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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: CF DolFan on February 22, 2011, 05:59:42 pm

Title: The Miz?
Post by: CF DolFan on February 22, 2011, 05:59:42 pm
Ok seriously. I know some of you are wrestling fans so I have to ask  ... how in the heck do you go from MTV reality teen to WWE champion? Has wrestling fell so far that they ran out of "wrestling" actors and are now scraping from MTV?

I saw this the other day and I thought it was a joke. Too funny.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 22, 2011, 06:10:51 pm
I heard him on Bill Simmons ESPN podcast a few months back. I guess the guy worked his way up through the farm system and stuff like any other regular joe wrestler. Was actually a bit of a feel good story from where he started and how he got there. And how his MTV fame worked against him.

I don't watch that fake crap and think anyone who does has issues, but I am a fan of the Real World show from back in the day and was interested in hearing about him post-MTV and the WWE story was interesting. I'm sure the podcast is archived you should give it a listen. It was a very good listen

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on February 22, 2011, 10:39:02 pm
The Real World NY was 10 years ago. He put himself through wrestling school and worked his way up through the independents like any other wrestler. He went on WWE's own reality program "Tough Enough" and came in 2nd. He was then signed to a developmental deal by the company and eventually made the main roster. 4 years later, he is the champ.

It actually is an inspiring story because he overcame a lot to get to where he is in the wrestling world. At first, everyone treated him as a joke and he was even banned from the locker room for 6 months do to older wrestlers thinking him unworthy. Classic story of hard work and determination paying off.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Sunstroke on February 23, 2011, 01:07:38 am

I saw the title of this thread and my initial reaction was "What the f***k is a Miz?"

You could take the amount of time I've spent in my life watching MTV's Real World, combine it with the amount of time I've spent watching fake wrestling, and it would just about add up to the length of a Doritos commercial. I can appreciate a good "worked his way up the ranks" story, but when the ultimate goal is a scripted drama (anything involving fake wrestling titles), doesn't that sort of make it a bit anticlimactic?

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on February 23, 2011, 01:27:27 am
Not necessarily. I have been a wrestling fan all my life, I was even set to go to the ECW "House of Hardcore" wrestling school when I was younger before a back injury, so I know how the business works.

Yes, it is scripted and a champion is determined by a bunch of old men in suits, but you still have to be an incredible talent and bust your ass. For instance, The Miz, like most WWE performers is on the road for 200+ days a year with no offseason. In addition to that commitment, when he isn't wrestling he is making public appearances for the company or appearing in films.

It takes a great deal of dedication to get to the top, even in the world of sports entertainment aka "athletes who act".

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: CF DolFan on February 23, 2011, 08:20:18 am
I don't think I've seen Real World since he was on so it was a bit of a shocker to me. I also used to be a wrestling fan but the names were Dusty Rhodes, Terry and Dory Funk, Bob Backlund, Mil Mascaras, Jimmy Snuka and the Freebirds. It seems very stupid to say this but it seemd a whole lot more real in those days!! I guess in a way it was as people like Dusty and the Funk brothers actually cut their foreheads for the blood effect. 

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Dave Gray on February 23, 2011, 09:02:48 am
^ They still cut themselves.  It got way more "real" in the 90s and 2000s, with guys like Mick Foley, who were just crazy.  ECW also pushed the envelope.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MaineDolFan on February 23, 2011, 09:55:33 am
Thing about the Miz?  Even 10 years ago on the "Real World" he said his life long dream was to make it to the (then) WWF.  The guy worked hard and made it come true.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 23, 2011, 10:16:19 pm
^ They still cut themselves.  It got way more "real" in the 90s and 2000s, with guys like Mick Foley, who were just crazy.  ECW also pushed the envelope.

A grown adult just used the term "real" when talking professional wrestling! ha ha ha

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on February 24, 2011, 02:52:03 am
It's not real, but the injuries and athleticism are. These guys are world class athletes, some with actual sports backgrounds. Not all of them as you still have the occasional fat guy who does nothing but be big, but that's basically what NFL O-Linemen are.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 24, 2011, 07:23:59 am
It's not real, but the injuries and athleticism are. These guys are world class athletes, some with actual sports backgrounds. Not all of them as you still have the occasional fat guy who does nothing but be big, but that's basically what NFL O-Linemen are.

