Title: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: jtex316 on December 21, 2011, 09:35:11 am http://blogs.sun-sentinel.com/sports_seasonticket/2011/12/fans-respond-to-my-defense-of-72-miami-dolphins.html
This is the "after" article that this guy created on Sun-Sentinel which preceded the original article, imploring readers to feel OK about celebrating the Packers' loss (keeping "17-0" intact). I posted the entire below reply as a comment, but then I was asked to either register an account or oAuth with Facebook or Twitter (neither of which I want to do - I wanted to post as a guest). So any of you are welcome to post this so that Bernadino can read it, either on my behalf or for those of you into plagiarism, this is your virtual green-light to do so under your name. You're full of it, Bernadino. You're cherry-picking the few positive comments from a large group of negative comments about the stupid 1972 article you wrote yesterday. Only pompous, egotistical Dolphins fans cheer & celebrate another team's loss, each and every season. Eventually, there will be a team that goes 19-0, which WILL surpass 17-0. It's so pathetic that the Dolphins fanbase continues to grasp at this "Perfectivlle" straw each and every miserable season. The Dolphins haven't won a Super Bowl since 1973, haven't won a playoff game in 11 seasons and have been a joke of a franchise for the last decade. If it makes you feel better by consoling yourself for rooting for other teams to beat the last undefeated team while the current Dolphins continue their mediocre losing legacy, then so be it. The fanbases of the other 31 NFL teams thinks it's pathetic, arrogant, self-centered, and a little sad. Furthermore, the Dolphins fan base is one of the worst, least-knowledgeable ones in all of sports who are completely undeserving of any historical team or individual player records to celebrate. Teams, in the last 10 seasons, have been knocking on the 19-0 door, and it's only a matter of time before a team goes 19-0, thereby surpassing and finally shoving aside the 1972 "Perfectivlle" population once and for all - just like Brees will shove Marino's yard record aside this year. Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: Phishfan on December 21, 2011, 09:45:14 am Only pompous, egotistical Dolphins fans cheer & celebrate another team's loss, each and every season. You really are a bit delusional if you believe this. Walk into any sports bar on any Sunday during football season and you will see fans of any given team celebrating the fact that some other random team is getting beat. Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: Cathal on December 21, 2011, 10:29:36 am He's a bit delusional on a lot of things. ;D
Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: Spider-Dan on December 21, 2011, 11:36:14 am How about you post it yourself?
Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 21, 2011, 12:31:38 pm You really are a bit delusional if you believe this. Walk into any sports bar on any Sunday during football season and you will see fans of any given team celebrating the fact that some other random team is getting beat. Monday night. Me. Steelers. Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: Brian Fein on December 21, 2011, 03:12:08 pm Once again, you are angst-ridden about a situation in your own mind. Every post about 1972 on this forum is started by jtex316.
Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: tubba marxxx on January 05, 2012, 04:20:08 pm Furthermore, the Dolphins fan base is one of the worst, least-knowledgeable ones in all of sports who are completely undeserving of any historical team or individual player records to celebrate. [/b][/i][/color] Well that seems a little uncalled for ??? Title: Re: Mike Bernadino's 1972 Fan-Boy Article on Sun-Sentinel Post by: Dolarltexas on January 10, 2012, 03:14:03 am I was actually hoping the Packers would break the Dolphins' 17-0 record. It's not because I really want anyone to do it. It's just that I know that sooner or later someone is going to break it. I'd really like for it to be the Packers because it certainly isn't going to be the Dolphins. Frankly, I'm not certain the Dolphins will even be a playoff contender for at least five or six years... :(