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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 24, 2012, 05:57:43 pm

Title: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 24, 2012, 05:57:43 pm
Asked this divisional weekend.  Got twenty votes of that 2 was for NE, 0 for Giants.  So 18 of ya need to find a new team for the SB. 

I am assuming the majority will not be voting for the team "to represent the division" but figure I would ask anyway.  (Particularly those who posted "anyone but the Pats")

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Dave Gray on January 24, 2012, 06:15:26 pm
I like the Pats.  I like Brady and I like Bellichek.  Even though they're in our division, I liked the team as a kid and their rise came at a time where we were garbage, regardless.

Also, F New York (in general).  Thinking that the same fans that like the Giants like the Yankees, and that they might find a little bit of misery in a loss makes me smile.

Also, F Eli for his draft day douchery.

I kinda like Coughlin and I do feel like I owe the Giants one for coming through bigtime with their victory over the undefeated Pats in the Super Bowl some years back, but not enough...sorry guys.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on January 24, 2012, 06:25:43 pm
I have to go for the Giants by default.

I respect Brady and the Hoodie.....but that does not mean I like them....they play for the enemy.

I hate the Giants as well....and like Dave said.....Fuck Eli and new York for that matter. However my hate for the Patriots is greater than that of the Giants.

I am going to enjoy the commercials and maybe watch a play or two.  ;)

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: MikeO on January 24, 2012, 06:30:56 pm

I am a big Tom Coughlin guy. I love the whole "COUGHLIN TIME" system he has and if you aren't 10 minutes early then you are 15 minutes late. I just like the guy.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: tepop84 on January 24, 2012, 06:45:47 pm
Unfortunately have to go with the Pats.  Hoping it will be a blowout too.  Stupid NY fans think there team is good.  If they were so good, they wouldn't have allowed more points than they scored in the regular season.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Sunstroke on January 24, 2012, 06:55:10 pm

Until the day comes where Miami is in the championship, I just can't cheer for an AFC team in the Super Bowl. Go Giants!!  Besides, my "internal torture quotient" is surprisingly low following my 49ers' painful ouster. If the Giants win, then I can flog myself a little more by thinking that SF may have beaten the Patriots as well.

Hoodmeister, just a friendly piece of advice:  When you have a dog in the fight - as you do with the Patriots here - and you want to start a completely neutral thread (or conversation) about who people are cheering for in the Super Bowl, you might want to avoid taking a shot at "the other dog"...even one as small and insignificant as calling them the "New Jersey Giants."  ;)

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Tenshot13 on January 24, 2012, 07:44:38 pm
My hate for the Pats is only second to the Jets.  Plus my boy JPP is a USF guy.  Go Giants.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Thundergod on January 24, 2012, 08:09:09 pm
Holy hell I thought I was alone with that thought process (cheers Dave). F New York right in the ear. May New England spank that ass 'til it's blistering red. 

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: raptorsfan29 on January 24, 2012, 11:02:34 pm
Giants and it's not even close.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: SportsChick on January 24, 2012, 11:32:47 pm
go pats. shocker i know

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: mecadonzilla on January 25, 2012, 12:45:33 am
Giants and it's not even close.


 and it's a sad state of affairs if I'm rooting for the Giants.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: DZA on January 25, 2012, 04:52:02 am
Have to go with the G-men,  the majority of us HATE the Pats/Brady/Bellicheat. Its by default .  Really dont care as long as next season comes along for the Dolphins to give me hope to have another Winning season

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: suck for luck on January 25, 2012, 11:50:12 am
Got a new avatar the other day. LOL

As soon as the Ravens puked down their leg the other day I said to myself... it's all good, getting beat by the Giants *again* in the SB will be way more enjoyable. HA HA HA HA

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 25, 2012, 04:39:45 pm
Until the day comes where Miami is in the championship, I just can't cheer for an AFC team in the Super Bowl. Go Giants!!  Besides, my "internal torture quotient" is surprisingly low following my 49ers' painful ouster. If the Giants win, then I can flog myself a little more by thinking that SF may have beaten the Patriots as well.

Not trying to change your mind...but I thought your loyality was (1) 49rs; (2) Dolphins.  Why can you root for other NFC teams, but not other AFC teams.  Just curious.
Hoodmeister, just a friendly piece of advice:  When you have a dog in the fight - as you do with the Patriots here - and you want to start a completely neutral thread (or conversation) about who people are cheering for in the Super Bowl, you might want to avoid taking a shot at "the other dog"...even one as small and insignificant as calling them the "New Jersey Giants."  ;)

Thanks, but what heck made you think I was going for "completely nuetral"?  I plan to take shots at the other dog all this and next week.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Frimp on January 25, 2012, 04:46:44 pm
I cant root for the New England Videographers. Ever.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Brian Fein on January 25, 2012, 07:12:31 pm
Where's the poll option for the ground in Indianapolis to open up and swallow both teams?

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: bsfins on January 25, 2012, 07:16:50 pm
Neither, I just want a good game to watch.

Title: Re: Superbowl: Who you rooting for?
Post by: Sunstroke on January 25, 2012, 09:06:43 pm
Not trying to change your mind...but I thought your loyality was (1) 49rs; (2) Dolphins.  Why can you root for other NFC teams, but not other AFC teams.  Just curious.

I cheer for the NFC in the Super Bowl for two reasons. First, I'm proud of the conference my 49ers play in, and when the fan debate turns to AFC vs NFC, I want plenty of ammo. Second, because most of the NFL fans that I despise the most (Jets, Raiders, Patriots) are in the AFC, so fuck 'em, fuck 'em all, and fuck 'em all sideways.

There is one other scenario where I don't cheer for the NFC in the Super Bowl, and that's when the Cowboys are involved. I'd eat raw roadkill with a dirty spork before I'd cheer for the Dallas Cowboys.

As far as my feelings about the Dolphins, we could probably spend a few days dancing around the semantic differences between:

"I like Team A"

"I'm a fan of Team A"

and "I am loyal to Team A"
Heck, we could get Spidey involved and probably stretch that bad boy out for a whole week. To answer your question though, I never used the word "loyalty" when talking about the Dolphins. My position on it is that I am a 49ers fan who cheers for the local team (Dolphins) as long as they aren't playing my 49ers.

"I like the Dolphins"

"I am a fan of the 49ers"

"I am loyal to the 49ers"