Title: Henning speaking out in Sparano's favor... Post by: Diehard_Dolfan on December 24, 2010, 03:41:17 am The other day It was Sparano speaking on Henning's job as a OC... now Henning is returning the favor and speaking on the job Tony Sparano has done as HC.
http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-dolphins-dan-henning-1224-20101223,0,7274280.story (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-dolphins-dan-henning-1224-20101223,0,7274280.story) Makes sense what Henning is saying... How many Dolfan's here are buying or selling this? Title: Re: Henning speaking out in Sparano's favor... Post by: MikeO on December 24, 2010, 06:23:47 am not buying it for a second.
Henning knows he's gone (either fired or retired) so he is trying to save his buddy's job. This isn't a job though where friends can help friends keep big/high profile jobs. It's a "results" oriented job. You win or lose. And when you lose your gone! Sparano put his trust in Henning. Henning let him down. Sparano must suffer! Bad decision by Sparano will cost him Title: Re: Henning speaking out in Sparano's favor... Post by: 808phan on December 24, 2010, 07:21:12 am I can't wait for Dan Henning & his hot air to be gone. He's managed to lead this offense six feet under.
Title: Re: Henning speaking out in Sparano's favor... Post by: Landshark on December 26, 2010, 08:33:27 am From what I've heard, because of this offensive ineptitude, a lot of fans will not be attending the Detroit game today.
If there's one thing that will prompt an owner to fire a coach, it's empty seats. Let's see what Ross does at season's end. |