Title: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: bsfins on September 08, 2010, 01:12:48 pm Since Labor day is supposedly last day of summer, and we turn to fall.....
What's the Best movie you've seen this summer,the worst,and the most overhyped in your opinion? (It can be Blu-ray,at the theater, it didn't have to come out this year ...If it was good/bad,over hyped to you...throw it out there...) Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 08, 2010, 03:16:10 pm Best movie: Inception
I also really liked Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Worst movie: Mongolian Ping-Pong (I didn't finish it, yet, but someone recommended it as their favorite movie. I was underwhelmed.) Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: StL FinFan on September 08, 2010, 03:39:13 pm I rarely go to the movies, but I took the kids to see "Despicable Me" and really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 08, 2010, 05:33:57 pm I don't go to the movies a lot so these are my best/worst/overhyped of 2010.
Worst would be Kick-Ass, only watched because my son insisted it was great. Most overhyped would have to be Inception, not really bad just not as good as hyped. The best movie I have seen this year is The book of Eli. Not that it was all that good really, but it's the best I have seen in 2010. I'm hoping that Iron Man 2 will be better when it comes out on DVD. The more I think about it you might be able to swap The Book of Eli and Inception for best/most hyped. Neither really reached expectations in my opinion, but the expectations for Inception may have been higher and it may have actually been a bit better movie than the Book of Eli. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 08, 2010, 05:46:23 pm I loved Kick-Ass. It was also one of my favorites.
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 08, 2010, 06:03:11 pm I loved Kick-Ass. It was also one of my favorites. Of course. QT could have directed it. :)Kick-Ass was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I thought the premise was that a kid who has grown up with Marvel comics and/or Marvel comic movies decides one day that all you really need to be a superhero is a costume, so he sends off for one and goes out into the world to fight crime but then realizes that it's not quite that simple, gets the shit kicked out of him by a couple thugs, lands in a hospital, wises up and maybe figures out that life really isn't like a comic book or a movie along the way. That's the first 20 or 30 minutes. If the movie would have just stuck with that plot for the rest of the movie then I would have been ok with the movie, I thought there was something there, something that resembled a story. But that's right where the movie gets REALLY bizarre and where the movie completely lost me. The rest of the movie is all about kids doing impossible things, some REALLY screwed up and sick parents/adults, a whole host of violence and bad language, some overused special effects and a story that seems to say that life really is just a big comic book. This is what movies have come to? Maybe I'm just getting old. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Buddhagirl on September 09, 2010, 07:51:04 am I loved the shit out of Kick-Ass. One of the better movies I've seen in a while.
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Thundergod on September 09, 2010, 08:28:05 am Best: Kick ass Worst: Predators Overhyped: Inception
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 10:02:40 am Pappy, I say this with the most respect possible: I think you're too old for it.
