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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: BigDaddyFin on June 08, 2011, 05:55:26 pm

Title: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 08, 2011, 05:55:26 pm
But I'm a little aggravated with what I see sometimes.

1.  What's with the fucked up looking catchers mitts?  It looks like a first basemen's glove on steroids what's that about?
2.  Why is the girl running 4 steps out of the box with a bunt and usually before the ball ever even gets there?  They never get a hit with it and they seem to do it when a sacrifice isn't needed.
3.  What's with the yellow softballs?  When did this shit start?
4.  Why the hell do the outfielders come sprinting in with the ball in their hand instead of throwing it?  Do they not have an arm?  The field isn't that big, so if their arm sucks why are they in the outfield?
5.  Why don't they all wear hats?  Some of them wear hats, some of them have visors, some of them just seem to tie it in knots.  What the fuck?  You can't play baseball without a hat. 
6.  Why are they singing?  There's no crying in baseball and either get cheerleaders or don't.  You can't have both.
7.  How come none of the managers ever go Billy Martin on somebody's ass?  Even if they're chicks it would be great.
8.  Why don't they steal?  The speed seems to top out between 60 and 70 miles an hour and the bases don't look like they're as far a part.  Even if they are, the throw might as well be Fedexed because the ball's huge and you can't throw it as fast. 
9.  What's with these windmill windups?  Why don't they throw submarine?  Some of them rock. 
10.  Nobody chews?  Even in high school the chicks chewed. 
11.  What's with the silly colors on the bats?  I know they're aluminum and cost a fortune but do they need to be red and purple?  What's wrong with silver or black?
12. How come they can come back into the game after they get pulled?

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: masterfins on June 08, 2011, 08:36:50 pm
I watched a little the other day myself.  Had to turn the channel because both teams had every other player bunting for no reason at all.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 08, 2011, 09:25:42 pm
yeah it's prevalent and half the time they're 4 steps out of the box and the ball isn't even at the plate yet.  I want to know who teaches that shit because essentially all you're doing is giving the pitcher an easy strike.  I could see if they square around and pull it back but they never do they just start running down the line with the bat sticking out.  What the fuck?

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: SportsChick on June 09, 2011, 09:00:03 am
Yellow softballs have been around forever. I played with them in City Rec when I was 12 - that was 20 years ago. Chanting is a way of softball. It stats when you're young and never leaves. Sorry dude, it's a chick thing.

Hats - they're a bitch when you have long hair. If you're like me and have a small head, they're a bitch to find one that fits. Not all girls like hats, and with braids and ponytails, it doesn't always work out so well.

Windmill pitching has been a part of softball since the dawn of time.

Reading your rant it's like you just want women to play baseball, not the sport they actually play

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Brian Fein on June 09, 2011, 09:05:03 am
Softball fundamentals is to run the ball in from the outfield.  The bases are closer together so the smallest throwing error can give up a base.  Its ALWAYS better to run the ball in than risk a bad throw or catch.

Sounds like you just don't know the differences between softball and baseball.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Sunstroke on June 09, 2011, 09:44:25 am

On tobacco: The NCAA doesn't allow it for women's softball, just like they don't allow it for men's baseball and all other NCAA sports. It's been that way since 1994.

On base stealing...I "believe" that a baserunner in women's softball has to keep one foot in contact with the base until the pitch crosses home plate, which basically means no getting a lead.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Brian Fein on June 09, 2011, 09:50:46 am
On base stealing...I "believe" that a baserunner in women's softball has to keep one foot in contact with the base until the pitch crosses home plate, which basically means no getting a lead.

I believe this is correct, sir.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Sunstroke on June 09, 2011, 12:57:37 pm

^^^ I'm thinking that if MLB players were required to keep one foot on the bag until the ball crosses home plate, there would never be another steal in the big leagues.

I like the original "why don't they throw submarine?" comment as well. It might have something to do with softball being an "underhand" pitching game, while submariners, despite the funky release point, are actually throwing overhand.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 09, 2011, 01:52:14 pm

Reading your rant it's like you just want women to play baseball, not the sport they actually play

You're both correct and not.  Here's the underlying reason I get so pissed off.  I played baseball and I've played in a couple of rec softball leagues I have a blast and it's something I love doing. 

