantasy devil is in the details...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on August 09, 2010, 02:38:24 pm
still wondering how sunstroke was able to get 2 extra wins in the pitching category when he was over the max 17/15. Not too much of an issue since it should have been 8-0-2, not 8-1-1.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 09, 2010, 03:36:02 pm

This is a repeat explanation...perhaps a good once-through of the rules might help? Perhaps doing that before the final month of the season would be even better?

I didn't have 17/15 GS heading into Sunday, I had 14/15 GS at the end of Saturday's games. If I would have had 15/15 at the end of Saturday, then none of my SPs on Sunday would count. If you go over your GS limit DURING the final day of the match-up, all stats count for that day. It does that because how in the world would the computer determine which one of the three starters who were pitching simultaneously for me on Sunday to count?

In higher end h2h circles, this is referred to as a "power-out."

So...I wasn't "over the max," you just weren't counting properly. ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 09, 2010, 03:59:24 pm
Question about playoffs...

Are the 2 wild card spots doled out by division or just the next 2 overall best teams?  Because I wanna know if my season is over being 14 games back from 2nd in my division, or if I have longshot hope being 6 games back from Lil B for 4th best overall.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on August 09, 2010, 06:02:45 pm

Wild cards are the two best records outside of the two division winners. No divisional requirements.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 09, 2010, 06:13:54 pm
^^ You're going down, B!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on August 16, 2010, 10:34:13 am
I must say last week's matchup between me and Lil B was an epic for the ages.  I know he doesn't really care, but this game was much closer than it seemed.  BA 0.001 difference.  1 RBI.  tied in K's. 

Great game Lil B.  Thanks for the challenging matchup.

That said, I'm quite happy with the raging comeback my team has been making.  I think, after 4 months, I've finally caught on to this 5x5 thing.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 06, 2010, 03:17:25 pm

Congrat's to the four teams that made the playoffs. First round matchups...

Brian's Cellar Dwellers vs George's Bigger Glove
Lil_B's Anti-Hendry Anonymous vs my Sandlot Freakfest

Good luck to ya, Lil_B...

...and Brian, if it isn't too much trouble, could you please kick George's butt this round? ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 06, 2010, 07:09:57 pm
I am personally amazed at my team's remarkable turnaround.  The first three weeks I was ready to mail it in, but after a major overhaul, I think my team found its groove around mid-June, and hasn't looked back.

Stroke, I'm going to do everything I can to beat the bejesus out of George's team, because I wanna whip YOU in the finals!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 06, 2010, 07:19:56 pm
I wanna whip YOU in the finals!

Should we both make it through the first round, feel free to bring your wanna with ya to the finals...I'll give ya a group rate on the playoff lesson. ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 07, 2010, 10:52:25 am
I've taken my queues from the  Ron Popeil rotisserie ovens, on Sunday mornings set it and forget it....I've been to busy to pay attention,and I made the playoffs? Playoffs?

Congrats to Brian,Stroke,and Mr George for making the playoffs...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 10, 2010, 11:34:33 pm
I'm a little miffed that two of my team's best players, the duelling Joshes (Hamilton and Johnson) decided that right before the playoffs would be a great time to grow ovaries and sit out the rest of the season.


Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 13, 2010, 12:53:22 am
Week 1 of the semi-finals in the books and I'm glad that my matchup is so close considering how horribly my team is playing.  Every pitcher I put in there is getting shelled while every batter sucks.

I need Josh Hamilton back ASAP, and I need some guys who can throw innings without giving up 3 runs each time.

