Title: Rex Ryan was almost entirely right! Post by: Spider-Dan on January 25, 2012, 01:58:30 pm Give the guy some credit.
His prediction was for a certain team to make it to the Super Bowl; this "New York" team plays in a brand new stadium in New Jersey and has employed Plaxico Burress to significant media attention. Rex challenged everyone else to step up and "beat the Patriots," just like this New York team did when they played this season. He was almost exactly on the button when he predicted the New York Title: Re: Rex Ryan was almost entirely right! Post by: el diablo on January 25, 2012, 04:56:39 pm What for you mean, almost? The Jets are in Indianapolis right now. Just waiting on the winner between NE-NYG. You know. For that brand new + 1 game that the NCAA is trying out.
Title: Re: Rex Ryan was almost entirely right! Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 26, 2012, 11:42:05 am At the end of the season 31 fan bases aren't happy. But I think it might be safe to say, regardless of the outcome of the SB, Jets fans have the worst.
Either they watch their big brothers -- the Giants win it or their hated division rivals the Patriots. This after the two teams that Rex was the most outspoken about beating was the Pats and Gaints and went 0-3 against the team. The team's locker room is in termoil. Rex has created the exact opposite of his claim that it will be the team every player want to play for. They are in serious cap space trouble and this past season is not going to make it easy to attract FA that care about something other than just the total amount of cash. |