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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Jim Gray on July 21, 2011, 06:14:26 pm

Title: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 21, 2011, 06:14:26 pm

I'm building a straw bale house in the Central Texas Hill Country, just NW of Austin.  I've documented the process from the very beginning, starting with the site survey. 

After over a year, we are very close now, and should be in within a month.  Tomorrow the counter tops and appliances go in.  Next week the stone work and metal siding gets installed.  After that, it's just painting, bath fixtures and a little carpentry.  We have been in an apartment for 2.5 years, and we are past ready to move into a house.  If you are interested, I've included a link to my flickr account where I have 224 pictures, more or less in order of construction.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: masterfins on July 21, 2011, 08:57:03 pm
Funny, the other day I was wondering how this house was going.  Looks great, glad your almost done.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Dave Gray on July 22, 2011, 11:01:30 am
What's the deal with the missing pieces in the balcony?  Is that a screw up or something that's just not finished?

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 22, 2011, 11:23:14 am
What's the deal with the missing pieces in the balcony?  Is that a screw up or something that's just not finished?

I think you are asking about the railings having gaps in them.  They were installed incorrectly.  I'm headed there this afternoon to get that sorted out.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: jtex316 on July 22, 2011, 12:24:07 pm
This is a great looking house!

There seems to be a lot land / dirt in the surrounding house area. Do you / are you required to build a driveway and some type of gate / fencing that leads into whatever the closest road is?

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 22, 2011, 12:58:20 pm
Thanks Joe.  The house is on 5 acres in a small community where all properties are between 2.5 and 5 acres.  When we built the house, there was already a dirt access road into the property.  It's pretty flat, so all we need to do is cover it with crushed granite.  There are no gates or fences required, and since we are surrounded by trees, I doubt I'll ever fence the property.  I am fencing the garden and orchard to keep the deer out.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Lee on July 22, 2011, 02:40:54 pm
I looked through all of your pictures.  That project looks amazing.  You must be a very good planner!

This may be a stupid question (and one you may have already answered in previous posts), but why a straw bale house?  Isn't it possible for the bales to deteroriate over time and then you are left with empty walls of stucko and plaster only?  Also, isn't fire a bigger risk then a cement house?

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: fyo on July 22, 2011, 02:52:46 pm
Lee, Jim answered all those questions (and more) here:,18285.0.html

Check his first two posts in that thread.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on July 22, 2011, 02:54:44 pm
I look forward to the new pics everytiime to see the progress. It still amazes me and it looks great!!!!!

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: BoSoxGrl on July 22, 2011, 02:57:19 pm

This is wicked cool.
I admit, I had to google what a Truth Window was...and now that I know, I LOVE the idea of it.

I can't believe how far it's come along in just a year!

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Phishfan on July 22, 2011, 02:58:50 pm
  I am fencing the garden and orchard to keep the deer out.

This house is such a cool idea. I had never heard of it before you started making posts about it.

By the way, that better be a tall fence.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Sunstroke on July 22, 2011, 03:06:37 pm

Like Yazzer, I had to Google the Truth Window as well, but love the concept of it.

This house is looking so damned cool it isn't funny. I definitely look forward to seeing the new pics every time you post them.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: bsfins on July 22, 2011, 05:42:06 pm
I love seeing the pictures Jim....I'd have say after you move in seems like a great time for a fishing trip.... ;D

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 24, 2011, 12:30:39 am
I love seeing the pictures Jim....I'd have say after you move in seems like a great time for a fishing trip.... ;D

I didn't know you fished.  You planning on making a trip to the Austin area?  If you want to go fishing may need to wait until we get some rain.  We are in an "exceptional" drought.  That's the highest level there is.  My neighbor told me today that our area has received less than 4 inches of rain since October of last year.  We should have something like 30 inches.   Most of the water I fish is in terrible shape.   


Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 24, 2011, 12:42:39 am
A comment about the truth window.  My wife is a potter and she made a special frame for it that we will install soon.  I'll post a pic when it's done.  Inside the window, I plan to put some things I found on the property when we were clearing it - a large fossil mollusk shell,  old amber medicine bottles and a rusted animal trap. 

I don't know if I mentioned it in earlier posts, but our property was once used for emancipated slaves at the end of the Civil War.  There are several dry stack walls that runs thought the area, and one of the best preserved runs right through the middle of our property.  There are still many cedar stumps that were cut down by ax when the land was initially cleared .  I don't know how many years the freed slaves were there, but I'd love to get a metal detector and see what was left behind.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: bsfins on July 24, 2011, 09:26:14 am
I didn't know you fished.  You planning on making a trip to the Austin area?  If you want to go fishing may need to wait until we get some rain.  We are in an "exceptional" drought.  That's the highest level there is.  My neighbor told me today that our area has received less than 4 inches of rain since October of last year.  We should have something like 30 inches.   Most of the water I fish is in terrible shape.  

I was talking about for yourself...I haven't gone since I went paddlefish snagging for the first time a few years ago...

***hijack ** (I think this was in April) We got a "dusty rain" as a side effect of your drought...After a strong storm,the night before,I woke up to my truck looking like I went four wheeling through the mud...(As out local weather people explained) Strong winds out of the Southwest,picked up the dust from Texas,and carried it here by the strong storms,and winds....***End hijack***

Please share anything you find in those mounds,please...It would be awesome to see...

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Jim Gray on July 24, 2011, 12:05:18 pm
Hijacking my own thread.......

Even with the house building, I've still managed to find some time to fish.  I just got back from visiting Dave (and the rest of my family) in S. Florida.  I met up with a buddy of mine who is a blue water fly fishing guide.  We had one of the best days of fishing I can remember.  We caught snook all morning. When we got tired of that, we moved over a wreck and caught bonito until our arms were tired.  For a break we headed out to the edge and caught dolphin.  On the way back in, we caught more bonito and finally, when we hit the dock at the end of the day, we found more snook and jacks feeding.  It was one of those days when everything worked. 

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Spider-Dan on July 25, 2011, 12:03:47 am
I see what you did there.

Title: Re: Straw Bale House Update - Almost There
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 21, 2012, 01:05:44 pm

Were there ever any finalized pictures on this?