Jeez man!  Fine time to start sucking!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 15, 2010, 11:58:49 pm
tonight, i lost my matchup.  Mostly thanks to Brad Lidge.  Crap.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on September 16, 2010, 12:43:43 pm
I was disappointed my team was leading the division by 2 games with 4 weeks left in the season and then takes a major nose dive. 11-26-3

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 16, 2010, 02:18:21 pm
^^ which team was yours?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 18, 2010, 03:12:21 am

Heading into the final two days of round one...and it's about as close as it can get, with Brian and George tied at 5-5, and my Freakfest boys holding a narrow 5-4-1 lead over Lil_B. Should be some good battles until the end for both.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 18, 2010, 11:46:34 am

On a side note... My top roto squad on ESPN (TOP 50 Bubba's House) had been hanging between #5 and #10 on the overall leaderboard all season, and a late charge the past few days has had me on the rise. When I woke up this morning, I noticed that I'd jumped up to the #1 overall spot. (

Game on!!

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: raptorsfan29 on September 18, 2010, 04:57:56 pm
^^ which team was yours?

Perennial Underachievers

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 19, 2010, 09:19:06 pm
Perennial Underachievers
Your team gave me fits all season long!  Great battles between us, You had one of the best teams, IMO...

Stroke, looks like my game is going to end in a 5-5 tie. Who wins?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 19, 2010, 09:20:45 pm

Higher seed is the tiebreaker in h2h matchups...and I'm going to lose at least one on those tiebreakers as well, so I feel your pain.

I'll join ya in cheering for Lil_B to beat George in the Finals though. ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 19, 2010, 11:11:36 pm
Stroke, you won....I thought you're playing George

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 20, 2010, 12:12:44 am
such BS - my team played so well.  If you remove the first 3 weeks, before I fully understood the 5x5 format, i bet my team would be much higher in the standings.  Not fair that he gets to go thru basically just cause he's done this before. 

All along he didn't, and doesn't, have to win, a tie is a win for him. 

That's a buncha crap.

I'm proud of my team anyway...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 20, 2010, 12:31:01 am
You can take your anger out on my team this week Brian.... ;)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 20, 2010, 12:35:46 am
You can take your anger out on my team this week Brian.... ;)
meh - my team was just getting hot.  Are we playing for real?  Cause coming in 3rd or 9th it doesn't really matter...

Does it?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 20, 2010, 12:39:25 am
Stroke beat me 6-4.....I guess,aren't we playing for third?

I made the playoffs surprisingly,just setting my team every Sunday morning... ??? So hell it's been a descent year....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 20, 2010, 12:46:38 am
ok so we are playing for third.  I want to compare my 2-week-end numbers to Stroke and George and show that I'd have beaten either of them for the title, and that George is lucky that my 28 starters were only able to muster up 12 measley wins.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 20, 2010, 12:49:27 am
Good luck this week Brian,I'm 99.9%sure you've got 3rd place in the bag......I've already suffered my first injury of the week, with Tyler Colvin getting impaled today against the Marlins....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on September 20, 2010, 12:54:16 am
impaled?  the one game i didn't watch and I missed someone getting impaled with a bat?

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 20, 2010, 12:58:56 am
Yeah Tyler Colvin of the Cubs,versus the Marlins, he was on third the maple bat exploded,and a shard hit him in the chest as he ran towards home...He was hospitalized,His season is over....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 20, 2010, 07:48:50 am

Shocked that I pulled it out...thought I was pretty much roadkill.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 21, 2010, 11:39:34 am

On a pleasant side note:  My team that was on top of the ESPN overall leaderboard with a 98 score...just got point 99 last night and extended it's lead a little. Two weeks left...need to get that 100th point and then just hang on for dear fantasy life. ;D (

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on September 27, 2010, 10:57:37 am
Is thing over yet...Well for me it is!  :D I screwed up yesterday...Didn't think about it,(Sunday mornings have been the day I set my line up) Didn't set it,and forgot to start Cole Hamels yesterday....Which actually ended up being a decent thing! Go figure....

Bad day for me,both my teams lost to their division rivals...Booo...Cards beat my Cubs, Dolphins losing to the Jets....

Good luck everyone Final week....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on September 27, 2010, 11:00:45 am

Gonna be tough to catch George...he played it smart with his pitching, choking off the stream when he got off to a sweet early ERA/WHiP. I need to make some ground in a hurry in a couple of bat cats or my title defense will come to an abrupt and unsatisfactory ending.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on October 03, 2010, 10:28:54 am

I think I may have enough to hold off George and repeat as TDMMC fantasy baseball champ.

