Title: Henne's injury has changed my opinion on him. Post by: Dave Gray on October 07, 2011, 01:21:22 pm I think that he's likely played his last game as a Dolphin, and justifiably so.
Before, I figured that he'd be worth keeping around as either a backup, or if you wanted to groom a new QB (not start him in year 1), Henne could be your starter. Even if you wanted to bring in a veteran, he could compete for the job. But, now with an injury, you're having to deal with rehab and bringing him back slowly. I just don't think that's something I want to deal with. On top of that, he's a free agent. You're almost starting from zero, with a likely new coach and GM. ...might as well start with a new player, too. Thanks, Henne. It's been real. Title: Re: Henne's injury has changed my opinion on him. Post by: masterfins on October 07, 2011, 01:31:34 pm I think it's his last game as a Fin because next year a new coach will be at the helm and he's going to want his own guy leading the team. Slight chance he will be back as a backup becuase its doubtful any other team will sign him, depends what the new coach thinks of him.
Title: Re: Henne's injury has changed my opinion on him. Post by: JVides on October 07, 2011, 01:49:22 pm Realistically, he's probably done in Miami because the way things are going, next year's QB will likely be named Andrew Luck or Landry Jones. I don't think the Dolphins would bring back the incumbent under such a scenario, and I don't think Henne would be down with competing with a rookie only to (probably) lose his job 4 games into the season when the coaching staff deemed the new kid ready.