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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: Frimp on November 07, 2011, 12:58:46 pm

Title: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Frimp on November 07, 2011, 12:58:46 pm
Baltimore, 2007 or KC, 2011

Gotta go with Baltimore. We had never been that bad before, and I actually cried when GC caught that ball in overtime. Now, the bad season doesnt seem nearly as bad to me. Kind of been there done that, I guess. This season doesnt sting nearly as much as 2007 did.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: DZA on November 07, 2011, 01:05:38 pm
2007 many fans including my self lost all hope, I was watching the game at a friends house, 4th quarter, i left in pure disgust caus ei was like f*ck it we are gonn be the first team to go 0-16.  the my boy calls up and said Fins win, i wa slike bullshit. saw the highlights and boom, i was happy they got the win.

2011 Im glad that it happen in the mid of the season, and not closer to the end.  1 win is defiantly better that none. at the same time, the way the direction of the team was goin did not surprise me.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Pappy13 on November 07, 2011, 01:05:48 pm
Baltimore, 2007 or KC, 2011

Gotta go with Baltimore. We had never been that bad before, and I actually cried when GC caught that ball in overtime. Now, the bad season doesnt seem nearly as bad to me. Kind of been there done that, I guess. This season doesnt sting nearly as much as 2007 did.
Agree with everything you said except the part about crying you wuss. J/K :)

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Frimp on November 07, 2011, 01:14:41 pm
Agree with everything you said except the part about crying you wuss. J/K :)

I was drunk and the only DOlfan in the bar. lol Then, EVERYONE at the bar started buying me shots and beers. Not sure how I got home that night. lol

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Pappy13 on November 07, 2011, 01:22:00 pm
LOL. I was loading dogfood into my car yesterday after the game and still wearing my Dolphins jersey when a car stopped behind me and the driver yelled "You a Dolphins fan?" which was probably a pretty dumb question, but I'm assuming he was just trying to get my attention and when I nodded that I was he yelled "Got our first win this week!!" and gave me a big thumbs up which again it was probably a pretty safe assumption that I already knew, but I gave him a big thumbs up in return.  We Dolphins fans gotta stick together. :)

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: tubba marxxx on November 07, 2011, 01:45:13 pm
2004 against the Rams was my favorite first win to be honest with you

and yeah he's blocking for Wes Welker.  ugh.

But in the other choices, I'd have to go with Baltimore.  I much as I love dominating wins like this one, that game in 2007 was a classic.  I'll never forget where I was.  I was working at a local Applebee's.  I was getting my cash counted in the manager's office when the bartender, who is also a dolphins fan, comes running in saying:  "Dude, Miami's winning...with like..not that much time left."  I got my money, ran out to the bar, and watched the rest of that game.  When Greg Camarillo caught that slant, It was like we won the Super Bowl.  I made a complete ass out of myself at my work place and, mind you, I live in Jets country.  It was so amazing. 

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: CF DolFan on November 07, 2011, 02:36:45 pm
Baltimore, 2007 or KC, 2011

Gotta go with Baltimore. We had never been that bad before, and I actually cried when GC caught that ball in overtime. Now, the bad season doesnt seem nearly as bad to me. Kind of been there done that, I guess. This season doesnt sting nearly as much as 2007 did.

I was in the stadium and there were tons of people crying. It was kind of wierd for my kids but neat to be there.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on November 07, 2011, 04:24:13 pm
I would say Baltimore 2007 because that was a horrific season for us and it was later in the year and we had a legitimate chance of being the first to go 0-16. When the Ravens had the ball on the 1, I was about to march out of the bar in disgust. When we took the game in OT I was the only weird guy cheering in the bar.

On a lighter note when the PA announcer yesterday at the Cardinals game announced Miami received it's first win of the season by beating the Chiefs both Cardinals and Rams fans alike clapped and cheered. I had already known as I was following on my phone. I at first thought these people were happy for the Phins then realized both of these teams were 1-6 at the time and still alive in the Luck sweepstakes. I will also say that when the Cardinals pulled that game off in OT yesterday the place went fucking nuts and everyone was happy. I did not hear anyone bitching about losing draft position or a chance at Luck even though we all hate Kevin Kolb. That speaks volumes about a team that has suffered for much longer than Miami has.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: dolfan13 on November 07, 2011, 04:34:05 pm
the best was maddog on the call for that winning td "i love you rich camarillo", freaking classic.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Brian Fein on November 07, 2011, 04:44:03 pm
2007 for sure, because it was an overtime game and a sudden win.  It looked like a bleak ho-hum loss, just another game, but ended up to be a sudden win.