Kick-Ass is probably not for your generation. I'd say the same is true for Scott Pilgrim. I think that both of those movies are for a specific counter-culture, and not watered-down for general audiences. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 10:34:43 am Pappy, I say this with the most respect possible: I think you're too old for it. No offense taken in fact I agree to an extent, but let me explain.Kick-Ass is probably not for your generation. I'd say the same is true for Scott Pilgrim. I think that both of those movies are for a specific counter-culture, and not watered-down for general audiences. I don't really think I'm too old for it, I just think that I'm from a different generation and I see thinks differently than people from a younger generation and perhaps I see things a bit differently from people of my own generation. I was led to believe by my son that the movie was something that it wasn't. If he would have told me the movie was what you described in your review of it, as an over-the-top farce based off a comic, then I probably wouldn't have watched the movie in the first place because I'm not a comic book fan and probably wouldn't "get" the movie. I understand that. However what bothers me is that my son is not a comic book fan either and yet he loved the movie. I actually don't think that he realized the movie was based off a comic, nor that it's a farce. He told me it was a great movie and not really what I expected (In fact it WAS exactly what I had expected until he told me it wasn't and then I expected something different and why I agreed to watch the movie). My son is 21 and he sees things differently than I do and probably differently than he will see things 20 years from now. I kinda look at Kick-Ass as the modern day equivalent to a movie that was quite popular when I was younger, "Porky's". Certainly Porky's had quite a following in it's day, it appealed to a certain generation of kids who all thought the movie was great, but I never really thought Porky's was a great movie even when I was younger. It was a bit funny, but it was also pretty crude and personally I never really understood what the big deal was even though it appealed to most of those of my generation. So yes in some ways I'm too old to understand, but honestly I think that what sometimes passes for a good movie at a particular point in time is later viewed as pretty ho-hum. Does this make Kick-Ass a bad movie? No. But do I think it's maybe not quite as good as it is perceived by a certain generation of people today? Yes, I do. 20 Years from now I expect that people will look back on Kick-Ass the same way that people look back at Porky's today. Funny in it's time, but really not that great of a movie. I'd like to add that I LOVED Iron Man. I thought it was one of the best movies of 2008, if not the best. It's certainly in my opinion the best Marvel Comic movie. So it's not that I don't "get" movies based off a comic, it's just that it has to be the right movie. My son liked Iron Man but didn't think there was enough action. I had just the opposite view, it has a GREAT story with just the right amount of action thrown in. Robert Downey Jr is PERFECT, not because he's a wise-cracking full of himself millionaire, but because he's that at the beginning of the movie and then realizes what he is and changes for the better. That's the story. That's the movie. That's what Kick-Ass COULD have been if they would have wanted it to be that and that's what I wished it WOULD have been. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 10:40:41 am ^ Perhaps, but I don't really think that Porky's is the right comparison.
Think of something like "The Graduate." That movie, for its time, spoke to a generation rebelling against its parents. Adults thought it was offensive and stupid garbage, the younger generation took it as something else. Now, however, it's neither, since the time has passed. Having seen the movie, I recognize what it did for the time, but think that it doesn't pack the same punch as it did for a generation that grew up in a different time. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Brian Fein on September 09, 2010, 10:47:19 am Best: Despicable Me - this movie was surprisingly hilarious, and I really enjoyed it
Worst: Adventureland - came out last year but I just saw it this summer, and had a hard time NOT turning it off Most Overhyped: Inception and Hot Tub Time Machine - neither of these were as good as the hype. They said that HTTM was "The Hangover of 2010." What an insult to The Hangover.... Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 10:57:47 am I liked Hot Tub Time Machine and Adventureland.
I watched about half of Bruno last night, but turned it off. I found it very unsettling. I thought that some of it was kind of funny, but it made me really nervous. I got to a part where he's about to punk Ron Paul and it was making me too nervous, so I went to bed. I'll watch the rest later. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 11:01:23 am ^ Perhaps, but I don't really think that Porky's is the right comparison. I disagree completely. The Graduate is a good movie. The acting is terrific. The story is well thought out and still has impact even today. Perhaps not a lot of kids today would appreciate the story, but I don't believe you can say it's not a good movie. I don't think many kids today would even watch the movie, but give them 20 years and then ask them to watch it and I think they might appreciate it more.Think of something like "The Graduate." It's not a generational movie, it's just a movie that you have to be of the right maturity to watch and understand. I wouldn't recommend it to a teenager, but I'd recommend it to anyone who's mature enough to understand the story. Let me ask you why you think that Poky's is a bad example? Did you like Porky's? My guess is that you don't or perhaps haven't even seen it. But it was LOVED by millions when it came out in '82, but you were how old in '82? 5? I was 19. It was directed at my age group. Most of my friends LOVED the movie. I thought it was OK, but I have never watched the movie again and really don't care to. I think you'll see Kick-Ass differently in 20 years. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Phishfan on September 09, 2010, 11:20:59 am I don't keep up with movies as much as most of you. I end up watching them, but usually after most of you already have.