The actual sports background thing is what gets me. If they were able to make it in the NFL or NBA or MLB they would be there (ie Brock Lesner, when a sport he wanted to do became viable, he left and went there). These "fake wrestlers" are the rejects out of that sport who can't make it there and don't want to work for a living so go play make belive on a mattress in their underwear.

Look if you are fan, god bless ya.  Really, Im not trying to rain on your parade but its a tough pill to swallow when I hear they have sports backgrounds and are real atheletes. I mean it takes no athlete to swing a folding chair.  Not to mention the rate these guys drop dead in their 30's and 40' other real sport has guys dropping dead at that age at that rate.I mean 2 guys in their 30's die a month and nobody bats an eyelash in wrestling. It's a sick industry that probably should be outlawd in this country, the fact UFC is banned in a handful of states and Vince McMahon is allowed to do businesss is something I will never understand. Vince is no different than a middle east dictator with the amount of blood on his hands and the bodies he has burried. The fact they market to kids is really disturbing.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: CF DolFan on February 24, 2011, 01:35:54 pm
It's not real, but the injuries and athleticism are. These guys are world class athletes, some with actual sports backgrounds. Not all of them as you still have the occasional fat guy who does nothing but be big, but that's basically what NFL O-Linemen are.
O linemen are big fat guys who do nothing and are not athletes? You just lost any credibility you may have had!!  :o

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on February 25, 2011, 03:24:03 am
It isn't so much that they can't hack it in MLB(although, about 99.9% of the population can't), it's that they choose not to be. Basically, they are actors who do their own stunts. Actors don't get dumped on and stuntmen don't get dumped on, but wrestlers do.

I understand how you can feel otherwise. At it's core, wrestling is just plain goofy and stupid. Grown men in spandex fake fighting one another. It's just something you enjoy or you don't.

As far as the O-Line remark, I was oversimplifying the case, but I honestly believe almost all "major league" wrestlers are better athletes than O-Linemen. Not to crap all over those guys as they are still ridiculous physical specimens, just my opinion.

An NFL running back or Linebacker is a different story, as I feel those guys are the premier athletes of the world.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Pappy13 on February 25, 2011, 12:17:51 pm
As far as the O-Line remark, I was oversimplifying the case, but I honestly believe almost all "major league" wrestlers are better athletes than O-Linemen.
But they aren't athletes.  They don't "compete" in a sport.  They are by your own admission actors.  They might be in better physical shape than some O-Lineman, but unless they are actually competing in a sport, they can't be considered better athletes.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 25, 2011, 06:48:10 pm
^^^ Agree. And you can't be considered athletes when you are nothing more than a pill popping, steroid shot taking guy your entire life.The NBA, NFL, and MLB drug policies aren't perfect by any means, but at least its something that is somewhat respectable these days. And the government has even got involved to clean up these sports and make everything on the level as much as can be. You aren't an athlete when you take steroids every day of your life for years to get the look those wrestlers do. And dont give me the WWE has a drug policy, please. Nobody is buying that line of BS for one minute. They may have one in theory or on paper, but with the rate those guys drop dead it is hardly something that is enforced or taken seriously by anyone with a brain.

And don't give me that pro wrestlers choose not to play REAL sports. A guy like THE ROCK tried out for the NFL and the CFL, couldn't cut the mustard in either. Became a wrestler and the first chance he got to leave to do something else.....he left!! Pro Wrestling is an "industry" filled with rejects from other walks of life. Nobody in it wants to be in it. Everyone who can leave....does!

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: jtex316 on February 26, 2011, 08:28:16 am
I like how MikeO is the first to point out that ppl who watch wrestling "have issues" yet he has more posts and more insight into wrestling than anyone else up to this point.


Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 26, 2011, 12:41:14 pm
I like how MikeO is the first to point out that ppl who watch wrestling "have issues" yet he has more posts and more insight into wrestling than anyone else up to this point.


What insight?? I said its fake, they take steroids and most of the guys drop dead in their 30's. The fake thing any 5 year old knows. And when the guys drop dead its always pointed out in the newspaper.  And the steroids thing you don't need to watch it on TV to know.

Not much insight there really!! Im just stating the obvious.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Frimp on February 26, 2011, 08:38:30 pm
Everyone who likes it knows its fake, and to be honest, they wouldnt have it any other way. To say that anyone who likes it has issues is telling, considering most of his posts. If you disagree with Mighty Mike, you have issues.

I guess the star players on every football and basketball team have issues because they are always pointed out when they are at the WWE events. I guess people who watch movies and TV shows have issues too because that is fake.