This game, while fun to watch, was well in-hand since the first quarter.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: EKnight on November 07, 2011, 04:51:21 pm
2007 because I honestly believe that the current team has significantly better talent than in 2007. I never actually believed that Miami would go 0-16 this year (sorry, "Suck for Luck" guys but I'm leaning toward 4-5 wins this season), but in 2007 they were SO bad, 0-16 was a possibility. -EK

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: MikeO on November 07, 2011, 05:45:55 pm
Baltimore was more exciting to watch and was also a gift because Billick messed up and handed us the win.

Yesterday was a total blowout and somewhat boring around the mid 2nd quarter on.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 07, 2011, 08:56:48 pm
07 for sure.  I wasn't even happy about this win.

Detroit's 2008 season totally changed the nature of going 0-16... and that's without the Luck implications.  Before, 0-16 was historically unmatched futility.  Now, it's just one game worse than 1-15.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: phinphan on November 08, 2011, 08:34:41 am
I think for me it will be the patriots in week sixteen when we go 8-7.
Lets go MIAMI.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Dolphster on November 08, 2011, 09:32:35 am
The 2007 win was better to me personally.  It staved off the shame of a winless season.  Like a couple others mentioned, I actually shed a sports tear when the Fins won that game.   

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: CF DolFan on November 08, 2011, 09:35:17 am
I did not hear anyone bitching about losing draft position or a chance at Luck even though we all hate Kevin Kolb. That speaks volumes about a team that has suffered for much longer than Miami has.

I usually agree with you AZ but I think you must have forgotten their recent Super Bowl appearance. The only way we have gotten to the Super Bowl in the last 27 years is by hosting it.  The Arizona/Phoenix Cardinals didn't even exist at that time.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 08, 2011, 10:17:25 am
I recall what this forum was like the day the Fins beat the Ravens.  You would have thought the Dolphins had just won the Superbowl.  Nobody and I mean nobody was posting that it might have screwed up getting the first pick overall.  I can't imagine anyone saying KC or even saying it was close. 

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 12, 2011, 12:40:53 pm
Another thing I have noticed that is different from that year.  There is abosolutely no Green Bay Packers hate going on this year.  Where is Mercury Morris and crew?

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: Frimp on November 12, 2011, 04:54:03 pm
^^^ In Vegas placing bets on Detroit for Thanksgiving. lol

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: raptorsfan29 on November 13, 2011, 10:13:35 pm
with a win today this question seems meaningless now. Obviously the 2007 win since it was the only win.

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on November 15, 2011, 03:30:24 pm
I usually agree with you AZ but I think you must have forgotten their recent Super Bowl appearance. The only way we have gotten to the Super Bowl in the last 27 years is by hosting it.  The Arizona/Phoenix Cardinals didn't even exist at that time.

Yes I realize they went to one Superbowl here recently but since 1988 which franchised has sucked more Phoenix/Arizona or Miami? They had a good run for a couple of seasons but other than that have been in the bottom of the toilet for most of their existance here in AZ while Miami was a playoff contender most of those years. Either way it was just a different outlook and one I was happy to see rather than everyone bitching because we screwed up and won a game. Well 2 now  :P

Title: Re: Which first win was better in your opinion?
Post by: VegasATO on November 17, 2011, 07:42:48 pm
I will always remember the Baltimore win. That win happened as my wife and I were about to leave on a cruise ship to Mexico. We were getting situated in our cabin when the announcement for the safety meeting came on. The game was on the TV in our room and it just went into overtime. There was No Way In Hell I going to miss the end of that! So we both hid underneath the bed in case the crew inspected the rooms. Someone opened our door then closed it so we figured the coast was clear. We were able to watch Camarillo catch that pass. Best cruise ever!