Best- The Damned United. Worst- I'm not sure. I tend to turn them off if they don't grab me. 9 might be the one I sat through and felt was the worst. Most overhyped- This is a toss up. I turned Avatar off (I guess I should have seen it in the theater) and I also thought The Hangover received too much praise. It was funny for 30 minutes and then I couldn't wait for it to be over. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 11:22:02 am I'm older than you think, probably. I'm 33. But, I am part of the Internet generation.
Also, Kick-Ass is a critical darling, and has a lot of acclaim and a very high IMDB score. I think you're underestimating how "good" of a movie it is. I would also say that the acting is terrific in Kick-Ass too, specifically Hit-Girl. Also, the fight direction is superb it pretty much brought Nick Cage back from the brink. I think that Porky's is probably closer to something like "American Pie" from my generation. ...Loved by lots of 20 year-olds, but not seen as a quality film. I think you're really selling Kick-Ass short in terms of how much of a quality film it is, not just a silly comedy. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 11:40:54 am I'm older than you think, probably. I'm 33. But, I am part of the Internet generation. Actually you're exactly how old I thought you were, I looked at your profile. :)Also, Kick-Ass is a critical darling, and has a lot of acclaim and a very high IMDB score. Had IMDB been around in '82 I think Porky's would have been rated very high as well at least initially. Currently it has a 5.8 rating. Why? Because for the most part the people who really liked it went to see it in '82. Those people who rated it on IMDB rated it years later either after having changed their opinion about it or having only seen it years later. Contrast that with the Graduate that has an 8.2 rating. Why didn't it get rated low? It's because it's a good movie and withstands the test of time. Inception also has a very high rating right now. Give it a little time. A lot of movies are rated very highly when they are first released because the people that are rating them were waiting for it to come out and were very excited about the movie after having just watched it. Usually those movies then tail off in ratings as people who really weren't waiting to watch the movie get a chance to see it and review it. That's when you get a more realistic rating. I would also say that the acting is terrific in Kick-Ass too, specifically Hit-Girl. Also, the fight direction is superb it pretty much brought Nick Cage back from the brink. I think you are vastly overating the acting.I think that Porky's is probably closer to something like "American Pie" from my generation. ...Loved by lots of 20 year-olds, but not seen as a quality film. Yes, Porky's is exactly like American Pie which is exactly like Kick-Ass will be in 10 years.I think you're really selling Kick-Ass short in terms of how much of a quality film it is, not just a silly comedy. Perhaps. It's just my opinion.I think what makes Kick-Ass different for you is that you sound like you are a comic book fan and it meant more to you than the average person, I can appreciate that and for you the movie is better, but for those who aren't it's simply a silly comedy with some special effects. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 11:51:34 am I think that Kick-Ass will remain highly rated, like the Graduate. I think that's kinda my point.
I'm not saying that Kick-Ass is as good as the Graduate, by the way, which is regarded as one of the best of all time. I'm just saying that I think that the generational appeal is similar. I can respect the Graduate as a good film, while the older generation, when it came out, could not. I think that my kids, for example, will continue to appreciate Kick-Ass, whereas the older generation now, will not. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 12:31:07 pm I can respect the Graduate as a good film, while the older generation, when it came out, could not. Why would you say this? It was nominated for 7 oscars and won for best director. It was highly praised by the film industry which was made up largely of the older generation. Maybe I'm off base comparing Kick-Ass to Porky's, but I don't think you can compare the Graduate to Kick-Ass. There's no comparison.Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: bsfins on September 09, 2010, 04:15:37 pm I rarely go to the Movies,the last three movies I saw at the theater...Spiderwick Chronicles,Saving Private Ryan,and Scream....