I look at old school guys like Ty Cobb, Joe Jackson, Joe Dimaggio, Pete Rose, Hank Aaron Koufax, Jackie Robinson, Bob Gibson and I say to myself ok that's how the game should be played.   MLB doesn't even really play baseball like that anymore which I get pissed off watching that too. 

If I were coaching a bunch of girls I would say look this is the way the ball and bat game is played.  In your case the balls are bigger and the field's a little smaller but so what?  You've got the other 21 hours of the day to be a lady.  Go out and kick somebody's ass and then when we win the beer's on me. 

It's confusing to me at times and mildly frustrating.

Modified to respond to the NCAA rule Stroke mentioned.  It never stopped any of us.  I chewed during baseball and football games, and in college I used to even chew tobacco on the sidelines.  My way of saying fuck you to the NCAA.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: SportsChick on June 09, 2011, 04:41:33 pm
Really dude - similar to baseball but softball isn't baseball. Deal with it. Not all girls want to play boys sports.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Phishfan on June 09, 2011, 04:45:54 pm
One of the worst rants I've seen.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 09, 2011, 04:46:52 pm
I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to add my 2 cents as I played Baseball up through my freshman year in College, I played mens slow pitch softball for years and I also helped coach a high school fast pitch softball team that won state.

1 ) The ball is much bigger and would make a softball catcher's mitt huge if it was built the same as a baseball catcher's mitt.
2 ) Actually bunting is a very effective play in fast pitch softball especially at the lower levels. In high school I've seen players that were better at bunting their way on base than trying to hit their way on base. The bases are fairly short and a fast player bunting from the right side of the plate has a step and a half down 1st base line when they bunt the ball. The reason it doesn't always work is that pitchers are crafty and will throw the ball to the outside part of the plate and it makes it difficult to bunt it. The players will often not even try to bunt if it's thrown outside and hence the strike calls where they are half way down the line. It may not look pretty, but when executed well it can be effective. The higher up you go and the more talented the pitchers and fielders, it gets much harder to bunt for a hit and that's why it looks pretty stupid when you watch college players from the best teams attempting it. In High School and below it's a weapon.
4 ) Much smaller field makes a huge difference. In baseball there's no way to run into the infield and accomplish anything, it HAS to be thrown in, not true in Softball. Running the ball in is actually an effective way to prevent runners from moving up as they can easily throw it to any base without a relay and without the ball ever bouncing. Throws are quick and accurate.
6 ) Singing or chanting is really just the same thing that we used to do in baseball, but we called it chatter. You don't hear it in the major leagues, but it's still prevelant in High School and even college ball. Chanting is just the way the women do it, pretty much has the same purpose.
8 ) Like has been mentioned, you can't leave the base till the ball crosses the plate and it's a short base path. There is stealing in the lower levels and a good catcher that can throw out base runners is highly valued, by the time you get to college all the catchers have such strong arms and are so accurate, a base stealer doesn't stand a chance.
9 ) Throwing the ball underhanded is actually MUCH easier on your arm than throwing overhand or even submarine style. Softball pitchers have been known to throw complete tournaments. Every pitch of every inning their team plays. I don't believe there are any rules as to how many innings you can pitch and if you got 1 really good pitcher, that may be all you need. That may change in college, I'm not sure, but it's common in High School. Do that throwing overhand and you'll shred your shoulder. That High School team that won state had 1 pitcher on the team. She pitched every pitch for her team for 2 years. Could throw the ball in the mid 70's I think it was and since the mound is closer than in baseball, this was the equivalent of about a 90 mph fastball in baseball. You ever go up against a 90 mph high school pitcher? Probably not. Oh and she had a changeup that would come in at about 50 too. She would usually strike out about 75% of the batters she faced.
10) Sure they do. Bubble gum usually.
11) They are women. What's wrong with a purple bat?
12) Not sure about that. Some sports have free substitutions and some don't. Don't know why fast pitch softball does and baseball doesn't.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: StL FinFan on June 09, 2011, 07:50:59 pm
When I played softball in HS, you could leave the base when the pitch left the pitcher's hand.  Still pretty much impossible to steal a base that way.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 09, 2011, 10:28:58 pm
When I played softball in HS, you could leave the base when the pitch left the pitcher's hand.  Still pretty much impossible to steal a base that way.
With a 70 mph pitch and a 40 to 43 foot mound, the time it leaves the hand to the time it crosses the plate is a fraction of a second. Makes little difference either way.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: StL FinFan on June 09, 2011, 11:10:07 pm
^ That was the way rule was written. 

