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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: Spider-Dan on December 14, 2010, 12:07:16 am

Title: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: Spider-Dan on December 14, 2010, 12:07:16 am
Here's your chance to break a scoop.  If you get access to ESPN's video servers, look through the plays where the Dolphins punt and see if there is a phalanx of Jets personnel standing at the edge of the sideline box (like on the Alosi trip play).

This incident is right around the level of Goodell's piety threshold right now; the Jets have taken action, so he's probably going to sweep the rest under the rug.  However, if ESPN were to start reporting that on every play, the Jets had their little phalanx up, Goodell can no longer ignore it and we get to see the real fireworks start.

This is what you were born to do.  Get cracking.

If anyone has game tape and can give the timecodes that Tony needs to look at specifically, that would be awesome.

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: Brian Fein on December 14, 2010, 12:10:43 am
^^^ awesome.  Maybe TDMMC can get credit for the scoop.  BREAKING NEWS, REX RYAN FINED FOR BEING A FAT SLOB

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: Frimp on December 14, 2010, 12:35:44 am
Dammit, I deleted it earlier today

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: Dave Gray on December 14, 2010, 12:36:50 am
Doesn't the ESPN Gamecast list the times of all of the punts?

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 14, 2010, 07:35:38 am
And then when you get done with the Dolphins game...go back and do every punt by the Jets all season long. 

Not looking for "the wall."  The wall proves nothing.  But if you can find one or two other players falling while running down the Jets sideline when they weren't hit by a Jets player, you will be the Burstein and Woodward of Thighgate. 

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: CF DolFan on December 14, 2010, 08:19:03 am
And then when you get done with the Dolphins game...go back and do every punt by the Jets all season long. 

Not looking for "the wall."  The wall proves nothing.  But if you can find one or two other players falling while running down the Jets sideline when they weren't hit by a Jets player, you will be the Burstein and Woodward of Thighgate. 
I'm thinking if this had happened before they would be speaking out now.

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: Spider-Dan on December 14, 2010, 12:08:06 pm
The wall proves plenty.  It proves that Jets personnel are being instructed to stand in a designated position, with the intention (<--- this part is important) of interfering with opposing players during play.

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: TonyB0D on December 16, 2010, 09:15:29 pm
OK i'm sitting here right now for the next 2 hours, help me out!!

i will also be here tomorrow from 6-11

Title: Re: Mission for TonyB0D: The most important thing you could ever do as a Dolphin fan
Post by: TonyB0D on December 16, 2010, 09:39:34 pm
they didn't start doing it until halfway thru the 3rd, and did it for 3 out of the 10 times we punted, all in the 2nd half and even after the incident.