Title: Why did you LOCK the thread on the Jason Allen debate? Post by: MikeO on October 24, 2010, 06:21:34 pm Because Jason Allen has a bad game and backs up my arguement from all week the thread gets LOCKED???
That's not right!! Title: Re: Why did you LOCK the thread on the Jason Allen debate? Post by: Spider-Dan on October 24, 2010, 06:57:59 pm So your argument was based on the future. Got it.
Why didn't you ever try backing up your argument with facts that currently existed at the time you were making it? Title: Re: Why did you LOCK the thread on the Jason Allen debate? Post by: fyo on October 24, 2010, 07:22:57 pm Mike, if you start a thread dedicated to the discussion of the virtues of Jason Allen... It's not going to get locked.
If a thread on Parcells derails completely and veers off for two and a half pages of non-stop Jason Allen is he or isn't he banter, then there's a good chance it will get locked. Title: Re: Why did you LOCK the thread on the Jason Allen debate? Post by: Dave Gray on October 24, 2010, 07:36:26 pm Please don't start threads about locked threads. If you want to talk about Jason Allen, start a thread about him.