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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on April 03, 2010, 10:51:38 am

Title: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: bsfins on April 03, 2010, 10:51:38 am
It's only been available for less than an hour here,and I'm already sick of it.It seems like Apples marketing machine is in over drive,it seems like the hype is everywhere...Charlie rose last night, they had a guy from the wall street journal on, and the NY times...Ohh it's so great for the whole show...Gizmodo,for the past couple of days has been nothing but the Ipad...

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 03, 2010, 03:49:12 pm
I'm trying to figure out who I need to sleep with to get one of these. I think I've got it figured out and will be working on that over the next couple of days.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 03, 2010, 04:42:50 pm
hell no, i am getting one on launch day of the 2nd gen.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 03, 2010, 06:10:54 pm
hell no, i am getting one on launch day of the 2nd gen.

This is what I'm trying to hold out for. You know they'll drop the price and add more features.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Tenshot13 on April 03, 2010, 06:33:27 pm
I'm trying to figure out who I need to sleep with to get one of these. I think I've got it figured out and will be working on that over the next couple of days.

So I just got this new ipad...

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Brian Fein on April 03, 2010, 07:37:41 pm
I'm trying to figure out why anyone would waste their money on this.  The 2nd gen is $900, you could buy two laptops for that money.

Apple fanboys = gullible.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: StL FinFan on April 03, 2010, 08:51:08 pm
I am tired of apple trying to shove their products down my throat.  I go out of my way not to buy an ipod or iphone or ianything else.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 04, 2010, 12:28:57 am
I'm trying to figure out why anyone would waste their money on this.  The 2nd gen is $900, you could buy two laptops for that money.

Apple fanboys = gullible.

because it's a great product.  i meant 2nd gen of the wifi version, not the 3G one that hasn't shipped yet.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Brian Fein on April 04, 2010, 11:11:04 pm
because it's a great product.  i meant 2nd gen of the wifi version, not the 3G one that hasn't shipped yet.
Just curious - what, in your opinion, makes it a "great product?"

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: bsfins on April 04, 2010, 11:58:18 pm
I'm trying to figure out who I need to sleep with to get one of these. I think I've got it figured out and will be working on that over the next couple of days.

I don't think I screw my way to a cup of coffee,let alone something that starts at $500.... :D

I have a hard time seeing the "usefulness " of it...Sort of tablet netbook...

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: dolphins4life on April 05, 2010, 01:30:58 am
I don't even know what an Ipad is.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 05, 2010, 06:11:27 am
I don't think I screw my way to a cup of coffee,let alone something that starts at $500.... :D

I have a hard time seeing the "usefulness " of it...Sort of tablet netbook...
You just don't have the skills...

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 05, 2010, 11:19:12 am
Just curious - what, in your opinion, makes it a "great product?"

it's PERFECT for casual gaming, web surfing, email, and home theater control.  i have an ipod and have experienced its superior interface and screen.  when the 2nd gen ipad comes out, i'm sure it will support multitasking, which is the one major hangup i have about the product.  also, it's going to be cheap.....remember how much the iphone was at launch?  the ipad is going to be cheap sooner rather than later. 

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Brian Fein on April 05, 2010, 11:23:27 am
I have a univeral remote control that controls my home theater.  I have a laptop for everything else.  And I can type an email or a mb post without making 23048 mistakes. 

They've already released all the prices, I don't know why you say its gonna be cheap.  Nothing made by Apple is cheap, EVER.

Anyway, hope you like it.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 05, 2010, 11:33:07 am
I have a univeral remote control that controls my home theater.  I have a laptop for everything else.  And I can type an email or a mb post without making 23048 mistakes. 

They've already released all the prices, I don't know why you say its gonna be cheap.  Nothing made by Apple is cheap, EVER.

Anyway, hope you like it.

They'll drop the price. They always do.
Not sure why you make so many typos.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: jtex316 on April 05, 2010, 11:36:32 am
I like Apple products, but there's just no way in hell i'm getting an iPad (at least until that price comes WAY down). Netbooks from Acer are ridiculously cheaper and have built-in Wifi (you just gotta find a connection, which is within any major hotel, coffee house, or reputable establishment now a days). $800+ for the iPad? No way.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 05, 2010, 12:23:50 pm
Chill with the kneejerk reaction, guys.  It's a new product.  Let it sit for a while.  The price will come down, developers will learn to program for the strengths of the hardware, and they'll work out kinks and have more upgrades in future versions.

I do think that having digital comics on that thing would be pretty sweet, and it would be a nice way to watch movies on the go, or podcasts and games from the house.  It's not for everyone, but I think that it will be successful, given time to find its niche.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 05, 2010, 12:45:30 pm
I have a univeral remote control that controls my home theater.  I have a laptop for everything else.  And I can type an email or a mb post without making 23048 mistakes. 

They've already released all the prices, I don't know why you say its gonna be cheap.  Nothing made by Apple is cheap, EVER.

