Title: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: bsfins on November 30, 2010, 04:00:17 pm Something Hoodie said to Landshark made think....
Teaching My Mom how to use her cell phone,is one of the most frustrating thing in the world for me....I tell her/show her something 15 minutes later...I have to start all over.... I tried to teach my nephew photoshop a few years ago (when I actually used the program),and I ran across this problem when trying how to explain some things to my buddy in 3d programs....Some things I do without even thinking about,or I do them completely different....Make a drop shadow...They go click the box that say "Drop shadow"...Ok Done...I select the object casting the shadow,create a new layer beneath that one, fill it with black/dark gray,Tweak the angle away from the light source.blur it, change the opacity,clip that layer...All without thinking about it...(I'll stop boring people with this analogy now) There are things in 3d,that remind me of what on old math teacher used to tell me....It's not always did you get the right answer,but how you got that answer.... I was asked a few months ago to teach our fact checkers how be more organized,it was a disaster what they were trying to do.... Have you ever tried to teach someone how to do something? Have you ever taught a class? Would you ever want to teach a class? if so what would you teach? Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 30, 2010, 04:17:09 pm Yes. I taught high school for three years. Plus plenty of other teaching in more informal settings.
Based on what little I can ascertain of your teaching style based on what you wrote...I am reminded of the old saw..."People remember 10% of what they hear but 90% of what they do" Instead of showing your mother or nephew. Have them do it. Instead of you holding the phone and showing mom what to do, have mom hold the phone and you step her thru it. Same deal with your nephew having his hands on the keyboard and mouse. As for the fact checkers. I would do the following...First ask them why they need to be more organized and what being organized means. Then have them develop a process for being more organized (with you asking appropriate questions to elicit all the needed steps) once they have developed the process they will own it. The lecture method of instruction, the common approach in most schools is a very poor method of teaching. The better methods don't work well in groups of 25 so it is pretty much all that can be done in school setting but the lecture method should never be used in a small group setting. Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: Pappy13 on November 30, 2010, 04:37:49 pm I've never exactly taught an actual class, but I have given presentations where the presentation was to show people how to do things. For instance I'm fairly capable with Excel and I have been asked to share some of my knowledge with my coworkers several times. Never fails that when I give the presentation, someone always has another way to do the same thing. In fact I have learned a few things "teaching" someone else how to do something. I always try to stress there is no *right* way to do something, If you get the results you're seeking, how you get there doesn't matter as long as it doesn't take you 10 times longer than it needs to. If there's a shortcut, I try to show it. Everyone has there own way of looking at things where it makes sense for them.
Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: Sunstroke on November 30, 2010, 05:09:16 pm I've taught classes and in a one on one environment...to children and adults both. I applaud anyone with the patience to be a teacher, because for me, it's definitely a "short supply"commodity. Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: StL FinFan on November 30, 2010, 05:10:07 pm I'm a parent. It's in the job description. I've also coached. I have considered teaching but the pay scale is too low.
Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: Phishfan on November 30, 2010, 05:11:11 pm I was an education major. I never pursued a teaching job though because I learned that I disagreed with most school systems on various issues. I also coached soccer and wrestling for a few years as well.
Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: bsfins on November 30, 2010, 05:29:59 pm I shouldn't have used my family as an example... :D
My Mom is an horrible example, I'm not gonna go there.... My nephew and I were rarely in the same room when I tried to teach him photoshop....It was usually over Instant message and the phone....When we were in the same room,I'd do it, and try to talk him through it,then I'd have him do it, and help him when he ran into problems....I think inpatients,and not wanting to know why I was doing what I was doing just wanting the result...Then he'd call me, and say it doesn't work! As for the fact checkers. I would do the following...First ask them why they need to be more organized and what being organized means. Then have them develop a process for being more organized (with you asking appropriate questions to elicit all the needed steps) once they have developed the process they will own it. That's sort of what I did,part of the problem was a high rate of turnover (in the department,and with office managers),and the process they were using was what Fred and Jim liked when they worked here 4 years ago....Bad training,not told what they could do,or couldn't do... Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: Dave Gray on November 30, 2010, 07:10:46 pm I have tried to teach people math on several occasions. I'm not incredibly patient, but I'm getting better. I find it easier to teach people over which I have authority. (Not a girlfriend.) I find then, that it turns into arguing, because they're less likely to just take you at your word.
For my parents, I teach them things all the time, but it's sometimes difficult. Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: dolphins4life on December 01, 2010, 01:24:59 am I taught my first cousins once-removed how to sing "Disturbia" by Rihanna when they were two and three.
They really liked the bam bam be dum, bam bam be dam bam part Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: BoSoxGrl on December 01, 2010, 09:49:10 am I teach cake decorating classes twice a week at a craft store.
I like it for the most part because I usually get students who are really excited. The best part is when they surprise themselves with a cake or a project...it makes it worth it. I worst part is the politics outside the classroom in the store part...I hate that. Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: Landshark on December 01, 2010, 09:53:13 am I taught high school for a while before earning my Masters Degree and teaching college.
It seems like a lot of people who don't know the teaching profession well seem to have the mentality of "If you can't do anything else, teach." That is defintiely not the case. Teaching, like a lot of other things, takes talent. You either have it or you don't. Title: Re: Have you ever tried to teach people something? Post by: JVides on December 06, 2010, 04:14:30 pm No way! Imparting knowledge might mean people know what I know. That, I don't have to tell you, is loss of a competitive advantage! What I know dies with MEEEEEE!!!!! Muahahahahahahaha...... ;)
Actually, yes. All the time. I train people at work and give the occasional lecture at work and in public forums. (Come learn international tax topics with me! Fun for all!!) |