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TDMMC Forums => Anti-Fins Chat => Topic started by: bsfins on August 08, 2011, 01:49:29 pm

Title: Prediction:2011 Training Camp Warrior...
Post by: bsfins on August 08, 2011, 01:49:29 pm
Every year there is one or two guy's in training camp that bloggers,and the local papers see to talk about alot....They's making lots of plays,playing a lot with the first team Offense or Defense...They've usually been with the team a year or two (typically disappointing in someway) ....And get cut/traded,don't make the final roster....

Camps have been going for a little while,so who do you think will be the 2011 training camp warrior?

(Possible past winners....Patrick Turner,Pat White,Donald Thomas,Earnest Wilford,Derrick Hagan )

Title: Re: Prediction:2011 Training Camp Warrior...
Post by: Pappy13 on August 08, 2011, 02:21:07 pm
Jimmy Wilson? Seems to be getting a lot of attention right now, but I don't see a lot of room on the roster for him.