Anyway, hope you like it.

your remote control cannot do Crestron; the iPad has a custom program for it. 

the price is only 500 for the WiFi one, and when the 2nd gen comes out, it will probably be like 300 bucks.  it's really great for leaving on the coffee table.  I'm tired of moving my laptop around from my desk to table, etc.  I need to save my laptop for recording/DJing since it's an expensive and powerful one.  The iPad will remove the daily wear factor from my laptop and save it for what i really need it for.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 05, 2010, 12:53:16 pm
Another thing: I use my cellphone to browse the net for some game stuff when I'm playing. if I get stuck or I'm hunting for a collectible thing or something.  It works, but it's kind of a pain in the ass.  Sometimes, I'll bring the laptop out, but it's a pain in the butt to lug around.  An iPad would be great for that.

I'm not suggesting that people spend $500-$800 to more conveniently browse video game FAQs, but that's just one thing.  Some will use it as a comic reader, some as a book reader, some as a movie player, some to play games.  Just like the iPhone, it will work differently for different people.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 05, 2010, 01:15:16 pm
I want it to read books, and for travel. My laptop is almost dead. I bought a new iMac and realized I don't really need a full laptop. The iPad is perfect for taking to the coffee shop, reading books, playing a few games. Stuff like that. If it gets down to around $300 or so, then I'm getting one. No question.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Sunstroke on April 05, 2010, 01:34:47 pm

I'd like to get an iPad, just so the next time I have to visit the DMV office, I can run the following video up full screen, crank the volume and enjoy the wait. (

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: JVides on April 05, 2010, 01:57:52 pm
I want the iPad, too.  Reasons:

1 - Reading the newspaper on my BlackBerry isn't as much fun as you'd think. 

2 - I can load up books on the thing and be able to switch from news to book to music to game the second I get bored, without having to look through my stuff for the phone (for web browsing) or iPod (for my music library)

3 - The tablet is significantly smaller than a laptop.  No folding it to just the right viewing angle.  I could see myself reading an iPad on the MetroRail.  I for sure don't open up my laptop to do any reading.  It's just too cumbersome.

4 - Need I say that the touch display is much better than navigating crappy laptop mousepads and keyboards?

5 - I could more easily use an iPad in my kitchen as an online cookbook, or in the living room, for surfing the net, than I could hauling my laptop around the house.  Let's face it; laptops can be a bit unwieldy.

6 - I much prefer the iPad's book display to the Kindle's.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 05, 2010, 03:39:47 pm
Just a word of caution to those who are planning on using it primarily as an e-reader. It's backlit. This of course causes eye strain. If you really want an e-reader, get a sony, nook or kindle

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 05, 2010, 04:20:45 pm
^^ This is true.

I think that's where iPad will both excel and be problematic.  I think it's going to be an all-in-one device that does many of those things in a poorer manner than a standalone device.

It can play music, but you're better off using an iPod.
It can be a reader, but you're better off using a Nook.
It can browse the net, but you're better off using a laptop.
If you want to play games, you're better off with a DS.

However, this will be able to do all of these things fairly well, and fairly portable.  It's probably not a device that will replace the need for the above things for any enthusiast in one area.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 05, 2010, 04:46:59 pm
Just a word of caution to those who are planning on using it primarily as an e-reader. It's backlit. This of course causes eye strain. If you really want an e-reader, get a sony, nook or kindle

it COULD cause strain, but many people's eyes have been conditioned for this.  also, it doesn't cause any long-term or physical damage to your eye....only temporary discomfort.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 05, 2010, 05:40:37 pm
for some it causes headaches and migraines. I'm just throwing it out there

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Brian Fein on April 06, 2010, 12:03:28 am
it COULD cause strain, but many people's eyes have been conditioned for this.  also, it doesn't cause any long-term or physical damage to your eye....only temporary discomfort.
Why would you spend hundreds on a device that causes ANY discomfort?  I can't see why people defend things like this.  Its fact.  I like Dave's very well spoken and objective post, above.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: bsfins on April 06, 2010, 01:00:43 am
it's not a Slicer.... not a dicer, it's not a chopper,But it Blends! (well without the aluminum casing) (

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Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 06, 2010, 06:03:26 am
Is the strain any different than what people get from using a laptop or computer all day?

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 06, 2010, 04:01:29 pm
I think that the iPad would be great for applications that don't involve a lot of typing.  So, browsing messages boards would probably be great, but not posting long posts on them.  Getting the newspaper will probably be nice.

I imagine that the apps that will be specifically designed for it will be the best, because it will take advantage of the strengths of the hardware and use stuff like multi-touch to navigate, rather than a keyboard.

This always happens with new devices: the first round of stuff that comes out is meant for another platform, but they shoehorn the controls.  After the first generation, developers start making things that work better for the control scheme.  This will be no different.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 07, 2010, 09:34:41 am
Is the strain any different than what people get from using a laptop or computer all day?

or looking at a TV, or computer, etc.  brian's just a blatant apple-hater, so obviously you can ONLY get eye-strain frmo the ipad ::)

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 07, 2010, 09:50:46 am
It wasn't Brian first of all.