Just because people like something that you don't like doesnt mean there is anything wrong with them, Mike.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 27, 2011, 07:09:12 am

Just because people like something that you don't like doesnt mean there is anything wrong with them, Mike.

Sure it does. There are a bunch of examples of that in life, but I won't get into it.  Not worth the time. If you want to watch grown men in their underwear and hot oil rub up against each other and play make believe fight....go for it! Who am I to judge!!!

The sad part is our owner Stephen Ross is now in bed with McMahon and is bringing that wrestlefest thingy to Sun Life Stadium next year. Way to associate yourself with a class organization Ross.  ::)

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Frimp on February 27, 2011, 09:29:12 am
Sure it does. There are a bunch of examples of that in life, but I won't get into it.  Not worth the time. If you want to watch grown men in their underwear and hot oil rub up against each other and play make believe fight....go for it! Who am I to judge!!!

The sad part is our owner Stephen Ross is now in bed with McMahon and is bringing that wrestlefest thingy to Sun Life Stadium next year. Way to associate yourself with a class organization Ross.  ::)

So, you are the standard on which everything is to be judged? Ok. Got it. Start a thread so we can all see if we measure up to your greatness.  ::)

As for Wrestlemania being held at Sun Life, do you realize how much money that will bring into South Florida?

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on February 28, 2011, 02:30:35 am
I don't know about them not being athletes. Aside from very few freakshows, the industry is filled with athletic people who have to be in peak physical condition to do what they do.

If you want to say they aren't athletes because it isn't a sport, I can understand though.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Pappy13 on February 28, 2011, 10:32:15 am
If you want to say they aren't athletes because it isn't a sport, I can understand though.
Just for clarification I didn't say they weren't athletes because it isn't a sport, I said they weren't athletes because I don't believe they are competing against each other.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: CF DolFan on February 28, 2011, 12:57:27 pm
Just for clarification I didn't say they weren't athletes because it isn't a sport, I said they weren't athletes because I don't believe they are competing against each other.
If competing were to be the desired method for determining athletes then people who played chess would be athletes.
I think we can all agree that playing chess does not make one an athlete. On that same note there is a lady in my neighborhood who runs/bikes all the time and appears to be in phenomenal shape. She doesn't compete but I'd say she was definitely an athlete.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on February 28, 2011, 02:08:39 pm
Question - to be answered in a yes or no fashion.  Please do not add commentary.  Click "quote" and answer this question with a "yes" or a "no."

Does professional wrestling require athletic ability, conditioning and skill that the general population does not possess?


Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Phishfan on February 28, 2011, 02:09:54 pm
On that same note there is a lady in my neighborhood who runs/bikes all the time and appears to be in phenomenal shape. She doesn't compete but I'd say she was definitely an athlete.

As a friend of mine likes to say, "She sounds hot."

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Sunstroke on February 28, 2011, 02:19:07 pm
Question - to be answered in a yes or no fashion.  Please do not add commentary.  Click "quote" and answer this question with a "yes" or a "no."

Does professional wrestling require athletic ability, conditioning and skill that the general population does not possess?

Shame on you for asking such a pointed question in order to get a desired response...  Substitute "professional wrestling" in that sentence with "dock workers" or "rodeo clowns" and tell me that you can't get the same response for those as well.  Neither one of those two occupations qualify as "athletes."

I'd call professional fake wrestlers "non-athlete" actors who get paid to be musclebound behemoths in order to better portray the characters they are asked to play.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Pappy13 on February 28, 2011, 02:41:36 pm
If competing were to be the desired method for determining athletes then people who played chess would be athletes.
I think we can all agree that playing chess does not make one an athlete.
I didn't say it was the ONLY determining factor.

On that same note there is a lady in my neighborhood who runs/bikes all the time and appears to be in phenomenal shape. She doesn't compete but I'd say she was definitely an athlete.
I would disagree, I would say she is athletic, but not an athlete, which means she is fit enough to compete, but doesn't.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: Pappy13 on February 28, 2011, 02:46:22 pm
Does professional wrestling require athletic ability, conditioning and skill that the general population does not possess?
No - it doesn't REQUIRE it.

Title: Re: The Miz?
Post by: MikeO on February 28, 2011, 06:19:05 pm
as a kid I remember a bunch of fat professional wrestlers who had not one ounce of athletic ability. So I would say NO!