Title: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: bsfins on April 07, 2011, 02:03:49 pm There have been quite of few What are your favorite brands/brand loyalty threads over the years...Most of us seemed to be pretty loyal to Gillette razors for an example.
If your product is still available,what would push you to trying a different brand? Something just totally better? cost? they change something? Maybe stop changing something? Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Dave Gray on April 07, 2011, 02:57:19 pm Word of mouth, probably.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Phishfan on April 07, 2011, 03:07:11 pm I don't have a lot of brand loyalty so it wouldn't take much for me. Most of what I purchase is from habit.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Pappy13 on April 07, 2011, 03:30:38 pm Does Wal-Mart brand count as brand loyalty? >:D
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: StL FinFan on April 07, 2011, 03:49:27 pm If they changed the product or the price went up dramatically, I would look for something different. Like Dave said, word of mouth. All of these have happened and caused me to change brands.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: masterfins on April 07, 2011, 04:36:36 pm Better product at a cheaper price always works for me.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on April 07, 2011, 05:19:30 pm I tend to try things based on recommendations from friends and unless they totally wow me I go back to my usual array of products. Like Stl said if the raise the price to the point it makes me think twice about it then that would sway my decision a little easier.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: bsfins on April 07, 2011, 05:38:35 pm Right now I'm running into a problem with Purex laundry soap,I've used it for years,it was cheap,readily available...and didn't make me itch all to hell...Now they keep adding things,changing formula,and it's getting a little harder to find the plain liquid soap.....Not to mention I read a Consumers report guisde,saying purex was one of the worst laundry soaps they tested.... ???... :-[
So I'm sort f going through a..what now moment... I changed Shaving creams,and after shave a while back..to Nivea...I tried the aftershave shaving balm LOVED it,then went to the shaving gel...Love them both... Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: fyo on April 07, 2011, 05:56:50 pm When two (or more) products are of comparable quality and price, I will *always* go with the smaller company. That's simply the smart thing to do as a consumer and is what everyone should do.
The products do have to be essentially interchangeable, though; I wouldn't buy an inferior product at the same price point just to prop up a company that can't keep up. Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Thundergod on April 08, 2011, 03:20:37 am A huge increase in price. Been there and done it, too.
Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: bsfins on April 08, 2011, 10:37:27 am Before the staff meeting this morning,I was thinking, I've changed alot of my brand loyalties lately....
Antivirus - I went from AVG-to Avast No desktop gadgets to rainmeter Edge shave gel- to nivea Dawn to Palmolive Comet to Softscrub lemon valvoline to Castrol Instant coffee to home brewed Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Dave Gray on April 10, 2011, 02:44:12 am Expanding on this --
Word of Mouth has a big, big, big effect on me. If I hear good things about something, I'll usually try it. If it's from a friend, I'm even more likely to try it. ...and if it's a strong recommendation, I'm almost sure to try it. Title: Re: What would it take for you to change brand loyalty? Post by: Buddhagirl on April 10, 2011, 05:01:43 pm I'm rarely brand loyal. There are a few items that I always stick too, but for the most part I buy what's on sale.