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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on March 27, 2012, 10:31:00 am

Title: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: bsfins on March 27, 2012, 10:31:00 am
Who in your opinion is the WORST actor? and Actress?

Break them down into Movie,and T.V. if you'd like,but give an Actor,and an Actress....

(Sorry Let's not consider reality T.V. people Actors/and actresses)..Even thought Paris Hilton was in house of wax,Sorry thinking out loud...

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Dave Gray on March 27, 2012, 10:43:41 am
I think Jerry Seinfeld is a pretty terrible actor.  I still like him though.

I don't think he's the worst, but I don't really like Denzel Washington.  He's too high intensity for me, all the time.  He's cranked up to 11, without a 5.  That style just doesn't work for me.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Sunstroke on March 27, 2012, 12:55:53 pm

^^^ I love Denzel, and not sure I really understand the "high intensity all the time" tag there.

The worst actors out there, imo, are guys like Nicholas Cage and Bruce Willis.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Phishfan on March 27, 2012, 12:58:28 pm
At one point I would have said Jim Carrey but I just think he has taken bad roles. I have really liked him in a few things.

I'm gonna say Jack Black.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Dave Gray on March 27, 2012, 12:59:43 pm
Perhaps I should say that I don't like Denzel when he's cranked to 11, which is most of the time.  I don't really like overacting.  Even roles like Scarface or Scent of a Woman for Pacino, which are considered's too much.  I like when actors are kinda subtle.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Phishfan on March 27, 2012, 01:00:50 pm
^^^ But is that the actors fault or the role's fault?

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: CF DolFan on March 27, 2012, 01:32:04 pm
Tom Cruise. Same guy no matter the movie.

Worst Actress has to go to Pam Anderson although I don't know if she was ever cast for her acting. 

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Dave Gray on March 27, 2012, 03:35:23 pm
^^^ But is that the actors fault or the role's fault?

I think it's the actor's fault.  The words are written, but it's the actor's input that adds the emotion, and just how much emotion to add to the scene.  You even see some funny screw ups.  Here's one: The guy who plays Hercules actually reads the stage direction ("Disappointed").

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 27, 2012, 03:48:44 pm
Tom Cruise. Same guy no matter the movie.

Not really.  He has had a range of roles.  Not saying he is a great actor but his roles vary.

For one character, every movie see Molly Ringwald. 

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: bsfins on March 27, 2012, 04:50:05 pm
Cf's Tom Cruise,is My Leonardo DiCaprio! Same person different movie.... :D

Actress for me,came to mind when I saw Dave mention Seinfeld,Julia Louise Dreyfus....I liked her from her SNL days,but just about everything else,pretty bad.

I'm a little shocked No Keanu Reeves,Sylvester Stallone,Arnold Schwarzenegger,Rob Schneider,Eddie Murphy,Pauly Shore,Megan Fox,or Katherine Heigl....

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Dave Gray on March 27, 2012, 04:57:13 pm
Tom Cruise. Same guy no matter the movie.

Yeah, I don't get this either.

Tom Cruise seems to be all over the map.  A lot of his more blockbuster-type roles are "action heroes", so maybe that's where it comes from -- 4 Mission Impossible films, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, etc.

But for each of those, there's a Magnolia, The Last Samurai, Tropic Thunder, Vanilla Sky, Interview With the Vampire, Born on the 4th of July, etc.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on March 27, 2012, 06:04:17 pm
Even thought Paris Hilton was in house of wax

That was the best part of that movie watching her get impaled.

I think the worst Actor (At least the first that popped into my head) for me is Ashton is basically the same type of role and character in most of his movies and I really do not find him that funny.

I think the worst Actress (Again 1st that popped into my head) is Tara Reid.....I think a chimp could act better than she can.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Thundergod on March 27, 2012, 10:30:46 pm
Worst actor(s) : Jet Li, Jean Claude Van Damme and I don't care if he's a kid but, Jake Lloyd....holy God that kid sucked, not just in Star Wars.

Worst actress(s): Fran Drescher, Drew Barrymore. It could be 'cause they're just so annoying to me.

Honestly I don't care if an actor/actress plays the "same role" in different movies, as long as they're good at it. Worst to me implies actors that sound like they're used car salesmen reading their lines (stiff).

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Pappy13 on March 28, 2012, 06:01:49 pm
Worst Actor: Will Ferrell. I'm giving him a gift in calling him an actor.
Worst Actress: Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Title: Re: The worst Actor/and Actress
Post by: Dave Gray on March 28, 2012, 06:09:45 pm
I don't know that it's specifically him as an actor, but Adam Sandler makes incredibly shitty movies.