Knocking on wood today...

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on October 03, 2010, 11:03:09 am
I've been comparing my tallies all week to that of you and George.  It seems that I would have had the stones to beat George this week as well, but couldn't hang with the mighty Sunstroke.

I'm proud of my team, I really am.  This league was fun.  Thanks for putting it together.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on October 03, 2010, 11:13:08 am
^^^ Sorry, I didn't keep my team up for more of a challenge..... :D

 I've been in JUST get this over with already mode since about mid June....I told you you had 3rd all wrapped up.... 8) Nice comeback though, you fought and scratched ,and did everything to make the playoffs....That's usually what I'm doing.....

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on October 04, 2010, 08:46:45 pm

Thanks to all who played TDMMC Fantasy Baseball this was competitive as hell, from "the Ringer" (George) to the "guy who came out of nowhere" (Brian) to the "guy who always says he'll suck, but always makes the playoffs" (Lil_B)...all the way down the line.

As always, if you were in it this season, you'll have first shot at a squad next season.
("Service equals Citizenship!")

For anyone who might give a shit<g>, my Bubba's House team on the ESPN overall leaderboard finished the season at #5 overall. I held the 99 point score (curse you, ryan dempster for killing my dreams of a perfect 100), but the problem with blowing out a group of random strangers like I did in that league is that many fantasy GMs when getting blown out early will simply give up and mail it in on the season. That league's 65% league rating was the lowest among all my leagues...and became Bubba's anchor. Still, #5 overall isn't shabby, and means I've notched a top-10 overall finish in back to back baseball seasons (and the football and basketball seasons in between). Sure would like to actually "win" one though...

Game on!


I've been in JUST get this over with already mode since about mid June....

I'm feelin' ya, brother...I was ready for fantasy baseball to be done as well. It'll be a nice break from daily roster management until basketball season starts.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on October 05, 2010, 11:09:26 am
Congrats on knocking off George.  Hope Hanley and Nick Marakakis gave you more production than A-Rod and Trevor Hoffman (and whatever other bum you gave me that I don't remember right now - Fernando Rodney?)

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on October 05, 2010, 11:57:26 am

You know as well as I do that Hanley and Markakis both had really down seasons, right? Heck, Markakis flirted with the waiver wire all season. ;D

But, as usual...the person I make an early season trade with ended up in the playoffs. It happens that way almost every single time.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: bsfins on October 05, 2010, 01:32:57 pm
Yes, Here,Here....Congrats to the almighty Stroke! May we kiss your ring? :D

I'm a good GM...Shitty manager..... :-\

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on October 05, 2010, 03:01:53 pm
I did kinda follow Markakis just to make sure you were as miserable with him as I was, I ended up cutting both of the bums you traded to me.  I gotta say, though, I was happy to have Tulo over Hanley and A-Rod helped my team.  I think that trade worked out well for me.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on October 05, 2010, 03:07:30 pm
I think it did as well...A-Rod didn't have that bad of a season at all.

The first trade definitely helped ya...A-Rod + Granderson for Hanley.  The second trade, Markakis and LaRoche for Hoffman and Kendry Morales...looks like a lose-lose wash to me. ;)

People should trade with me more often<g> usually ends up helping them more than it does me.

[/end fertilization of trade soil for next season]

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Brian Fein on October 05, 2010, 04:40:16 pm
^^ It wasn't Kendry Morales, it was Franklin Morales.  It was 2 closers for Markakis, in my mind.  I forgot LaRoche was even involved.

Of course I put up with Granderson for 10 weeks while he sucked and the minute I cut him, he started hitting.

Title: Re: 2010 TDMMC Fantasy Baseball
Post by: Sunstroke on October 05, 2010, 05:51:55 pm

You're right...I was thinking Franklin, but typed Kendry. ;D