I look at a computer a good portion of the day and eyes need a break. I can't imagine then relaxing with a book which is going to further strain my eyes. For me, and my terrible eyesight, this causes nasty headaches. I was just throwing a warning out there. The e-readers are not backlit.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 07, 2010, 10:31:28 am
or looking at a TV, or computer, etc.  brian's just a blatant apple-hater, so obviously you can ONLY get eye-strain frmo the ipad ::)

I assumed that the glare is no different.

Sportschick, my doctor recommended the anti-glare coating on my glasses to help with strain from looking at the computer. Would that help your headaches?

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Brian Fein on April 07, 2010, 12:14:04 pm
or looking at a TV, or computer, etc.  brian's just a blatant apple-hater, so obviously you can ONLY get eye-strain frmo the ipad ::)
And you're just an apple-lover who will buy anything they release.  They could put a turd in a box and put an apple on the top and people will line up the day its released. 

I'm sick of the blind favor this company gets from the public for no good reason.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 07, 2010, 12:39:44 pm


Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: TonyB0D on April 07, 2010, 01:35:57 pm
And you're just an apple-lover who will buy anything they release.  They could put a turd in a box and put an apple on the top and people will line up the day its released. 

I'm sick of the blind favor this company gets from the public for no good reason.

i'm an apple-lover?  buy anything?  i'm an audio engineer so i own 1 laptop for audio/recording stuff.  i also have an ipod touch that my friend gave to just blatantly hate for no reason.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 07, 2010, 01:44:41 pm
I don't personally know any apple early-adopters.  I know a fanboy or two, but nobody who buys the stuff right away.

As I see more of it, I like Apple's things more and more.  I find their PCs lacking, but that's probably because I'm just used to PCs and how they work.  I know the shortcuts and stuff.

As for small devices, nothing matches an iPhone, in my opinion.  Other people try to show me their phone and how it can do all of the same things and more, but I have never been convinced.

Apple has a way of making this technically great stuff, with the mix of making it easy to use.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 07, 2010, 01:56:10 pm
I assumed that the glare is no different.

Sportschick, my doctor recommended the anti-glare coating on my glasses to help with strain from looking at the computer. Would that help your headaches?

Doesn't do a thing and it's just an extra expense for nothing. I have found that for me, it makes zero difference in glare

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Phishfan on April 07, 2010, 01:57:50 pm
I find that Apple and the iPhone in particular tend to have useless apps just because people think they are cool. I know someone who has one and once she was looking at an app that highlighted spots on the road where speed traps have been set before. I told her that I have driven that road for 10 years so I already know the police sit there. Also we were travelling down the highway once and she was looking at the map/GPS on her phone and she kept saying, "I can't tell where we are." I told her that if she looked out the window she would realize we were passing Lee Road. It is a cool little toy, but I want a phone.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Dave Gray on April 07, 2010, 02:21:36 pm
I paid extra for anti-glare lenses on my glasses and have found it a worthwhile expense.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 07, 2010, 02:31:51 pm
Doesn't do a thing and it's just an extra expense for nothing. I have found that for me, it makes zero difference in glare

I paid for the anti-glare after complaining of headaches and didn't have any issues after getting it. I generally wear my contacts now, but when my eyes are bothering me I switch back to my glasses. (At the time, I wore my glasses exclusively at work.)

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: bsfins on April 07, 2010, 02:57:51 pm

( ( (

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Sunstroke on April 07, 2010, 03:11:21 pm

I'll wait for the second generation of iTurd...I hear they're going to give it "steamy" functionality.

Nice pic though, B...

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 07, 2010, 06:04:22 pm
I paid for the anti-glare after complaining of headaches and didn't have any issues after getting it. I generally wear my contacts now, but when my eyes are bothering me I switch back to my glasses. (At the time, I wore my glasses exclusively at work.)

It does help for most, for me, it didn't do anything. I wear my glasses 90% of the time. My eye doc said it's probably because of the degree of my astigmatism.

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: Buddhagirl on April 07, 2010, 11:44:09 pm
It does help for most, for me, it didn't do anything. I wear my glasses 90% of the time. My eye doc said it's probably because of the degree of my astigmatism.

OT - I had an astigmatism in both of my eyes since I was around 8 or 9. This past eye exam, my left eye no longer has an astigmatism. My doc said that's quite odd but he double checked and that eye is just nearsighted now. Weird.

Once I get my glasses updated, I will probably wear my glasses more often. I generally only wear my contacts on the days I run. I feel like I see much better on computers, etc with my glasses. (This might not be so with the astigmatism thing now.)

Title: Re: Any one else already sick of the Ipad?
Post by: SportsChick on April 08, 2010, 10:10:28 am
My astigmatism is really bad in both, thanks mom and dad!