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: mecadonzilla on June 10, 2011, 01:57:33 am
I've watched a bit of this with my daughter just to show her that it's possible to play women's sports and still be respected and watched on TV.  She's used to only watching men on TV, and it's been nice to show her ladies competing in meaningful games. 

I'd show her some WNBA games if they weren't so damn embarrassing to the sport.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 10, 2011, 10:39:45 am
^ That was the way rule was written. 
I believe you, I'm just saying that it's pretty much irrelevant at that level.  Like you said stealing is just not an option.  Lower levels it can be simply because the catchers don't have the same arm strength, pitchers aren't quite as fast, etc. That's when a game can be decided by having a good catcher/pitcher combo. No one stole on Zami and Linda.

Dug this up about that 1983 team...

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 10, 2011, 10:58:51 am
I've watched a bit of this with my daughter just to show her that it's possible to play women's sports and still be respected and watched on TV.  She's used to only watching men on TV, and it's been nice to show her ladies competing in meaningful games. 
Make sure she catches the Womens US national team later this month in the Women's world cup.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 13, 2011, 04:45:10 pm
Someone still needs to explain what the hell they think they're doing when they try to drag bunt and they're 4 steps out of the box before the ball ever gets to the plate.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 14, 2011, 08:40:05 pm
Someone still needs to explain what the hell they think they're doing when they try to drag bunt and they're 4 steps out of the box before the ball ever gets to the plate.
I thought I did.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 15, 2011, 11:01:45 pm
I thought I did.

You explained how the bunt can be used as a weapon just fine, and I agree with using it as a tactical weapon, but if it doesn't really work that well in college then why the hell do they keep doing it often to excess?  I think I saw 4 or 5 batters in a row do it in one game.  Then they actually let some poor girl swing away, then they kept right on with the shitty bunts. 

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 16, 2011, 12:59:09 pm
You explained how the bunt can be used as a weapon just fine, and I agree with using it as a tactical weapon, but if it doesn't really work that well in college then why the hell do they keep doing it often to excess?  I think I saw 4 or 5 batters in a row do it in one game.  Then they actually let some poor girl swing away, then they kept right on with the shitty bunts. 
Well I won't try to explain the psyche of every coach as to why they do something, but there's obvious implications as to why they do it.

1) They are used to doing it. A lot of these girls are taught this in High School and even in College and use it with some success at the lower levels. When you get to the highest levels of softball it doesn't work, but that doesn't mean you just abandon it. It might still be the best chance at getting on base for some of them. Have you watched some of them when they swing away? Against a top pitcher, it can be embarrasing.

2) You got to keep the infielders/pitcher honest. If you don't at least attempt a bunt from time to time the infield will play deeper and it's even harder to get a well hit ball through the infield. A lot of those "attempts" are really just there to open up the holes for when you do swing away.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: masterfins on June 16, 2011, 01:57:12 pm
^^^ I think you are probably right with your 1st point, in that these girls can't, or rather the coach doesn't think they can, hit these pitchers.  That's a pretty sad state of affairs.  Without trying to bat against these pitchers they will never develop the skill to do it, nor gain the mental confidence.  There are plenty of MLB'ers that can't hit certain pitchers, but the coaches aren't sending them up to bunt every time they face them.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: Pappy13 on June 16, 2011, 07:07:23 pm
^^^ I think you are probably right with your 1st point, in that these girls can't, or rather the coach doesn't think they can, hit these pitchers.  That's a pretty sad state of affairs.  Without trying to bat against these pitchers they will never develop the skill to do it, nor gain the mental confidence.  There are plenty of MLB'ers that can't hit certain pitchers, but the coaches aren't sending them up to bunt every time they face them.
That's all well and good, but College World series is not where you work on your batting skills. You are there to try to win any way you can. If you have to bunt to get on base, you do it.

Title: Re: I'm glad there's College World Series of Chicks Softball and everything...
Post by: BigDaddyFin on June 16, 2011, 07:41:37 pm
Your points are well taken, but I can't help it, it still pisses me off.  How can they suck at swinging away those bats weigh next to nothing.  I've still got my old Louisville handed down to me from the 1970's.  34 in 36 oz.  I still use it in games.  But the guys with the new bats it's so light.