The Book of ELI was the first movie I got to see in Blu ray,and It made me remember I've got a really good home theater system.....So it's the best.... Shutter Island - is the worst....Boring predictable,nailed the ending.... Over hyped - the Blind side, or the Crazies.... Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 07:14:22 pm Why would you say this? It was nominated for 7 oscars and won for best director. It was highly praised by the film industry which was made up largely of the older generation. Maybe I'm off base comparing Kick-Ass to Porky's, but I don't think you can compare the Graduate to Kick-Ass. There's no comparison. The Graduate was on my mind because I just saw a Documentary about it this week. The documentary was about how the older generation thought the movie was garbage, but that hippie culture really embraced it. They struggled to even get the film made (also like Kick-Ass) because the material was too much for major studios. It was the first time that adults were portrayed in that way in film. (Much like how in Kick-Ass, superheros are portrayed in a different light for the first time.) It's a show on AMC called "Movies That Shook The World". ...good show, by the way. For what it's worth, my wife is older than me (35) and she's a literary nut. She thinks that Kick-Ass was the best film of the year. I think it just speaks to a different generation, is all. To be clear, when I compare The Graduate to Kick-Ass, it's not because I think that they're the same kind of film. I am comparing the generational split in connecting with what the movie is attempting to portray. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 07:39:16 pm The Graduate was on my mind because I just saw a Documentary about it this week. The documentary was about how the older generation thought the movie was garbage, but that hippie culture really embraced it. Well I was only 4, so I can't really say for sure, but I'm wondering if the documentary was talking about a sub-set of the older generation as opposed to the general audience. I'm sure there was a cross-section of the older generation that surely didn't like the movie as it was quite controversial at the time, but that had to do with the fact that Dustin Hoffman was supposed to be a young man sleeping with a middle-aged married woman. I'm sure that ruffled more than a few feathers in 1967, but the general audience however thought it was a great movie that broke new ground as seen by the 7 Oscar nominations. It wasn't just Hippies that liked it, it was pretty much anyone who wasn't offended by the nature of the movie. I suspect most of those that thought it was garbage didn't even go see it.It wasn't really a generational thing as there were probably 35 year old hippies that loved it and 19 year old "good Christian folk" that probably thought it was garbage. It had more to do with your values than your agegroup. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 07:46:06 pm Good convo, by the way.
Anyhow, they definitely talked about the younger man / older woman thing, but they more focused on the negative/fake portrayal of adult living. They focused on the line "Plastics" a lot, and how that summed up the generation looking to rebel from their parents, even going so far as creating that slang for people that lived that fake life, plastics. The Graduate looked at adults like shallow, alcohol addicted, fake puppets. I think that the older generation was more unable to connect with that idea. At least that's the point that the documentary made. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 09, 2010, 07:52:51 pm Anyhow, they definitely talked about the younger man / older woman thing, but they more focused on the negative/fake portrayal of adult living. They focused on the line "Plastics" a lot, and how that summed up the generation looking to rebel from their parents, even going so far as creating that slang for people that lived that fake life, plastics. Interesting. Maybe I just grew up in a household that was more open to that kind of stuff. I'm Catholic, but I was always taught to have an open mind. But that's a whole other conversation that I don't think we should get into here. :)The Graduate looked at adults like shallow, alcohol addicted, fake puppets. I think that the older generation was more unable to connect with that idea. At least that's the point that the documentary made. Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Dave Gray on September 09, 2010, 08:02:11 pm ^ You also said yourself that the movie came out when you were 4. I'm sure that by the time you finally watched it that the masses had moved on and accepted it.
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: SportsChick on September 10, 2010, 09:12:43 am My favorite of the summer was Toy Story 3 :) Despicable Me is right up there too. Can't say as I saw anything that Disappointed, but I didn't see a lot
Title: Re: Movies I've seen this summer (Best,Worst,Over hyped) Post by: Pappy13 on September 10, 2010, 10:46:25 am ^ You also said yourself that the movie came out when you were 4. I'm sure that by the time you finally watched it that the masses had moved on and accepted it. I didn't actually watch the move until I was maybe 20 or so, but I remember hearing that it was great movie when I was growing up. Got Dustin Hoffman's career going and all that, so if there was a backlash it didn't take long for people to get over it. |